Praise Yahweh; he is good; * his love is eternal. Let Israel declare: * his love is eternal. Let the house of Aaron declare: * his love is eternal. Let those who fear Yahweh declare: * his love is eternal. |
From Confinement I called on Yah; * Yah heard me from heaven's expanse. |
Yahweh is for me, I am not afraid; * what can man do to me? Yahweh is for me, my Great Warrior; * I will see my enemies crushed. Better to take refuge in Yahweh * than to trust in man. Better to take refuge in Yahweh * than to trust in princes. |
All nations surrounded me; * in Yahweh's name I took their foreskins as trophy. They hemmed me in; * in Yahweh's name I took their foreskins as trophy. They surrounded me like bees; * they crackled like burning thorns. * In Yahweh's name I took their foreskins as trophy. |
You pushed me to falling, * but Yahweh helped me. Yah was my fortress and guard; * he assured my victory. |
The tents of the victorious resound * with shouts of triumph. Yahweh's right hand has won! * Yahweh's right hand is raised high! * Yahweh's right hand has won! |
I did not die but lived * to recount the works of Yah. Yah punished me severely, * but did not hand me to Death. |
Open the gates of victory; * I will go in to celebrate Yah. This gate belongs to Yahweh; * let the victors enter. |
I thank you for my victory; * you made me win. The stone the builders rejected * became the cornerstone. This is Yahweh's doing; * how wonderful in our eyes! This is the day Yahweh acted; * let us rejoice and be glad in him! |
Yahweh, we beg, give victory! * Yahweh, we beg, send prosperity! |
Blest who enters in Yahweh's name! * We bless you in Yahweh's house. * El Yahweh has shone on us. Deck the shrine with branches; * adorn the horns of the altar. You are my God; I thank you; * my God, I extol you. Praise Yahweh; he is good; * his love is eternal. |
118:0 This is Psalm 118 (Vul 117) in the whole book, the 18th of the third part. As was said above, after calling for praise of God for the union of the faithful in love and faith and their confirmation in these, he now calls for praise and thanksgiving for the liberator and cause of that union, namely, Christ, the cornerstone in whom they are united. The title is the same as the preceding Psalm, namely, Hallelu-Yah. [not in the Hebrew].
The Psalm is divided according to its matter into two principal parts: (1) In the first, he calls for praise of God, giving the reason for this, namely, liberation from tribulation and misery. (2) In the second, he prays that the Church's gate of faith may be opened for the Gentiles and Jews to enter and become one Church: "Open for me the gates of justice". In the first part, he (1) invites to the praise of God, also giving the reason, and (2) offers proof and explanation of the reason: "From tribulation I called to the Lord". In the first, he (1) invites the Gentiles generally, giving also the reason, (2) then some people specially, literally Jewish converts, but according to the spiritual sense faithful in different states: "Let Israel now say". In the first he (1) invites, (2) then gives the reason why they should accept the invitation: "for he is good".
1. Give praise to the Lord,
Praise Yahweh;118: The idea is: The faithful have been urged to praise God for their confirmation in the unity of love and faith. Now praise the Lord. The command to praise occurs many times in the Psalter, and is addressed not only to the Jews, but generally, so as to include all the Gentiles as well, for they also have reason to praise —Jer 33:10 In this place of which you now say: It is a ruin... once more will be heard... Give thanks to Yahweh of armies, for Yahweh is good, his faithful love is everlasting.
for he is good:
he is good;118: This is the reason for praise, and it is twofold: (1) because God's goodness is absolute in itself, and (2) because, compared to our misery, it is mercy: "for his mercy". The idea is: I have urged you to praise, as is your duty, for he is good, and that in himself, by his essence and nature —Mat 19:17 (= Mark 10:18) There is one who is good, God. He is truly good, and most rich in goodness —Rom 2:4 Do you despise the riches of his generosity, patience and long-suffering? —Rom 11:22 See the kindness and severity of God.
for his mercy endureth for ever.
his love is eternal.118: The idea is: Praise him not only because he is good in himself, but also because his mercy, which forgives sins, is forever —Dan 3:89 Praise the Lord because he is good, his mercy is forever. —1 Chron 16:8 Praise Yahweh, call upon his name. —1 Chron 16:34 Praise the Lord because he is good, his mercy is forever. —Tob 12:6 Praise him for what he has done for you.
2. Let Israel now say, that he is good: that his mercy endureth for ever.
Let Israel declare: his love is eternal.118: Here he urges people to praise according to their different categories, and not only that they themselves should praise, but they should invite others to join them. He (1) first addresses the greater, (2) then includes the lesser: "Let those who fear". In the first, he addresses (1) those who are more wise, (2) those who are more holy: "Let the house of Aaron". In the first, he (1) invites, (2) then give the reason why they should accept the invitation: "for he is good". The idea is: I have addresses all in general. Now let Israel say [illegible]. These are the wise, who call others to praise. And now let them not delay —Ex 26:6 Join the curtains together. —Rev 22:17 Let him who hears say Come.
Or: Let Israel say its praise to the Lord now, right away —Dan 3:83 Israel, bless the Lord. —Is 63:7 I will remember the mercies of Yahweh, and speak Yahweh's praises for all he has done for us. Why should Israel say this, or encourage others to say the same? Because he is good in himself, and his mercy is forever. —Ps 103:17 Yahweh's kindness is from eternity to eternity toward those who fear him. —Is 54:8 With eternal kindness I have taken pity on you. —Lam 3:22 His mercy is not exhausted.
