1486 - 1850
A DOCUMENTARY HISTORYThis is a project I have worked on for 25 years and it is still incomplete. I have not had the means to obtain certain documents (listed at the end), and have not been able to decipher certain words in many of the manuscripts. Sometimes the text is not clear and the translation is conjecural. I welcome help from readers who can solve any of these problems.
This volumen is meant to supplement my History of the Catholic Church in Tropical Africa 1445-1850, where one can find the sequence of events laid out with comment.
- Nicholas V: Bull on authority of Portugal's king in Africa ORIGINAL
- Early missions to Benin and Warri: ORIGINALS ENGLISH
- 1486 mission to Benin:
- 1486 Ruy de Pina: Discovery of Benin. Chronica del Rey João II, ch. 24
- 1486 João de Barros: The Oba of Benin asks for missionaries
- 1486 João de Barros: Pre-Portuguese Christian influence in Benin
- 1494 Jerome Münzer: Native priests ordained
- 1514 mission to Benin
- 20-11-1514 King Manuel: to the Oba of Benin on sending priests
- 20-11-1514 King Manuel: to Ruy Leite, on sending vestments with the priests
- 20-12-1514 King Manuel: to Ruy Leite, to give clothes to Benin ambassador
- 20-10-1516 Duarte Pires to King Manuel, on reaction of Oba to mission
- 1517 mission to Benin
- 24-8-1517 João Fialho to António Carneiro: three priests sent from São Tomé
- 27-8-1517 António Pires to António Carneiro
- Failure of these missions
- João de Barros: King not converted; slave trade banned
- 1538-9 mission to Benin
- 3-8-1539 Missionaries to João III
- Late 16th century, Anonymous Portuguese sea captain: The situation in Benin
- 1571-4 mission to Warri
- 1620 Pedro da Cunho: Ad limina report
- 27-9-1584 Diogo da Encarnação: Appeal for priests
- 14-12-1584 Diogo do Sacramento: The same
- 28-9-1597 Consulta da Mesa da Consciencia e ordens: On report of Francisco de Vila Nova OFM, Bishop of São Tomé
- 24-10-1597 Francisco de Vila Nova OFM, Bishop of São Tomé: Ad limina report.
- 1600 ff. Story of Dom Domingos, Prince of Warri: ORIGINALS ENGLISH
- 1-6-1604 Petrus Fernandez Barbosa, Dean of São Tomé diocese: Report.
- 16-9-1602 King Philip gives Domingos a scholarship for Coimbra
- 17-7-1604 King Philip to Vice-King of Portugal, Bishop Afonso de Castelo Branco: Domingos transferred to Colégio de Santo Agostinho in Lisbon
- 17-7-1604 King Philip to Friar João de Valadares, Rector of Santo Agostinho: to enrol Domingos
- 12-1-1605 King Philip to the Vice-King of Portugal, Bishop Pedro de Castilho: to pay Domingos' stipend
- 18-3-1606 Vice-King of Portugal to King Philip: Domingos transfers to the Jesuit school, Colégio de Santo Antão
- 13-5-1606 King Philip to the Vice-King of Portugal: The same
- 8-7-1606 The Vice-King of Portugal to King Philip: To send priests to Benin and Warri
- 26-9-1606 Vice-King of Portugal to King Philip: Jesuits have no accommodation for Domingos
- 31-10-1606 King Philip to the Vice-King of Portugal: Find accommodation
- 23-11-1607 King Philip: Free trade allowed with Warri
- 10-3-1608 The Counsel of Portugal to King Philip: Allow Domingos to return home
- 11-2-1609 King Philip's reply: Provides for Domingos' return
- 9-3-1609 Mesa da Consciencia e Ordens: admits Domingos to Order of Christ
- 19-5-1609 King Philip, on sending priests to Warri
- 30-6-1609 Mesa da Consciência: on the habits given to Domingos
- 1-12-1609 King Philip: Allow Domingos to take the habit of the Order of Christ
- 28-6-1610 King Philip to Vice-King Marquez: Domingos' marriage and an attack on him
- 11-8-1610 King Philip to Vice-King Marquez: Domingos should leave as soon as possible
- 22-9-1610 King Philip to Vice-King Marquez: Domingos delays
- 1620 Pedro da Cunha: Ad limina report: Domingos is back in Warri
- 26-6-1625 Philip IV to the governors of Portugal: Send two Capuchins
- 1644 Samuel Blommaart, reported by Olaf Dapper in 1668
- 1651 mission to Benin: ORIGINALS ENGLISH
- 20-6-1634 Columbin de Nantes, Report on West Africa
- 26-12-1640 Columbin de Nantes, Report to Propaganda Fide: proposes a mission
- 20-11-1653 The King of Warri to the Pope.
