Triduum of Penance and Prayer, October 4-6

Join the friars of the Dominican House of Studies in observing the “Triduum of Penance and Prayer” called for by the Master of the Order. The triduum begins today, and it ends on October 6th.

In addition to offering individual penances during these days, the friars will observe extra hours of Eucharistic adoration for the Master’s intention: “In suffrage for those who died during the pandemic, for the intentions of their bereaved families, for those who continue to suffer the effects of the pandemic, and for those who work to alleviate their suffering.”

Then, at 8:00 PM on Wednesday, October 7th, the Feast of the Holy Rosary, join Dominicans around the world as we pray the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary for the same intention.

Although we cannot gather in one place to pray together, our prayers will be collected and united by the Holy Spirit, who will also purify and perfect them into a sacrifice worthy of God the Father.

Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, pray for us! St. Dominic, pray for us!


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