3. Let the house of Aaron now say,
Let the house of Aaron declare:118: Here is the invitation to the holy ones. There are two points: (1) the invitation to praise or to get others to praise, and (2) the reason why they should accept the invitation: "for his mercy". The idea is: I said Israel should praise the Lord or get others to praise him. Especially the house of Aaron, which is a line of priests, and therefore juridically superior, should say, on its own or inviting others to join, and that now, without delay —Dan 3:84 Priests of the Lord, bless the Lord. For who should praise God more than the descendants of Aaron, who are priests? For they are angels, and this is the work of angels —Mal 2:7 The lips of the priest guard knowledge and people seek the Law from his mouth, for he is the angel/messenger of Yahweh of armies. —1 Cor 11:10 A woman should veil her head because of the angels. And, writing to the seven priests of the churches, John calls them angels (Rev 1-3). —1 Chron 16:4 David appointed Levites as ministers before the ark of Yahweh, to extol, glorify and praise Yahweh, God of Israel. This is a motto in synods and in the provincial or general chapters of the Friars Preachers.
that his mercy endureth for ever.
his love is eternal.118: Here is the reason why they should praise, and only one reason is given, the goodness of God as it is operative and directed towards us. Why are not two reasons given, as in the preceding verse? The reason could be that before he was speaking to the more experienced, or contemplatives, whose task is to look at and consider the divine goodness not only in its effects, but also in itself. Here he is addressing the ministers of the Church, the priests, whose task is to consider the divine goodness as it is influencing others through their ministry. It is for them to say, Your name is oil poured out (Cant 1:3).
4. Let them that fear the Lord now say, that his mercy endureth for ever.
Let those who fear Yahweh declare: his love is eternal.118: Here he addresses the greater and the lesser together under the category of those who fear the Lord, even though this might better describe the lesser. Divide the verse as the previous ones, and interpret it the same way. But note that, although God rejects the praise of sinners —Sir 15:9 Praise is unseemly in the mouth of the sinner. —Ps 50:16 But to the wicked man God says, How dare you recite my commandments, or raise my covenant on your lips?— yet he does not reject praise from the mouth of one who fears him. Rather, he accepts it —Acts 10:35 In every nation, whoever fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him. Moreover, he is the maker of the lesser, who are in the category of those who fear him, and the greater, who are in the categoy of those who love him —Wis 6:7 He made the small and the large, and cares for all alike. —Rev 19:5 Praise God, all his servants, you who fear him, both great and small.
5. In my trouble I called upon the Lord:
From Confinement I called on Yah;118: After calling for praise of God, and having given the reason for this, he explains the reason, showing in himself and through himself the mercy and kindness of God which delivered him. He tells (1) first of his liberation from tribulation, and (2) secondly the manner of libertion: "All nations surrounded". The first tells (1) of his own deliverance, (2) who delivered him: "The Lord is my helper". Since deliverance demands some preparation on the part of the recipient, the first part tells (1) of the preparation for deliverance, (2) of the deliverance itself: "And he heard me". The idea is: I called for praise, because he is good in himself and merciful to us, and I say this as one who has had experience, because in my trouble, which worried me, I called on the Lord —Hosea 6:1 In their tribulation they will rise to me in the morning (Vul). —Jonah 2:3 From my tribulation I called to Yahweh. This is commanded in Psalm 50:15 Call on me in time of distress.
and the Lord heard me, and enlarged me.
Yah heard me from heaven's expanse.118: —Is 19:20 When they cry to Yahweh because of oppressors, he will send them a savior and a leader to deliver them. —Jer 29:12 When you call to me and come and pray to me, I will listen to you. —Is 63:8-9 He became their savior in all their tribulation. He put me in an expanse, so that uncrammed I may run to the reward —Ps 18:20 He placed me in an expanse (Vul). —Ps 31:9 You placed my feet in a wide place. —Prov 4:11 I have led you on the paths of justice, so that as you go your steps will not be crammed..
6. The Lord is my helper: I will not fear what man can do unto me.
Yahweh is for me, I am not afraid; what can man do to me?118: After talking about the petitioner's deliverance, he now talks about the surpassing power of the deliverer. In the first, he (1) talks of his power, (2) then of its excellence, which cannot be compared to that of angels or men: "It is good to trust". He shows the power of the deliverer (1) first from the security given to the petitioner, (2) secondly from contempt for the opposing enemy: "The Lord is my helper". In the first there is (1) an acknowledgement of help and (2) a promise of security from confidence in such help: "I will not be afraid". The idea is: I called and was heard, and was delivered by no one else than the Lord, my helper. —Ps 9:10 Yahweh is a stronghold in times of trouble. —Sir 51:1-2 I will make known your name... you have been my helper against my adversaries. —Deut 33:7 He will be their help against their adversaries.
So he is the helper. What about you? I am not afraid; what can man do to me? I am secure —Is 51:12 Who are you to fear from a man who dies, or from a human being who vanishes like grass? —Jer 1:8 Do not be afraid of them, because I am with you to deliver you. So, because God is your helper, you should not be afraid —Rom 8:31 If God is for us, who can be against us? If man is nothing, why should he be feared? 1 Mac 2:62 Do not fear the threats of a sinner, all his brave show must come to the dunghill and the worms. Exalted today, tomorrow he is nowhere to be found.
7. The Lord is my helper: and I will look over my enemies.
Yahweh is for me, my Great Warrior; I will see my enemies crushed.118: Here the power of the helper is shown by the petitioner's contempt for his enemies, which is more than not fearing. (1) First it is repeated that the Lord is the helper; (2) then contempt is expressed for the enemy: "and I will look". The idea is: I will not fear, whatever man does, with the Lord my helper. The rhetorical color is in the repetition of the same phrase at the beginning of the different verses —Ex 18:4 The God of my father is my helper, and he will deliver me from the sword of Pharaoh. —2 Mac 3:39 He is the one who has his dwelling in heaven and is the helper of that place. And I, protected by such a helper, will despise my enemies —Ps 92:12 My eyes have looked down on my defamers. —Judith 9:14 Give me constancy of soul that I may despise him and his power and overthrow him (Vul). —Is 66:24 They will go out and see the corpses of those who revolted against me. —Malachi 4:3 You will trample on the impious (Vul addition).
