Psalm 144
a I will exalt you, my God and King! * I will bless your name, O Eternal and Everlasting! b Every day I will bless you, * and praise your name to everlasting eternity.
g Great is Yahweh, praiseworthy his Eminence, * for his greatness has no limit.
d Each generation will praise your works to the next, * and proclaim your mighty acts.h O Majesty, they will describe your glorious splendor; * I will compose songs about your wonders.
w O Strength, they will tell of your awesome acts, * and I will recount your great deeds.
z They will recite the record of your goodness, Master, * and ring out your justice.x Merciful and compassionate is Yahweh, * slow to anger and abounding in kindness.
j Yahweh's goodness is for all, * and his compassion is upon all his works.y All your works shall praise you, Yahweh, * and your worshipers shall bless you.
k They shall announce your glorious kingship, * and tell of your power,l making known to the sons of men his mighty acts, * and the glorious splendor of his kingship.
m Your kingdom is an eternal kingdom, * and your dominion endures through all generations.n Yahweh is faithful in his words, * and gracious in all his deeds.
s Yahweh is the sustainer of all who fall, * and the uplifter of all bent down.[ The eyes of all wait for you, * for it is you who give them * their food in its season,
p you who open your hand, * and satisfy every living thing with your favor.
c Yahweh is just in all his ways, * and kind in all his works.q Yahweh is near to all who call him, * to all who call him in truth.
r He performs the will of those who fear him; * he hears their cry and saves them.
v Yahweh is the protector of all who love him, * but all the wicked he will destroy.t The praise of Yahweh my mouth shall speak, * and all flesh shall bless his holy name, * for everlasting eternity.
1. Praise, for David himself.
145:0 This is Psalm 145 in the whole Psalter, 45 in the third part. After asking in the preceding Psalm for the Incarnation of the Son, and promising to offer praise if he is heard, in this Psalm he addresses Christ, as if he sees him already incarnate. He promises to praise him, shows why he should be praised, and invites others to praise him. In these final 7 Psalms perfect men accomplish divine praise, especially of Christ incarnate, who is full of the 7 gifts of the Spirit and who communicates these to his own. So the title is fitting: Praise for David himself. As we saw before, when "himself" is added to "David", the combination refers to Christ, for he is the true David. The idea is: The praise expressed in this Psalm is fittingly offered to David himself, that is, Christ. To him is due all praise and all glory.
I will extol thee, O God my king: and I will bless thy name for ever; yea, for ever and ever.
I will exalt you, my God and King! I will bless your name, O Eternal and Everlasting!145:1.1.1 The Psalm is divided into three parts: (1) He promises vehement praise. (2) He distinguishes different reasons for which praise should be made: "Each generation". (3) He explains these reasons more in detail: "Merciful and compassionate". In the first there is (1) the promise, (2) the reason for the promise: "Great is Yahweh". [In the first there is (1) the sublimity and excellence of praise, (2) a promise to do it continually: "Every day".] In the first, (1) he promises the highest praise, (2) he explains the value of praise: "I will bless your name". The idea is: Lord, come, be incarnated so as to redeem and rescue me, and I will exalt you with highest praise, my God, by creation, and King, by your rule. That is Christ —Ex 15:2 This is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him. —Is 25:1 Yahweh, you are my God. I will exalt you; I will praise your name. He is the king, born of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David. He is not only king, but also, as said in Rev 19:16, King of kings and Lord of lords. He is king, because he was crowned (1) with the crown of nature, the most pure and holy flesh which he took from the Virgin —Cant 3:11 Come out. Look, O daughters of Zion, at King Solomon, at the crown with which his mother crowned him. (2) with the crown of misery —John 19:2 The soldiers wove a crown of thorns and put it on his head. (3) with the crown of glory in his resurrection —Ps 8:5 With glory and honor you crowned him. So let this king be exalted. —Sir 43:32 Extol him with renewed strength, and weary not, though you cannot reach the end. —Dan 3:52 Blessed is your holy and glorious name, praiseworthy and exalted above all for all ages.