- c. January 1654 Anonymous note to the above
- c. January 1954 Alonso de Tolosa (probably): What happened in Benin
- January 1654 Filippo da Híjar (probably): Description of Benin.
- 2-6-1654 Felipe de Híhar to the Apostolic Nuncio in Madrid: Report.
- 24-8-1654 Propaganda Fide: Verdict on Felipe de Híjar's report.
- 25-7-1654 Felipe de Híjar to Propaganda Fide: report
- 29-7-1654 The nuncio in Madrid to the Prefect of Propaganda Fide: Comment on latter report.
- c. 1654 Ángel de Valencia to Propaganda Fide.
- 1656 mission to Warri: ORIGINALS ENGLISH
- 1-6-1655 Giovanni Francesco da Roma to Propaganda Fide: Proposal of a mission.
- 26-6-1655 Cardinal Capponi to King of Benin
- 22-6-1656 Giovanni Francesco da Roma to Propaganda Fide: on being prevented from going.
- c. 1666 Bonaventura da Firenze: How the faith first entered Warri
- 13-5-1657 Governor of São Tomé to King of Portugal: arrests J.B. Borel
- 2-2-1659 Angelo Maria di Ajaccio to Propaganda Fide: Discouraged, wonders why Capuchins left São Tomé
- 19-1-1662 Angelo Maria di Ajaccio to Propaganda Fide
- 1682 Girolamo Merolla da Sorrento. Breve e succinta relazione del viaggio nel regno di Congo...
- 1684-1696 mission to Warri & Benin: ORIGINALS ENGLISH
- 5-2-1675 State Council to King of Portugal
- 2-6-1682 Francesco da Monteleone to P.F., from Angola
- 20-7-1684 Francesco da Monteleone to P.F., from São Tomé
- 28-4-1687 Francesco da Monteleone to P.F., from São Tomé
- 25-10-1687 Francesco da Monteleone to P.F., from São Tomé
- 6-7-1688 Francesco da Monteleone to P.F., from Sao Tomé
- 15-1-1689 Michelangelo da Rivoli to P.F., from São Tomé
- 4-5-1689 Francesco da Monteleone to P.F., from São Tomé
- 16-1-1690 King Lewis of Warri
- 24-4-1691 Giuseppe Maria da Busseto
- 24-4-1691 Francesco da Monteleone to P.F., in São Tomé: Why there is no progress
- 25-4-1691 Francesco da Monteleone: His visit to Warri
- 20-7-1691 Francesco da Monteleone
- 25-7-1691 Francisco da Monteleone to G. da Busseto: makes him Vice-Prefect
- 12-1-1692 Giuseppe Maria da Busseto to P.F., from Warri
- 20-1-1692 Giuseppe Maria da Busseto
- 19-3-1692 Francesco da Monteleone
- 29-3-1692 Francesco da Monteleone
- 24-5-1692 Francesco da Monteleone
- 22-8-1692 King Domingos II of Warri to Francesco da Monteleone
- 28-8-1692 Francesco da Monteleone
- 29-9-1692 Francesco da Monteleone
- 26-3-1693 Francesco da Monteleone
- 4-4-1693 Francesco da Monteleone
- 16-5-1693 Francesco da Monteleone, reporting Lorenzo Pinto
- 18-11-1693 Francesco da Monteleone
- 20-1-1694 Francesco da Monteleone
- 26-3-1694 Francesco da Monteleone
- 14-6-1694 Francesco da Monteleone
- 15-8-1694 Francisco da Monteleone
- 11-1-1695 P.F. summarizes Francesco da Monteleone
- 20-8-1695 Francesco da Monteleone
- 22-6-1696 Angelico da Pettineo
- c. 1697 P.F. comments on death of Fr. da Monteleone
- 1678-1682 John Barbot: ORIGINAL ENGLISH
- Later mission work: ORIGINALS ENGLISH
- 24-10-1698 Portuguese government to Governor of São Tomé
- 19-7-1701 P.F. Session
- 1-9-1702 David Van Nyandael
- 1707 Francesco da Morro & Francesco da Monte Cassiano to P.F.
- 5-12-1707 P.F.: Summary of report of Francesco da Morro & Francesco da Monte Cassiano Monte Cassiano
- 10-6-1709 Bonaventura d'Occimiano to P.F.
- 20-1-1710 Francesco da Collevechio.
- 12-5-1711 P.F. reaction to reports
- 2-11-1710 Oba of Benin to Procurator General of Capuchins
- 2-11-1710 Oba of Benin to P.F.
- 2-11-1710 Oba of Benin to the Pope
- 14-12-1711 P.F. report of Nuncio to Portugal
- 19-4-1712 Conselho Ultramarino to Governor of São Tomé..
- 1712 Conselho Ultramarino to Cipriano da Napoli.