8. It is good to confide in the Lord, rather than to have confidence in man.
Better to take refuge in Yahweh than to trust in man.118: After showing the power of the deliverer, here the exellence of the same power is shown, (1) first in comparison with human nature, (2) secondly in comparison with the angelic nature: "It is good to trust". The idea is: The Lord helps me, making me secure and able to despise my enemies, and it is better to trust in the Lord than to trust in man. This is an abusive comparison, because it is not good to trust in man —Is 30:5 Everyone has been disappointed by a people who cannot help, who bring neither aid nor profit, only diappointment and confusion. —2 Kings 18:21 There you are, relying on that broken reed Egypt, which pricks and pierces the hand of whoever leans on it. —Sir 32?? Whoever trusts in the Lord will not be brought low. On the contrary, —Jer 17:7 Blessed is the man who trusts in Yahweh, and Yahweh is his assurance.
9. It is good to trust in the Lord, rather than to trust in princes.
Better to take refuge in Yahweh than to trust in princes.118: Here he shows the excellence of the deliverer's power in comparison with the angelic nature.He says: God's power so excels that of men and angels that it is better, and this is an abusive comparison, even though it might seem more reasonable to trust in angels than in man, to trust in the Lord and to throw oneself completely in his hands, than to trust in princes, that is, in angels, who are called princes —Ps 68:26 The princes went ahead, with musicians last (Vul). But we are not to hope in them, even though God preserves us though them, nor in men, in whom there is no salvation. But we should hope in the Lord —Lam 3:25 The Lord is good to those who hope in him. And that because it is said in Prov 29:25 Whoever hopes in the Lord will be lifted up.—Sir 2:10 Who ever trusted in the Lord and was put to shame? That is not surprising, because all things are good only as if accidentally and relatively. Only he is good in himself and by himself essentially.
Note that there is (1) good in created nature —Gen 1:31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. (2) And there is good in general, which is good in itelf, but can be done evilly —Tobit 12:8 Prayer is good with fasting and almsgiving. (3) and there is the good which is grace, which is much superior —Sir 13:23 Wealth is good when there is no sin. (4) And there is the good of created glory —Ps 128:2 The fruit of your labor, yes, you shall eat. Peter had a foretaste of this —Mat 17:4 Lord, it is good for us to be here. (5) And there is uncreated good, which is good in itself and through itself —Ps 119:68 You are good and the cause of good. Teach me your statutes. —Esther 11:8 You alone are competent, rich in experience. To trust in this good and to put one's whole hope in it surpasses without any comparison every hope or confidence in anything else.
10. All nations compassed me about;
All nations surrounded me;118: Here he proves God's mercy by his own example. Having acknowledged his deliverance, he now explains how it took place. There were two aspects of deliverance: (1) of being preserved from falling, (2) of being lifted up should it happen that he fall: "Being pushed". The first considers two kinds of persecutors who wanted to make him fall, and how he was preserved from both: (1) unbelievers from the Gentiles, and (2) unbelievers from the Jews: "Surrounding me". In the first he explains (1) first how the Gentiles were persecuting the just man, which is himself, and (2) how God delivered him: "and in the name of the Lord". The idea is: I said that I called on the Lord in my tribulation, and that he delivered me. And I spoke the truth, for all nations surrounded me; so said the early Church as it was groping and wondering whether they could suffocate and destroy it —Ps 12:9 On every side the wicked prowl. —Lam 1:17 Jacob's neighbors were his foes, instructed by their master, the devil —1 Pet 5:8 Your adversary, the devil, like a roaring lion, goes about seeking whom he may devour. He said to the Lord (Job 1:7) I have gone around the earth. They became like enemies besieging a city —Job 19:12 They encamp around my tent. —Qoheleth 9:14 A mighty king surrounded it and threw up great siege-works around it.
and, in the name of the Lord I have been revenged on them.
in Yahweh's name I took their foreskins as trophy.118: Here is the manner of deliverance, with the idea: They persecuted me, and I took revenge on them in the name, that is the power, of the Lord —Ex 15:3 Yahweh is a warrior, Yahweh is his name. For revenge belongs to the highest authority —Sir 28:1 The vengeful will suffer the Lord's vengeance. —Deut 32:43 He will return vengeance to their adversaries. Therefore David said to Goliath (1 Sam 17:45): You are coming against me with a sword, a spear and a javelin. But I am coming against you in the name of Yahweh of armies, the God of Israel's battles.
Surrounding me they compassed me about:
They hemmed me in;118: This is about persecution from the Jews, (1) first about the mode of persecution as it affected those being persecuted and really suffered, and how they were delivered, (2) as it concerned the persecutors: "They surrounded me". The first considers the mode (1) of persecution, and (2) of liberation: "and in the name". The idea is: As the Gentiles persecuted me, so did the Jews surround my head and my whole body, says the early Church. The Jews surrounded him, wondering who he was —John 10:24 If you are the Christ, tell us openly. They surrounded him also by words and trickery —Lam 3:7 They walled me in, and I cannot go out. And they surrounded him with ridiculous clothing —John 19:2 They put a purple cloak on him.
and, in the name of the Lord I have been revenged on them.
in Yahweh's name I took their foreskins as trophy.118: The idea is: They surrounded and persecuted me, both myself and my head [Christ], and in the name of the Lord I took revenge on them through the Romans who destroyed them, and through the demons who afflict them in hell —Is 61:2 To announce a year of favor to the Lord, and a day of vindicastion by our God. —Is 63:3 A day of revenge is in my heart. Therefore it is said (Is 1:24): Oh, I will be consoled from my oppressors, I will be revenged from my enemies!