I will bless: Here is shown the value of great praise, with the idea: I will exalt you, and by the merit of this exaltation I will bless your name, your glorious publicity which I enjoy, and that forever and ever. —Is 65:14 My servants will sing for gladness of heart, but you shall wail for anguish of spirit. —Is 25:1 I will exalt you, I will praise your name, for you have done wonderful things. —Dan 3:52 Blessed is your holy and glorious name. And that forever —Dan 3:83 Israel, bless the Lord; praise and exalt him above all forever.
2. Every day will I bless thee: and I will praise thy name for ever; yea, for ever and ever.
Every day I will bless you, and praise your name to everlasting eternity.145:1.1.2 After explaining the sublimity and excellence of praise, he promises frequent and continual praise, with two similar points: (1) a promise of frequent praise, (2) the value of this promise: "and praise your name". The idea is: I will exalt you, my God and King, and every day I will bless you, that is, I will bless you continually and frequently. —Sir 14:14 Do not deprive yourself of present good things, without always praising God and blessing him for the benefits you have received. —Gregory: Let us not stop giving thanks, because he does not stop doing good. —Neh 9:3 For a fourth of the day they praise and worshiped Yahweh their God. The spiritual days in which God is to be blessed are seven, like seven natural days, and they are the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, which the true sun, Christ, creates in us. They are: fear, piety, knowledge, fortitude, counsel, understanding, wisdom. Or they are the seven virtues: faith, hope, charity, prudence, fortitude, temperance, justice.
And praise: This is the value of praising, as he says: I will bless you every day and praise in the sweetest and most joyful way your name to everlasting eternity, for whoever tries to praise him continuously here will praise him for eternity. —Is 38:20 We will sing to you all the days of our life in the house of Yahweh. —Is 51:3 Joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and the voice of song. Sirach, desiring this benefit, said (51:8 Vul) Until death my soul will praise the Lord. —Sir 51:11 I will praise your name constantly.
3. Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised: and of his greatness there is no end.
Great is Yahweh, praiseworthy his Eminence, for his greatness has no limit.145:1.2 Here are given three reasons for praising God: (1) his absolute greatness, (2) his excellent goodness: "praiseworthy", (3) his infinite greatness: "for his greatness". The idea is: I will praise you very well and frequently because great is Yahweh. —Jer 32:18 A great God and mighty. Yahweh of armies is his name. —Dan 14:41 You are great, O Lord. You are greatly to be praised because of your excellent goodness and valor. —Rev 4:11 You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power. —1 Chron 16:25 Great is the Lord and highly to be praised. And his greatness has not limit. —Sir 43:30 Awful indeed is Yahweh's majesty, and wonderful is his power. —Job 36:26 Surely God is great, and we do not know him; the number of his years is unsearchable. He has no limit not only to the greatness of his power, but also to the greatness of his royal dignity. —Dan 7:14 His dominion is an everlasting dominion that shall not pass away, and his kingship is one that shall never be destroyed. —Luke 1:33 His kingdom will have no end.
4. Generation and generation shall praise thy works: and they shall declare thy power. 5. They shall speak of the magnificence of the glory of thy holiness: and shall tell thy wondrous works. 6. And they shall speak of the might of thy terrible acts: and shall declare thy greatness. 7. They shall publish the memory of the abundance of thy sweetness: and shall rejoice in thy justice.
Each generation will praise your works to the next, and proclaim your mighty acts. O Majesty, they will describe your glorious splendor; I will compose songs about your wonders. O Strength, they will tell of your awesome acts, * and I will recount your great deeds. They will recite the record of your goodness, Master, * and ring out your justice.145:2 After promising to offer magnificent praise, here he distinguishes nine aspects of God for which one would want to give praise: (1) his action, (2) his power: "and proclaim your mighty acts", (3) his glorious magnificence: "O Majesty", (4) his holiness: "your glorious splendor/holiness", (5) his miraculous deeds: "I will compose songs", (6) his power deterring the evil: "O Strength", (7) his greatness: "and I will recount", (8) his graciousness: "They will recite", (9) his justice: "and ring out". On these, Cassiodorus says: "We can call these modes the cataracts of divine eloquence, the fountains of heavenly speech, the blessed breasts of proclamation."
