Psalm 2 Sunday Readings 1
Why do the nations throng, * and the peoples number their troops?
Why do kings of the world align, * and princes make common cause
against Yahweh * and against his anointed?
The Enthroned laughs down from heaven; * the Lord makes fun of them.
He repels their sergeants in his anger, * in his fury terrifies them.
But I've been anointed his king * on Zion his holy mountain.
Let me recite * the decree of Yahweh; * he said to me:
You are my son; * this day I have given you birth.
Ask me for wealth and I will give it; * the nations will be yours, * your domain the ends of the earth.
You will break them with a iron rod, * shatter them like a pot of clay.
And now, kings, watch out; * take warning, you rulers of the earth.
Serve Yahweh with reverence, * and live in trembling, mortal men!
lest he grow angry and your assembly perish, * for his anger flares up quickly.
Happy are all * who trust in him.