12. They surrounded me like bees,
They surrounded me like bees;118: Here is the manner of persecution on the part of the persecutors. As above, there is considered (1) the manner of persecution, (2) the manner of deliberation: "in the name of the Lord". In the first it is said (1) that they persecuted in a hidden and astute manner, (2) that they also did so ardently and in the open: "they burned out". The idea is: Both the head and the body have been persecuted universally. As for the persecutors, they surrounded, persecuting, me like bees, in a hidden and astute manner, like bees who (1) have honey and a sting hidden under the honey. So too do the Jews have words of flattery which are sometimes sweet —Mat 12:16 Master, we know that you are true etc. But the sting is exposed in the end —Luke 23:21 Crucify him! Crucify him! (2) Likewise, the bee kills itself by stinging others. So, by stinging Christ on the cross, they destroyed themselves. They lost their land and their nation —John 11: Dan 9:26 The annointed will be cut down and the people who will deny him will not be for him, and the people of a prince to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. (3) Likewise, bees are useless to themselves, but very useful to others. So the Jews were very helpful to others through the Passion of Christ, who is honey. What is sweeter than the Passion? Does the Church not sing "sweet the wood, sweet the nails"? And the Passion is light —Mat 27:51 In the Passion of Christ the veil of the temple was torn. The fish's gall gave light to Tobit's eyes (Tob 12:10). (4) Likewise, bees are small but many. So the Jews, though many, do not have a kingdom or a priesthood —Mat 21:43 The kingdom of God will be taken away from you. —Sir 11:3 The bee is small among flying things, but it has the sweetest fruit. (5) Likewise, after losing their sting, bees make no more honey. So after the Jews lost their power, they made no more honey, but were completely overthrown and stripped of all honor —Ps 59:12 Throw them out of your stronghold and bring them down, our Master, Lord.
and they burned like fire among thorns:
they crackled like burning thorns.118: This shows the manner of persecution on the part of the persecutors, and the idea is: Like bees, they persecuted me astutely without being seen, and they burned, ardently persecuting me, like fire in thorns, which snaps and crackles. This indicates open persecution, since they were filled with the heat and fire of envy —Job 1:16 The fire of God fell from heaven. They were thorns, as foretold in Isaiah 33:12 They are like cut thorns burning in the fire. —Qoheleth 7:6 Like the crackling of thorns under a pot is the fool's laughter.
and in the name of the Lord I was revenged on them.
In Yahweh's name I took their foreskins as trophy.118: After talking about the persecution, here is the manner of deliverance, and interpret it as in the verse above —Is 63:10 And his Holy Spirit became their enemy and fought them. —Is 35:4 Vengeance is coming, the retribution of God. This is the fulfilment of what was hoped for in Psalm 32:7 You are my shelter; protect me from my attackers. My refuge, save me, enfold me!
13. Being pushed I was overturned that I might fall:
You pushed me to falling,118: After showing how God kept him from falling, now he shows how God would lift him up if he should fall. (1) First he shows how he was delivered, (2) then commends the deliverer: "my strength". In the first he (1) talks about his fall and its cause, (2) then how the divine pity lifted him up: "but the Lord supported me". The idea is: He rescues me by shielding me from tribulation, but sometimes, pushed by an enemy tempting me, I fall from the state of grace and virtue to the state of sin. This cannot happen to the head, Christ, no matter how much the enemy pushes him (Mat 4, Luke 4), but it refers to his members. I was overturned that I might fall —1 Kings 13:34 The sin of the house of Jeroboam brought about its destruction and removal from the face of the earth. Someone is pushed to sin when he is tempted and persuaded —2 Chron 22:3 Ahaziah's mother counseled him to do evil. A man who is pushed will quickly fall unless he holds strongly onto God who is stable —Sir 2:7 Do not lean away from him, or you will fall.
but the Lord supported me.
but Yahweh helped me.118: He prevented me from falling into eternal death after I had fallen into the cause of eternal death. —Ps 63:9 Your right hand lifted me up. —Ps 37:24 Should he charge (Vul "fall"), even sometimes into mortal sin, which the Lord permits for his humiliation, he will not be thrown down, for Yahweh holds fast his hand. But very often the Lord delivers someone living in charity from falls into venial sin —Prov 24:16 The just may fall seven times, but will rise.
14. The Lord is my strength and my praise: and he is become my salvation.
Yah was my fortress and guard; he assured my victory.118: Here he praises his deliverer, (1) first giving him due praise, (2) secondly, promising to continue to praise him: "I will not die". In the first, he (1) gratefully offers praise, and (2) shows that the Lord very much deserves it: "The right hand". In the first, he (1) offers praise, and (2) shows that it comes from his heart: "The voice of rejoicing". The idea is: Because he delivered me from a fall, the Lord is my strength. I could not do this by myself —1 Sam 22:2 The Lord is my rock and my fortress. —Is 25:4 You were a refuge to the poor, a fortress to the needy in their trouble. —Hab 3:19 Yahweh, the Lord, is my strength. And thisconcerns the irascible side of the deliverer.
And he is the subject of my praise, which refers to the rational side, which alone can be the object of praise —Ps 115:25 It is not the dead who praise Yah.
And he has become, he himself —Mal 3:6 I am Yahweh and do not change— my salvation —Ex 15:2 My strength and my song is Yah, for he has become my salvation = Is 12:2. And this has to do with the concupiscible part. It is good to depend on such strength, because it gives joy and healing. —Augustine in his Confessions: Since you do not stand by yourself, throw yourself upon him. Do not fear. He will not withdraw so that you fall. Throw yourself; he will catch you securely and heal you. And one should rejoice in this salvation —Hab 3:18 I will rejoice in the God of my salvation.