145:2.1 The idea is: I will exalt and bless you, my God and King, and each generation, past, present and future (the Gloss says that the repetition turns the mind of the thinker to infinitude) will praise your works, that they have been told about or have seen for themselves. —Deut 4:9 You shall teach your children and your grandchildren, so that the memory of what God has done may continue for generations. —Deut 11:19 Teach them to your children. —Rom 1:20 Invisible realities of God have become visible through the things he has made. So for these deeds that we have been told of or we have seen, the doer must be praised. —Sir 9:17 Skilled artisans are esteemed for their deftness. Thus the artist, and not the works, is to be praised. —Sir 39:14 Bless Yahweh for all he has done.
and they shall declare thy power.
and proclaim your mighty acts.145:2.2 saying with Sir 3:19 Great is the power of God. —Sir 43:30 Wonderful is his power.
5. They shall speak of the magnificence of the glory of thy holiness:
O Majesty, they will describe your glorious splendor;145:2.3 They will praise your works and power, and also your magnificence by preaching and recounting. —Is 12:5 Sing to Yahweh, for he has performed magnificently. —Sir 43:30 Awful is Yahweh's majesty.
145:2.4 (in the same phrase) the glory of your splendor/holiness: by which you excel all the saints —1 Sam 2:2 There is no one holy like Yahweh. by which you command others to be holy —Ex 15:11 Who is like you, majestic in holiness?
and shall tell thy wondrous works.
I will compose songs about your wonders.145:2.5 which are above the power of nature. They will give me material for praise, with Sir 11:4 Strange (Vul marvelous) are the works of Yahweh. —1 Chron 16:9 Tell of all his wonderful works.
6. And they shall speak of the might of thy terrible acts:
O Strength, they will tell of your awesome acts,145:2.6 O Strength: This is his power deterring the evil, with the idea: Besides telling of your works, power, magnificent glory, holiness and wonders, they will tell of your awesome acts and your terrible power that strikes fear into the evil. —Ps 76:7 You alone strike terror, and who can stand your fury? No one. For that terror is so strong that it seems always to ring in the ears of the wicked. —Job 15:21 Terrifying sounds are in their ears.
and shall declare thy greatness.
and I will recount your great deeds.145:2.7 which show your excellent power. —Sir 18:3 Who can measure his majestic power? But if his greatness is infinite, as seen above, how can anyone tell of it? —Response: As has been said, his greatness is infinite in itself, but he punishes only according to the capacity and merit of those he punishes, and this is finite and can be told.
7. They shall publish the memory of the abundance of thy sweetness:
They will recite the record of your goodness, Master,145:2.8 They will recite with praise, speaking from the abundance of their hearts, the record of your goodness. —Mt 12:34 Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. —Ps 86:5 You, my Lord, are good and forgiving. —Wis 8:1 She reaches mightily from one end of the earth to the other, and she orders all things well. This is the abundance of goodness, whose memory is sweet. —Hosea 14:7 His memory is like the wine of Lebanon. When the soul of the just person thinks of such goodness, it becomes weak, desiring to be immersed in it. —Lam 3:20 My soul continually thinks of it and is bowed down within me.
and shall rejoice in thy justice.
and ring out your justice.145:2.9 Having spoken of your sweet goodness to the good and your great terror to the wicked, they will also have such joy at your justice that they will openly approve of it, even when you punish the evil. —Ps 58:10 The just man will rejoice when he sees his victory, he will wash from his feet the blood of the wicked. Or, with reference to the justice that you infuse into human hearts, those to whom you gave it will praise you. —Rom 8:30 Those whom he called he justified. Or it could refer to justice repaying according to merit. —Mt 20:4 Go into my vineyard and I will give you what is just.
8. The Lord is gracious and merciful:
Merciful and compassionate is Yahweh,145:3.1.1 In this section he explains more in detail the different aspects of God mentioned above: (1) First he explains all nine, (2) then he concludes with divine praise: "The praise of Yahweh". He first takes up God's action, with regards (1) to recreation, (2) then to creation: "compassionate". The idea is: They will praise him because of his works, and rightly so, because he is merciful when he recreates us, and compassionate when he creates us in our own nature. On the first —Is 49:10 He who has pity on them will lead them, and by springs of water will guide them. On the second —Is 54:10 My covenant of peace shall not be removed, says Yahweh, who has compassion on you, because it is of his nature not to abandon his creature.
patient and plenteous in mercy.
slow to anger and abounding in kindness.145:3.1.2 He is slow to anger. With regard to power, there is patience and abundance of mercy. The idea is: They will speak of your power, because you are patient. For power without patience is fury. —Sir 5:4 Yahweh bides his time. —Rom 2:4 Do you despise the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience? Do you not realize that God's kindness is meant to lead you to repentance? And he is abounding in kindness, which would be impossible if he were not admirably patient. —Wis 11:24 You love all things (Vul adds because you are powerful).
