Liturgical Schedule for Holy Week 2017
The Dominicans of the Priory of the Immaculate Conception at the Dominican House of Studies invite you to celebrate Holy Week and the Paschal Triduum with us. The schedule is as follows:
Spy Wednesday, 4/12
Normal weekday schedule except:
- 7:30pm Tenebrae Service, including Night Prayer
Holy Thursday, 4/13
- 7:30am Morning Prayer with Office of Readings
- 12pm Rosary followed by Midday Prayer
- 7:30pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper
- 11:45pm Night Prayer in the Chapel of Reposition
Good Friday, 4/14
- 7:30am Morning Prayer with Office of Readings
- 12:15pm Midday Prayer (Rosary will be in private)
- 3pm Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
- 9pm Night Prayer
Holy Saturday, 4/15
- 8am Morning Prayer with Office of Readings
- 12:15pm Midday Prayer (Rosary will be in private)
- 5:40pm Evening Prayer
- 9pm The Great Vigil Mass of Easter
Easter Sunday, 4/16
- 10:30am Morning Prayer
- 11:15am Mass of the Resurrection
- 7pm Evening Prayer of the Resurrection
All other offices will be in private
Easter Monday, 4/17
Normal academic holiday schedule:
- 7:30am Mass with Morning Prayer
- 12pm Rosary followed by Midday Prayer
- 5:30pm Evening Prayer with Office of Readings
- 9pm Night Prayer