15. The voice of rejoicing and of salvation is in the tabernacles of the just.
The tents of the victorious resound with shouts of triumph.118: This voice comes from the depths of the heart, as it should be with all the just. The idea is: I praise, and that from my heart, because the voice of rejoicing and of salvation is not outside, but in the tabernacles of the just, that is, in their hearts —Num 24:5 How beautiful are your tents, Jacob, and your dwellings, Israel. These are filled interiorly with exultation, praise and healthy virtue and grace —Prov 21:20 A desirable treasure and oil are in the dwelling of the wise. —Zeph 3:14 Be happy and joyful with all your heart. In such a tabernacle which is set up and looks upward, the Lord appears —Gen 18:1 Yahweh appeared to Abraham as he was sitting at the door of his tent.
16. The right hand of the Lord hath wrought strength:
Yahweh's right hand has won!118: This shows that the Lord deserves to be praised, (1) first because he infuses virtues by which he justifies, (2) then because he gives increase in virtue: "the right hand", (3) thirdly, because he guards one from falling back: "the right hand". The idea is: I praise interiorly from my heart, acknowledging him to be my strength and salvation. And that is good, because the right hand, that is, the power, of the Lord has made virtue in my soul, expelling sin and the devil —Ex 15:6 Your right hand, Yahweh, shattered the enemy. —Job 14:15 You stretch your right hand to the work of your hands (Vul), infusing virtue.
the right hand of the Lord hath exalted me:
Yahweh's right hand is raised high!118: He did so by promoting me to become better —1 Sam 2:1 Through Yahweh my horn is raised. —1 Pet 5:6 Humble yourselves under the powerful hand of God, that he may lift you up in due time. One comes to exaltation only by humiliation —Luke 14:18 = 18:14 He who humbles himself will be exalted.
the right hand of the Lord hath wrought strength.
Yahweh's right hand has won!118: He did so by confirming me against falling back into sin —Ex 33:22 I will shield you with my hand. Note that the right hand of the Lord works power, especially on the altar, turning bread into his own body —John 6:52 the bread which I will give. And this exalts human nature, in a man-priest, whom God has given the ability do do what was not given to angelic nature to do —Luke 22:19 Do this in memory of me. The right hand of the Lord has also worked power by strengthening the soul against emotional disorder —Ps 104:15 that bread may strengthen the heart of man. There it is true to say (Job 5:9): Who makes wonders without number.
17. I shall not die, but live: and shall declare the works of the Lord.
I did not die but lived to recount the works of Yah.118: Here, after giving thanks, he promises to continue to praise God, (1) first saying that he will do so, (2) then giving the reason why: "chastising me". In the first, he (1) talks of preparing himself to give worthy praise, (2) then he continues his praise: "and shall declare". The idea is: I rightly praised God, and I shall not die a death of sin, but will live a life of grace —Gal 2:20 I live a life of grace, not myself any longer, since I am dead to sin, but Christ lives in me. I live a life of grace in a way that it is inseparable from me —Rom 8:35 Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Hardships or distress or persecution? Or the verse could refer to bodily life, with the idea: I will not die, even though killed by enemies, but will live a life of glory —Wis 3:2-3 In the eyes of the unwise they seemed to die... but they are in peace. —Job 29:18 I will multiply my days like the sand. When a palm tree is thought to be dead, then it lives longer —Ex 1:12 The more they were oppressed, the more they multiplied. So, I will not die, but live, and will recount the works of the Lord with unceasing praise —Sir 17:23 They glorify the Lord who are alive and well. —Is 38:19 The living, the living, the life of nature and that of grace, or the life of grace and then the life of glory, will praise you. He will not be please with any other —Sir 15:9 Praise is unseemly in the mouth of the sinner. I will recount the works of the Lord, not my own —Sir 42:15 What I have seen I will describe. At God's word were his works brought into being. —Tob 12:7 It is good to reveal and declare the works of God.
18. The Lord chastising hath chastised me: but he hath not delivered me over to death.
Yah punished me severely, but did not hand me to Death.118: Here he gives the reason why he will continue to praise God, saying (1) first that he was punished by a beating, (2) secondly, that through that punishment he escaped death: "but did not hand me". The idea is: It is right for me to continue praising him, because the Lord chastising has chastised me. The repetition of the verb shows the frequency of the punishment —Jer 30:11 I shall not make an end of you, only discipline you in moderation, not to let you go quite unpunished. My punishment will be your healing, especially from the sin of pride —Deut 32:39 I will wound and I will heal.
And thus he did not hand me over to eternal death, meaning moreover that he made me escape death —Ez 18:23 Do I desire the death of the sinner? says the Lord Yahweh, or rather that he should change and live? That is what he had in mind striking with a rod of correction —Prov 23:13 If you strike him with a rod, he will not die. Therefore it is well said in Judith 8:27 This is not vengeance that God is eating on us, but a warning inflicted by the Lord on tose who are near his heart. —Heb 12:6 The Lord punishes the one he loves, and beats every son he receives.
19. Open ye to me the gates of justice:
Open the gates of victory;118: After the early Church gave thanks to God for so many benefits, here the Church of the Gentiles is introduced, asking to be granted entry into the truth of the Faith so that it may give thanks together with the first group, and to be protected so that it may persevere in giving thanks. (1) First it asks the gate to be opened so as to enter the unity of Faith; (2) secondly it asks for final perseverance in praising, so that it may do so forever: "O Lord, save me". In the first, he (1) asks, (2) affirms that he has been heard: "I will give glory", and (3) breaks into praise and exultation for being heard: "This is the day". In the first, he (1) asks for the gates of the Faith to be opened, (2) gives the reason or final cause of his petition: "I will go in", and (3) commends the single door to which the first doors lead: "This is the gate". The idea is: I heard the early Church praising God becaue it received many benefits. Therefore I say, Open, you teachers by your ministry, for me, that is, for my benefit, the gates of justice, which is the Faith, since faith is justice —Gen 15:6 = Rom 4:3 Abraham believed in Yahweh, and it was credited to him as justice. —Col 4:3 Pray that God may open for us the gate of speech, to speak the mystery of Christ. —Jud 13:11 Open the gate, for God is with us.