9. The Lord is sweet to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works.
Yahweh's goodness is for all, and his compassion is upon all his works.145:3.1.3 As for magnificence, there is (1) the goodness of the mercy he shows, (2) its multiplicity with regard to everyone: "and his compassion". They idea is: They will praise his deeds, his power and also his magnificence, because Yahweh's goodness is for all, even the wicked, whom he will duly punish later on. —Wis 15:1 You, our God, are kind, especially to those who taste you. —Wis 12:1 (paraphrased) How good and sweet is your Spirit, O Lord, in us.
And his compassion, not just one instance, but many, is upon not some, but all his works, so that the greatness of his compassion may be seen. —Sir 47:22 God does not withdraw his mercy, nor permit even one of his promises to fail. —Ps 19:6 Nothing can hide from its heat (Vul).
10. Let all thy works, O lord, praise thee: and let thy saints bless thee.
All your works shall praise you, Yahweh, and your worshipers shall bless you.145:3.1.4 This has to do with his holiness, which entitles him to praise (1) from creatures generally, and (2) especially from rational creatures who are specially sanctified by God: "and your worshipers". The idea is: They will praise you for your great glory, and also all your works shall praise you for the magnificence of your holiness. Rational creatures offer active praise; the others cannot do so, but offer material for praise. —Ps 103:22 Bless Yahweh, all his works, in all places, you his subjects.
And your worshipers, both men and angels sanctified by you, the fount of holiness, shall bless you. —Dan 3:87 Holy and humble of heart, bless the Lord. Such who are holy should bless, others not. —Sir 15:9 Praise is unseemly on the lips of a sinner.
11. They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom: and shall tell of thy power:
They shall announce your glorious kingship, and tell of your power,145:3.1.5 Here are considered his miraculous deeds: (1) in the superior, eternal kingdom, (2) in the power by which he rules and orders inferior things: "and tell of your power". The idea is: All your works will praise your holiness, men and angels, and especially the saints and those who wish to praise you because of the inimitable works you do. These will tell the glory of your kingdom which you give to the saved. —Prov 3:35 The wise will inherit honor. For the Lord will make them all glorious kings. —Wis 5:16 They will receive a glorious crown and a beautiful diadem from the hand of the Lord. —Esther 2:18 Then the king gave a great banquet to all his officials and ministers——Esther's banquet. He also granted a holiday to the provinces, and gave gifts with royal liberality.
And tell of your power, by which you rule and order everything, not only higher things, but also the lower. —Ps 106:2 Who can express Yahweh's might, or sound all his praise?
12. To make thy might known to the sons of men: and the glory of the magnificence of thy kingdom.
making known to the sons of men his mighty acts, and the glorious splendor of his kingship.145:3.1.6 The Lord's terrible power demands recognition of his power to inflict (1) sensible pain, (2) the pain of damnation: "and the glorious splendor". The idea is: They will speak of my working miracles, particularly making known to carnal and earthly men your power of torturing evil people in hell, no matter how powerful they were. —Wis 6:6 The mighty will be mightily put to the test, that they may be terrified and fear you. —Luke 12:5 Fear him who, after he has killed, has power to throw into hell.
The glorious splendor of his kingship is what they lose. The glory of the kingdom is the charity of the eternal kingdom. For the word "glory" comes from "clarity", says Isidore. There is verified Sir 42:16 The work of the Lord is full of his glory. He shows this glory by preaching, and reveals it as the angel did to John —Rev 21:10—11 He showed me the holy city Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, having the glory of God.
