Psalm 37 Tuesday Readings 2
Do not fret over evildoers, * nor seethe over those who do wrong.
For like grass soon they will wither, * and like green herbs fade away.
Trust in Yahweh and do good; * settle in the land and feed on its riches.
Take your delight in Yahweh, * and he will grant you your heart's request.
Commit to Yahweh your destiny; * trust in him and he will act,
and make your justice shine like the sun, * your cause like the noonday.
Wait for Yahweh * and hope in him.
Do not be disturbed at a man who gets rich, * and succeeds in his evil plans.
Give up anger, abandon rage; * don't get frantic; it only brings harm.
For evildoers shall be cut down, * while those who call on Yahweh * will surely inherit the land.
Very soon the wicked man will vanish; * if you search his house he will not be there.
But the have-nots shall inherit the land, * and shall enjoy abundant prosperity.
The wicked man schemes against the upright, * and grinds his teeth at him.
The Lord laughs at him, * for he sees that his day is coming.
The wicked draw their sword * and bend their bows
to bring down the helpless poor, * to slaughter travelers on the straight path.
Their sword shall enter their own heart, * and their bows shall be broken.
Better the poverty of the just * than the wealth of the wicked rich.
For the arsenal of the wicked shall be shattered, * but Yahweh will support the just.
Yahweh looks after the possessions of the honest, * and their estate will last forever.
They will not wither in time of drought, * and in time of famine will have plenty.
But the wicked shall shrivel, * and Yahweh's enemies be consumed
like burning fields; * faster than smoke shall they vanish.
The wicked man borrows but never repays, * but the just man opens up and gives.
Those he blesses shall inherit the land; * those he curses shall be cut down.
A man's steps are made steady by Yahweh, * who makes sure his stride.
Should he charge, he will not be thrown down, * for Yahweh holds fast his hand.
I have been young and now am grown old, * but I have never seen a just man forsaken, * or his children begging bread.
He is always open-hearted in lending, * and his children are destined for blessing.
Turn from evil and do good, * that you may abide forever.
For Yahweh loves the just man, * and never deserts his worshipers.
Evildoers will be destroyed, * and the children of the wicked cut down.
But the just will inherit the land * and dwell upon it forever.
The mouth of the just talks wisdom, * and his tongue speaks what is right.
The law of God is in his heart, * his feet never slip.
When the wicked man stalks the just, * seeking to slay him,
Yahweh will not let him be touched, * nor have him found guilty when he is tried.
Wait for Yahweh * and keep to his way,
for he will raise you up to possess the land; * when the wicked are cut down you will exult.
I have seen a wicked man thriving, * and flourishing like a robust old tree.
But he went and could be seen no more; * I sought him but he could not be found.
Follow angel Honest and watch angel Upright, * for there is a future for the man of integrity.
But the perverse shall be wholly destroyed, * and the future of the wicked cut off.
The safety of the just will be from Yahweh, * their stronghold in time of siege.
Yahweh will save them and rescue them, * he will rescue them from the wicked;
he will give them safety, * because they seek refuge in him.