These gates are the good teachers when they explain the Scriptures and live well —Rev 11:6 They have power to close heaven and open its gates, because their tongues have become the keys of heaven. But those who teach well but live bad are mostly closing the gate —Mat 23:13 Woe to you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you close the kingdom of heaven to people, not entering yourselves nor allowing others to enter. But Christ opens it by his own authority and power —Is 22:22 He opens and no one closes; he closes and no one opens. On these doors are carved the Cherubim and palm trees, symbolizing the fulness of knowledge and good action (2 Sam 6:2; Ez 41:17-21).
I will go in to them, and give praise to the Lord.
I will go in to celebrate Yah.118: I will go in, once I have the Faith, and will confess to the Lord with a confession of faith and praise —Rom 10:10 With faith in the heart one has justification, with confession in the mouth one has salvation. For faith, which comes from hearing, is about things that have been written —Ps 16:7 I will praise Yahweh who counsels me, opening the Scriptures, which belong to him —Luke 24:45 He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.
20. This is the gate of the Lord, the just shall enter into it.
This gate belongs to Yahweh; let the victors enter.118: This recommends a particular gate to which the preceding lead. The idea is: Having entered, I will acknowledge the Lord, Christ, and this is the gate of the Lord, Christ himself —John 10:9 I am the gate. Anyone who enters through me will be saved. The just shall enter through it to eternal life —Rev 22:14 Happy are they who enter through the gates, Christ, into the city. Observe carefully that the Scriptures are the gates for coming to the justification of faith. Faith is the gate for coming to Christ. And Christ is the gate for coming to God. In this order a just soul goes through all these gates —Esther 5:3 After going through all the doors, she stood before the king. There is also mention of the gate of tribulation, which the saints ask to have opened to them, knowing that through it they enter the kingdom —Acts 14:22 We must go through many tribulations to enter the kingdom of God. After going through these, the just praise God —Acts 5:41 They went away from the Sanhedrin rejoicing. —James 1:2 Consider it complete joy, my brothers. And this is the gate of the Lord, because he went through tribulation and death to the kingdom —Luke 24:26 Christ had to suffer these things to enter his glory.
21. I will give glory to thee because thou hast heard me: and art become my salvation.
I thank you for my victory; you made me win.118: After acknowledging God's gifts and praising him, he states that he has been heard, showing also by whom and through whom. (1) First he states that he has been heard, (2) then he says through whom: "The stone", and (3) lastly, by whom: "This is the Lord's doing". In the first, he (1) promises that he will praise, and (2) gives the reason for doing so: "for you heard me". The idea is: I asked, and now, holding what was promised with certain hope, I say, I thank you, with praise, because you heard me. This is the reason for his praising, which is (1) because he was heard, and (2) in what: "and became my salvation". The idea is: I will rightly praise because you heard me. In what? You became my salvation from the error of unbelief and the death of crime. That is why he is praising again —John 11:7 Let us go back to Judea, to praise. Praising and being heard are well put together, for they are brothers —1 Mac 5:17 Judas said... I and and my brother Jonathan will go to Gilead. God should especially be praised for salvation, since only he saves —Is 43:11 There is no savior apart from me. —Is 63:8-9 And he became their savior in every tribulation.
22. The stone which the builders rejected; the same is become the head of the corner.
The stone the builders rejected became the cornerstone.118: Here he states through whom he was heard or, as a second point, through whom he was saved, because Christ joined two disciples in one like two walls through one cornerstone. (1) First he shows the condition of this stone in relation to men, (2) then shows how unity was made through this stone: "the same became". The idea is: I am certain that the gates will be opened and I will enter because the stone, that is [God's] stone —John 14:24 The message you have heard is not my own— rejected by the builders, that is, the Jews, who were the only builders in the world —1 Pet 2:4 approaching this living stone, rejected by men, but chosen and honored by God. —Acts 4:11 This is the stone rejected by you, the builders. They rejected Christ because they found fault with him and were scandalized —Is 8:14 He will be a stumbling-stone, a rock to trip. —Mat 11:6 Happy is the one who is not scandalized in me. This rock has become the cornerstone —Mat 21:42 Did you not read in Scripture that the stone that the builders rejected became the cornerstone? —Zech 10:4 From him comes the corner. —Eph 2:14 He is our peace, who made both one. —Is 28:16 In Zion I will lay a stone, a granite stone, a precious cornerstone, a firm foundation stone. And so through him was formed one sheepfold with one pastor (John 10).
23. This is the Lord's doing, and it is wonderful in our eyes.
This is Yahweh's doing; how wonderful in our eyes!118: Here is shown by whom and how this was done, touching (1) first on the doer, (2) then on the way he did it: "and it is wonderful". The idea is: Through the cornerstone, Christ, came my salvation, and this is the Lord's, not man's doing. Or: This cornerstone was made by the Lord, in as much as he was man —Gal 4:4 God sent his son, made from a woman, made under the Law. And it, the conversion of such a multitude of Gentiles and the incarnation of God himself, is wonderful in our eyes. On the first —Is 49:20 Once more they will say in our hearing, the children of whom you were bereft, "The plce is too cramped for me, mae room for me to live." Then you will think to yourself, "Who has borne me these? On the second —Jer 31:22 Yahweh has created something new on earth: a woman will encompass a man. —Is 66:7-8 Before she comes to labor, she givs birth; before the pains come upon her, she safely delivers a male child. Who ever heard of such a thing, or saw the like? —Hab 3:16 I hear and my body trembles. The phrase "in our eyes" is very fitting, because all this has been done in the open —Is 52:10 Yahweh has laid bare his holy arm in the sight of all the nations. —Ps 98:3 All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God. —Baruch 3:38 He appeared on earth and mingled among men.