13. Thy kingdom is a kingdom of all ages: and thy dominion endureth throughout all generations.
Your kingdom is an eternal kingdom, and your dominion endures through all generations.145:3.1.7 This is about the greatness of God's kingdom, namely, (1) its eternal duration and (2) its amplitude: "and your dominion". The idea is: They will make your terrible power known by preaching, and will also say that your kingdom is not of this time, but for all times and is thus eternal. —Dan 7:14 His dominion is an everlasting dominion that shall not pass away, and his kingship is one that shall never be destroyed.
and your dominion is not for one generation, but endures through all generations. —Ps 72:8 May he rule from sea to sea. —Ps 103:19 By his royal power he rules over all. —Dan 7:14 All peoples, nations and languages shall serve him. Therefore the glory of the heavenly kingdom consists in its duration, its amplitude and other things to be noted here: (1) in the society of many angels and saints —Heb 12:22 You have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to innumerable angels in festal gathering. —Dan 7:10 A thousand thousands served him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood attending him. (2) in wisdom and the certain knowledge of all things —Is 26:3 The old error has gone (Vul), with reference to that state. —Is 33:19 No longer will you see the insolent people, the people of an obscure speech that you cannot comprehend, stammering in a language that you cannot understand. —Gregory: What should he be ignorant of who sees the one who sees everything? (3) in all beauty and decorum —Mt 13:43 The righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. —Dan 12:3 Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever. (4) in the nobility of these people, for they will all be sons of God —Mt 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. —John 1:12 He gave them the power to become sons of God. (5) in their perfect liberty —Rom 8:21 Creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and will obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. —Gal 4:26 The Jerusalem which is above is free, and she is our mother. (6) in peaceful calm and perfect concord —Ps 147:14 He grants your borders peace. —Is 32:18 My people will live in a peaceful habitation. (7) in the abundance and fulness of all goods —Ps 65:4 May we be filled with the beauty of your house. —Ps 17:15 At the resurrection I will be filled with your being.
The Lord is faithful in all his words: and holy in all his works. 14. The Lord lifteth up all that fall: and setteth up all that are cast down.
Yahweh is faithful in his words, and gracious in all his deeds. Yahweh is the sustainer of all who fall, and the uplifter of all bent down.145:3.1.8 With regard to an abundance of goodness, there are four items: (1) fidelity in giving what was promised, (2) holiness in purifying whatever he does: "and gracious/holy", (3) kindness in looking out for one who is beginning to fall, so that he will not fall down: "Yahweh is the sustainer", (4) perfect kindness in raising up one who has failed and sinned: "and the uplifter". The idea is: He will be praised by what pertains to his greatness, and also by what pertains to his goodness. For they will say he is faithful in all his words, so that he completely fulfils what he promises. —Deut 32:4 a faithful God without deceit. —Num 23:19 God is not a human being, that he should lie, or a mortal, that he should change his mind. —Rom 3:4 Let God be true, even if every man is a liar. —1 Cor 10:13 God is faithful, and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength
And he is gracious/holy, firm and pure in all his deeds, not like us who may fulfil what we promise, but what we give is very impure. —Is 64:6 We have all become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment. —Ex 15:11 Who is like you, majestic in holiness? —Lev 11:45 You shall be holy because I am holy.
Next is God's kindness in looking out for someone who is tottering, so that he will not fall down. The idea is: Yahweh is true, holy, and also is the sustainer of all who fall, that is, who are about to fall. —Jonah 2:6 You brought my life up from the Pit, Yahweh my God. —Ps 37:24 Should he charge, he will not be thrown down, for Yahweh holds fast his hand. But, according to this, it would seem that no one would fall into sin if all are lifted up. Therefore the phrase should be understood as "he lifts up all who are lifted up when about to fall", like John 1:9 He illuminates every man coming into the world.
And the uplifter of all bent down: The idea is: In his goodness he rescues the falling from crashing to the ground, and he lifts up all who have already fallen down and are broken. —Job 5:11 He sets on high those who are down and those who mourn are lifted to safety. For it is for him to lift up minds and give them happiness once they are lifted up. —Tob 3:22 (Vul) After a storm you make calm, and after lamentation and crying you bring joy. This can be understood of those who are falling into the misery of punishment and those who have already fallen into it. For example, Tobit, who was already blind, was falling into misery and was despised by his wife, yet he had a son and some possessions. But Job was knocked down and fell into complete misery, having lost all his possessions, his sons and daughters and his wife. His friends were also against him and caused him trouble; his whole body was afflicted with a terrible disease and he lay on the dung heap. So he said sorrowfully (Job 30:22) You lift me up on the wind, make me ride on it, and toss me about in the roar of the storm .
