Psalm 57                                                                                                    Thursday Morning 1. Thursday Midday 2

Be merciful to me God, be merciful, * because I take refuge in you.

In the shadow of your wings I take refuge * till the plague passes by.

    I call to God, the Most High, * to El, the Exalted Avenger.

    He will send help from heaven to save me * from the taunts of those who hound me.

    God will send * his kindness and faithfulness.

        I am in the midst of lions, * lying down, * as they rage for human prey.

        Their teeth are spears and arrows; * their tongue a sword that is sharp.

           Your height is above the heavens, God, * over all the earth your glory.

        They spread a net for my feet, * a noose for my neck.

        They dug a pit to trip me headlong; * may they fall right in.

    My heart is set, God; * my heart is set. * I will sing and praise you.

    Wake up, my heart! * Wake up, my harp and lyre! * I will wake up the Dawn.

I will thank you among the nations, Lord; * I will praise your Greatness among the peoples.

Your kindness towers to the heavens, * your faithfulness to the skies.

                   Your height is above the heavens, God, * over all the earth your glory.

To Hebrew