Psalm 50 Monday Readings 3. Saturday Readings 4
The God of gods is Yahweh; * he spoke and summoned the earth, * from the rising of the sun to its setting.
Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, * God shown forth.
Our God is coming, * and will not be silent.
Before him a devouring fire, * around him a raging tempest.
He summoned the heaven above, * and the earth, to the trial of his people.
Gather before him his worshipers, * who made a covenant with him * in the presence of a sacrifice.
Let the heavens announce his just claim, * for he is the God of justice.
Listen, my people, and I will speak, * Israel, and I will testify against you;
I am Yahweh, your God.
Not for your sacrifices do I rebuke you, * nor for your burnt offerings that are ever before me.
I claim no bull from your estate, * nor goats from your folds,
since mine are all the animals of the forest, * the beasts in the towering mountains,
for I know all the mountain birds, * and what moves in the field is present to me.
Were I hungry, I would not tell you, * since mine is the world and all it holds.
Do I eat the flesh of bulls, * or drink the blood of goats?
Offer God praise as your sacrifice, * and fulfil your vows to the Most High.
Then call me in time of distress; * I will rescue you and you will be feasted by me.
But to the wicked man God says:
How dare you recite my commandments, * or raise my covenant upon your lips?
For you hate instruction, * and cast my words behind your back.
When you see a thief, you vie with him, * and with adulterers you make common cause.
With your mouth you forge evil, * and with your tongue you weave deceit.
You sit speaking against your brother; * against your own mother's son you spread gossip.
These things you have done, * and am I to remain silent?
You harbor evil desires: * Am I like you?
I will accuse you and draw up a case * before your eyes.
Consider this well, you who forget God, * or I will snatch and there will be none to rescue.
He who offers a sacrifice of praise * will be feasted by me.
The one who is set on my way * will I make drink deeply * of the salvation of God.