15. The eyes of all hope in thee, O Lord:
The eyes of all wait for you,145: Here is explained what pertains to justice: (1) in general, because he provides for all animate creatures, (2) in special, as he gives rational creatures their due: "Yahweh is just" (or, according to the Gloss, "you open wide your hands"). In the first (1) he shows that all animals have some desire and orientation to God; (2) he shows the payment and justice of the debt: "for it is you who give them their food". For it has been said that goodness is proved by antecedents, and justice by consequents. For those who want to praise justice say, The eyes of all wait for you, that is all animals look to you for food. For by nature we direct our eyes to God, hoping for something from him. —Joel 1:20 All the wild beast cry to you, like sand thirsting for rain.
and thou givest them meat in due season.
for it is you who give them their food in its season,145: Here is the payment of the debt, (1) the payment itself, (2) the manner of payment: "you who open your hand". For it is you who give them their food not sporadically and carelessly, but in its season. —Mt 6:26 Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them abundantly, and even sometimes makes them feed men. —1 Kings 17:6 The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning, and bread and meat in the evening. So if irrational animals should turn their eyes to the Lord, much more should the rational do so. —Prov 4:25 Let your eyes look directly forward at those going towards God. —Qoheleth 2:14 The wise man has his eyes in his head and the Lord gives him food when it is time.
16. Thou openest thy hand, and fillest with blessing every living creature.
you who open your hand, and satisfy every living thing with your favor.145: Here is the manner of paying the debt, since he gives them food abundantly. He shows (1) God's kindness and power, (2) what is true sustenance: "and satisfy". The idea is: I spoke truly when I said that you give them food, because you open your hand, which is the power of your goodness —Prov 1:24 I stretched out my hand and no one heeded.
And you satisfy every living thing with your favor, that is, temporal goods which show and prove that you should be blessed. —Ps 104:28 When you open your hand, O Goodness, they fill up. "Favor" or "blessing" can mean benefits, bounty or alms. —2 Cor 9:6 He who sows bountifully will reap bountifully. As someone who gives alms should be blessed , so should God when he gives benefits, especially food. —Ps 22:26 Those who fear him will eat; the poor will be content. Those who seek Yahweh will praise/bless him.
145: There is also special justice which is due to rational creatures. (1) First is considered the effect of justice on every rational creature, whether good or bad, (2) then with regard to good ones: "Yahweh is just", and (3) finally with regard to evil ones: "but all the wicked". The idea is: You open your hand of goodness and power and satisfy every living thing capable of receiving it with favor, whether heavenly —Ps 132:15 Its pilgrims (Vul: widows) I will abundantly bless — or of necessary temporal things, which are given even to the wicked. —Gen 27:28 May God give you of the dew of heaven, and of the fatness of the earth. —2 Sam 6:11 Yahweh blessed Obededom and all his household, with temporal goods. —Gen 30:30 Yahweh has blessed you wherever I turned, said Laban to Jacob.
17. The Lord is just in all his ways:
Yahweh is just in all his ways,145: Then come the effects of justice upon the good: (1) their correction by the infliction of pain, (2) their purification through that correction: "and kind", (3) his readiness to hear them then: "Yahweh is near", (4) the fulfilment of their desires: "He performs the will", (5) their preservation in these goods: "Yahweh is the protector". The idea is: God's justice fills every animal with favor, but also Yahweh is just in all his ways, when he punishes and chastises. Dan 3:27 For you are just in all you have done, afflicting us etc.
and holy in all his works.
and kind in all his works.145: The idea is: You are not only just, but also kind/holy in all your works that you do to correct us, because thereby you make us holy and pure. —Is 6:3 Holy, Holy, Holy is Yahweh of armies or tribulation. He is holy in sanctifying us from the sin of our heart, holy in sanctifying us from the sin of our mouth, and holy in sanctifying us from the sin of our deeds.
18. The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him: to all that call upon him in truth.
Yahweh is near to all who call him, to all who call him in truth.145: Here is his readiness to listen, (1) in fact, (2) to whom: "to all who call him in truth". The idea is: As he justly punishes to correct and sanctify, so also Yahweh is near, ready to listen, to all who call him. —Phil 4:5—6 The Lord is near. Have no anxiety. —Acts 17:27 He is not far from each of us. But he is closer to those who pray. —James 4:8 Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Come near to him by prayer, and he will come near to you by giving you what you ask. —Is 55:6 Call upon him while he is near.