24. This is the day which the Lord hath made:
This is the day Yahweh acted;118: After asking and showing that his petition was heard, he now breaks into an expression of praise and exultation. Because of his great joy he (1) takes note of the time when these things were done, (2) asks others to share his joy and exultation: "let us rejoice and be glad". The idea is: The Lord has opened for me the gates of justice through the cornerstone. Therefore, this is the day which the Lord has made, that is, the day when grace and salvation were brought about —1 Sam 11:13 This is the day Yahweh has worked salvation in Israel. —2 Cor 6:2 Now is the acceptable time. Now is the day of salvation. It is a day of refreshment —Zech 14:8 On that day living waters will come from Jerusalem, that is waters of thanksgiving, cooling the ardor of concupiscence. It is also a day of enjoyment and sweetness —Joel 4:18 When that day comes, the mountains will run with new wine and the hills will flow with milk.
Note that there is (1) an evil day, made by the devil, when man is born for sin —Job 3:3 Perish the day I was born! —Jer 20:14 Cursed the day I was born! (2) There is the day of temporal prosperity, which for many is a cause of ruin —Jer 17:16 The day of man I have not desired (Vul). (3) But there is the day of nature, which is good —Gen 1:5 And God called the light day and the darkness night. (4) And there is the day of grace, which is better —Ps 84:11 How much better is one day in your court. —Sir 33:7 Why does one day surpass another? The day of grace surpasses the day of nature, and the day of glory the day of grace. That is from the Sun, shining his light as he wishes —Mal 3:20 For you wh fear my name, the Sun of justice will rise. On all three: Hosea 6:2 After two ays he will revive us; on the thrid day he will raise us up. The middle day [of grace] can be understood of the present verse, and the third [of glory] can be understood of the day that began to shine on the holy day of Easter. That whole week is meant for us to keep in mind and imitate, so that just as Christ rose, so will we —Rom 6:4 that, ass Christ rose from the dead, so we may walk in newness of life. —Col 3:1 If you have risen with Christ, seek what is above in thanksgiving for such a favor. —Phil 4:6 In every matter let your needs be made known to God by prayer and intercession with thanksgiving.
let us be glad and rejoice therein.
let us rejoice and be glad in him!118: Because this day is so great, let us rejoice outwardly and be glad inwardly in it —Zeph 3:14 Be glad and rejoice with all your heart, daughter of Jerusalem. —Is 65:18 You will be glad and rejoice forever for what I am creating. So let us rejoice and be glad, because we can now see after having been blind —Is 9:1 The people walking in darkness have seen a great light— because we are free after having been slaves —John 8:36 If the Son sets you free, you are really free— because we are redeemed after having been captives —1 Pet 1:18 You have been redeemed from your foolish traditional way of life by the precious blood of the pure and spotless lamb which is Christ.
25. O Lord, save me: O Lord, give good success.
Yahweh, we beg, give victory! Yahweh, we beg, send prosperity!118:2.2.1 After asking for entry and union in faith with the early Church, and having obtained this, he now adds a final petition for perseverance in these good things, that he might not stop praising, even in tribulation. (1) First he asks to be saved and unshaken in tribulation, (2) then he states that he has been heard: "Blessed is he who comes", and (3) gives thanks for this: "Appoint a day". In the first he (1) asks to be saved from evil, and (2) to prosper in the good: "O Lord, give good success". The idea is: I asked to be united with the rest, and obtained this, since these are days of salvation. Now I say, Lord, save me from all my sins, from all the blows of this tempestuous time. That is how Peter cried —Mat 14:30 Lord, save me! So did the other disciples —Mat 8:25 Lord, save us. We are perishing. The cause, a flood of persecution or of tribulation, is referred to in Psalm 69:2 Save me, God, for the waters have reached my neck. And you have the art and the office for this —1 Tim 4:10 We hope in the living God, who is savior of all. —Acts 4:12 There is salvation in no one else.
And, Lord, after saving me, give good success, and let me prosper on my way, as you did for Joseph when he was in trouble —Gen 39:2 Yahweh was with Joseph, and he became a prosperous man. The same in the case of Hezekiah —2 Chron 32:30 Hezekiah prospered in all his projects. —Ps 68:20 God himself, our savior, unburdened us.
26. Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the Lord.
Blest who enters in Yahweh's name!118: Here he states that he has been heard, (1) first through Christ sent by the Father, (2) secondly through the college of his ministers: "We have blessed you". The idea is: I ask to be saved from evil and helped in what is good. And that will happen, because you are blessed, or: blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord to save and to help, as is repeated in Matthew 23:39. —Rev 4:8 who was, who is, and who is to come. He is coming in the name of the Lord, not in his own name, the way the anti-Christ will come —John 5:43 I came in the name of my Father and you did not receive me. Another comes in his own name and you receive him.
We have blessed you out of the house of the Lord.
We bless you in Yahweh's house.118: Here he shows that he was saved by the college of ministers, presenting what they say. They say (1) that they have blessed the people, (2) and that not on their own authority, but on God's authority: "The Lord is God". So the source of salvation is the blessed Lord, but we priests and prelates have blessed you as his ministers. This is not contrary to Numbers 6:27 They will call down my name on the Israelites, and then I shall bless them, for God does so on his own authority, we do so as his ministers —Sir 44:22 To Isaac he assured the blessing of all humanity. So we have blessed you who are or wish to be from the house of the Lord, that is, the Church, from which comes the font of baptism where all are cleansed and sanctified —Joel 4:18 A fountain will spring from Yahweh's temple. —Zech 13:1 On that day a fountain will be opened for the House of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, to wash sins and impurity away. We have blessed those who are in this house. In this verse, the priests bless as ministers of God, the legislator.
