Schedule for the Solemnity of All Saints, October 31 – November 1
In observance of the Solemnity of All Saints, the priory will follow the special horarium below.
Sunday, October 31st
8:30 AM Office of Readings & Lauds
11:15 Mass
5:20 PM Rosary
5:35 I Vespers of All Saints
Monday, November 1st
7:00 AM Lauds, followed by Mass
12:00 PM Office of Readings & Sext
5:30 Solemn II Vespers of All Saints
9:00 Compline
As last year, attendance at the All Saints Vigil on Sunday evening will be limited to the Priory and PFIC communities. In order that families and friends my pray the Vigil together nonetheless, the program for this year’s Vigil–whose theme is “Facing an Early Death”–may be found here.