He is near to all who call to him — not merely with their mouths, like those in Is 29:13 This people draw near with their mouth and honor me with their lips, while their hearts are far from me. —Jer 12:2 You [Lord] are near in their mouths and far from their kidneys — but in truth, such as those who call on him inwardly from their heart and from sincere and firm faith. —Joel 3:5 Then everyone shall be rescued who calls on the name of Yahweh. Otherwise he is not near, but far. —Prov 15:29 Yahweh is far from the wicked, who call on him with falsity in their faith.
19. He will do the will of them that fear him: and he will hear their prayer, and save them.
He performs the will of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them.145: Here is the fulfilment of the desires of the just: (1) their fulfilment, (2) which desires: "he hears their cry". These are (1) to remove past or present evils, and (2) to avoid future evils: "and saves them". The idea is: He is ready to hear and also to perform the will not of everyone, since some are evil, but of those who fear him. —Sir 2:8 You who fear the Lord, trust him, and your reward will not fail. —Prov 23:18 Continue in the fear of Yahweh all day long. Surely there is a future, and your hope will not be cut off.
He hears their cry to have present evils removed. Thus in the penitential Psalm above (6), the trembling penitent began with: "Yahweh, do not rebuke me in your anger," but added at the end: "Yahweh has heard my plea. Yahweh has accepted my prayer." —Sir 34:16 The eyes of Yahweh are upon those who love him, to deliver them from evil.
And saves them. —Ps 18:27 You save the poor, the humble who fear you. —Jer 30:7 A time of distress for Jacob, though he shall be saved from it.
20. The Lord keepeth all them that love him;
Yahweh is the protector of all who love him,145: The fifth effect of God's justice is their preservation in these goods. The idea is: Yahweh will do their will, and he also is the protector of all who love him. It is clear which kind of love he is talking about, since it must be accompanied by a chaste and filial fear, at least in its initial stage. —Prov 4:6 Love wisdom, and it will guard you. —Prov 2:7 He has counsel in store for the upright. The upright are those who have love. —Cant 1:3 Maidens (Vul the righteous) love you. For what we love, we guard. —Prov 8:17 I love those who love me.
but all the wicked he will destroy.
but all the wicked he will destroy.145: Here is the effect of God's justice on the evil, but while many were mentioned with regard to the good, only one is mentioned in the case of the evil, to show that God is more inclined to have mercy than to punish. The idea is: Justice will be praised for the aforesaid advantages that it brings to the good, but also because all he wicked he will destroy. —Prov 2:22 The wicked will be cut off from the land. —Prov 1:32 The smugness of fools destroys them. Moreover it will do so (dis—perdet) in their different parts, namely, their body and soul. —Rev 1:16 Out of his mouth came a two—edged sword. Or it will do so through different torments. —Job 24:19 Drought and heat snatch away snow waters.
21. My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord: and let all flesh bless his holy name forever; yea, for ever and ever.
The praise of Yahweh my mouth shall speak, and all flesh shall bless his holy name, for everlasting eternity.145:3.2 After distinguishing the different aspects or reasons for praising God, here he concludes his praise, saying that he will also invite others to join him in this: (1) the promise, (2) the invitation of others: "and all flesh". The idea is: People of every generation should praise God for the reasons given, and they can find material for their praise in the aspects of God described above. But I do not exempt my own mouth from this task. So the praise of Yahweh my mouth shall speak, so that it can be said of me what is in Is 60:18 You shall call your walls, made of teeth, Salvation, and your gates, your lips, Praise. And may the petition you made above be fulfilled, i.e. May my mouth be filled with your praise (Ps 71:8), and: My lips will shout for joy; my mouth will sing your praise (Ps 63:5).
I will praise and, following my example, all flesh, not just some, or people from only some nations, shall bless his holy name, that is, your holiness which we name, for everlasting eternity, as is proper. —Dan 3:52 Blessed is your holy and glorious name, praiseworthy and exalted above all forever, in this present age and in the future. Amen.