27. The Lord is God, and he hath shone upon us. Appoint a solemn day, with shady boughs, even to the horn of the altar.
El Yahweh has shone on us. Deck the shrine with branches; adorn the horns of the altar.118: Here God's authority is recognized, with the idea: We have blessed, but the God of all by creation, and Lord, by power and governance, has done this as the principal source, and he has shone on us, by enlightening us beforehand —2 Cor 4:6 God, who ordered light to shine from the darkness, has shone in our hearts. —1 Pet 2:9 He called you from the darkness to his marvelous light. Like the true sun, he enlightened those who fear him —Mal 3:20 But for you who fear my name the Sun of justice will rise.
Appoint a solemn day, with shady boughs, even to the horn of the altar.
Deck the shrine with branches; adorn the horns of the altar.118: After asking and stating that he was heard, he bursts into praise, (1) first inciting others, from the joy of his heart, to declare a day of celebration, (2) promising that on that day he will acknowledge God's doing and praise him: "you are my God", ( 3) concluding by inviting others to join him: "Praise the Lord". In the first part he urges (1) the day of celebration to be declared, (2) that on that day there be a big crowd of people, of much virtue and good works: "with shady boughs", (3) that they receive the sacrament of the altar: "even to the horns". The idea is: I have been saved by the Lord himself and his ministers and have prospered in what is good. Therefore, all you in the Church, appoint a solemn day, or observe the day that has been appointed, (1) withdrawing from all works of iniquity and cupidity. That is the basic requirement —Jer 17:21 As you value your lives, on no account carry a burden on the Sabbath day. (2) Then have spiritual joy and exultation —Ps 76:11 They will keep a festal day for you (Vul). —Nehemiah 8:10 For it is a holy day to our Lord, for joy in Yahweh is your strength. (3) And pay your vows to the Lord —Ex 23:15 They shall not appear before me empty-handed. (4) And gladly give alms —Nehemiah 8:10 Come, eat good food, drink sweet drinks, and send a share to those who do not have any. —Rom 12:8 Whoever gives alms should do so with gladness.
And that is under shady boughs, with a dense congregation of people —Joel 2:15-16 Call and assembly. Gather the people. —Ex 23:17 Three times a year every male must appear before the Lord Yahweh.
I address you going even to the horns of the altar, that you may take part in the sacrament of the altar —Ex 30:10 Aaron made expiation over the horns once a year with blood from the sacrifice for sins. When the priest gives the communicants what they eat and drink, it is fitting for him to do so at the horn of the altar, while praying. For the horn stands for power, so that the meaning is: "going to the power of the altar", which, I have pointed out, is the sacrament of the altar, because it powerfully confirms the soul and strengthens it —John 6:51 The bread which I will give is my flesh for the life of the world, the life that this bread strengthens.
28. Thou art my God, and I will praise thee: thou art my God, and I will exalt thee.
You are my God; I thank you; my God, I extol you.118: Here he promises that he will praise God, (1) first for God himself, (2) for his benefit: "I will praise you". In the first, he promises (1) the praise of his mouth, first giving the reason for this praise, (2) the praise of his deeds, which is better, also first giving the reason: "you are my God". The idea is: I asked for a day of celebration to be declared, and I for myself say, You are my God by right of creation, and therefore I thank you with praise —Is 37:16 You are the only God, over all the kingdoms of the earth. So I thank you, Lord God.
You are my God by right of creation, and therefore I extol you, showing that you should be extolled and worshiped by good works —Tob 13:7 Exalt the king of the ages by your works (Vul). —Sir 51:1 I give you thanks, O God of my father; I praise you, O God my savior!
I will praise thee, because thou hast heard me, and art become my salvation.
118: Here he promises to praise God for the benefit received. (1) First there is the promise, (2) then the reason: "for your heard me". In the latter there is stated (1) the fact that he has been heard, and (2) in what: "you have become my salvation". The text is plain, and should be interpreted as above —2 Chron 20:9 We call to you from our troubles, and you hear and save us. —2 Sam 22:3 My Savior, you will save me from violence.
29. O praise ye the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.
Praise Yahweh; he is good; his love is eternal.118: After asking for a day of praise to be declared, and himself promising to praise, he concludes by inviting everyone to praise God, (1) first inviting them to praise, (2) then giving the reason: "for he is good". His goodness is double: (1) absolutely, (2) conparatively: "for his mercy endures forever". This verse should be interpreted as the first verse, with this addition:
God is good (1) to touch, because he is smooth —Wis 12:1 How good and how smooth is your spirit in everything. (2) to taste, because he is sweet —Sir 24:19 You will remember me as sweeter than honey. —Sir 49:1 Precious is his memory, like honey to the tate, like music at a banquet. (3) to smell, because he is like strongly smelling balsam —Sir 24:15 Like cinnamon, or fragrant balm, or precious myrrh, I give forth perfume. —Gen 27:27 The scent of my son is like the scent of a field that Yahweh has blessed. (4) to hearing, because he has a melodious and sweet word —Sir 6:5 A sweet mouth multiplies friends. (5) to sight, because he is the most temperate light —Qoheleth 11:7 Light is sweet, and it is pleasant for the eyes to see the sun. (6) to the intellect, because he is the truth —John 14:6 I am the way, the truth and the life. (7) to the will, because he is charity. All this is true here on the way, but in the homeland it will be realized much more fully, for his own chosen ones, in whose number may he include us who is blessed for all ages. Amen.