- 1713 P.F. summarizing report of Filippo Calvello
- 3-4-1713 P.F. again summarizing report of Filippo Calvello
- 12-6-1714 P.F. on Benin developments
- 1719 Celestino d'Aspra to PF.
- 9-1-1719 P.F. summarizing report of Celestino d'Aspra
- 1722 P.F. Bernardo Maria da Salerno to P.F.: made Prefect
- 8-7-1722 Alessandro Maurizio da Uercelli to P.F.
- 3-7-1724 Andrea da Mornico to P.F.
- c. 1724 Andrea da Mornico to P.F.
- 17-4-1725 Nuncio in Lisbon
- 18-6-1729 Prefect to P.F.
- 13-1-1731 Consulta: regarding letter of Capitão Mor of Princepe
- 12-2-1731 Consulta. AHU, Sâo Tomé, codice 478, f. 234r-v. (don't have)
- 1-6-1733 P.F. on the S. Tomé missions
- 19-11-1733 Governor of S. Tomé to King of Portugal
- 10-7-1734 Governor of S. Tomé to Olu of Warri
- 13-4-1735 Governor of S. Tomé to King of Portugal
- 19-8-1735 Consulta do Conselho Ultramarino
- no date, c. 1735? Consulta do Conselho Ultramarino
- 9-1-1747 P.F. Scarcity of missionaries
- 18-5-1749 Illuminato di Poggetello to P.F.
- 9-3-1754 Anselmo d'Osimo to P.F.
- 3-11-1770 Governor of São Tomé to King of Portugal.
- 28-2-1771 Governor of S. Thomé to King of Portugal
- 11-1786 Capitaine Landolphe: FRENCH ENGLISH
- Late testimonies: ENGLISH & PORTUGUESE
- early 1791 Hugh Crow
- c. 1795 John Adams
- 1801 Captain Hugh Crow
- 15-5-1807 Governor of São Tomé to King of Warri
- 1686 Pieter Fardé to Agades and northern Nigeria: DUTCH ENGLISH
- The Borno missions: ORIGINALS ENGLISH
- 9-6-1710 Carlo Maria di Genoa.
- 18-8-1710 Propaganda Fide on Carlo Maria da Genoua
- 17-10-1710 Carlo Maria di Genoua
- 14-12-1711 P.F. report of Nuncio to Portugal
- 14-10-1712 Francesco Maria di Sarzana
- 13-3-1713 Death notice of Carlo Maria di Genoa
- 20-7-1710 P.F. ms found in a convent at Tripoli
- 1850 Filippo da Segni: trip to Borno
- 15-7-1729 SR, v. 4, f. 431, undated report of prefect, visit to Warri, was at Benin.
- 19-4-1712 The King to the Governor of São Tomé (AHU, São Tomé, codice 489, f. 236v. I have the first page - 236r).
- 1713 Cipriano da Napoli on mission in Benin & São Tomé, AHU, S. Tomé, caixa 3 (Ryder, cat. n. 611).
- 9-9-1718, King of Portugal to Prefect (Lisbon: AHU, S. Tomé, caixa 7 ref. JHSN 2:1, p. 18)
- 1726, AHU, S. Tomé, caixa 4. Conselho Ultramarino on proposal of Capuchin Prefect to give presents to Olu of Warri.
- c. 1735, AHU, São Tomé, caixa 4. Francisco Maria to Governor of São Tomé (ref. JHSN, 2:1, 21)
- 15-3-1771, AHU, São Tomé, caixa 7. Governor of São Tomé to King (ref. JHSN 2:1, 22)
- King, Lieutenant John, Journal des voyages, tome 13 (Paris, 1823), p. 518 (ref. JHSN, 2:1, p. 23).
- Merolla da Sorrento, Girolomo, Breve e succinta relazione del viaggio nel regno di Congo..., ed. Angelo Piccarda da Napoli (Napoli, 1726), esp. pp. 274-5.
- Pasilot de Beauvois, Flore d'Oware et de Benin. 2 folio vols., Paris, 1804-21. (by a companion of Landolphe)
- Cavazzi, Giovanni Antonio da Montecuccolo, Istorica descrittione de/ tre regni Congo, Matamba et Angola... Milan, 1690.
- Roussier, Paul, "Documents entre la France et le royaume de Ouaire à la Côte d'Afrique (1784-1787)", in Bulletin du Comité d'Etudes Historiques et Scientifiques de l'A.O.F., n. 2, 1928, pp. 352-385.
- Berbain, S., Le comptoir français de Juda au XVIII siècle, 1942. See description of Benin 1785.
- Benezet, Anthony, Some historical account of Guinea its situation, produce... London, 1778.
- D'Albeca, Alexandre L., Les établissements français du Golfe de Bénin. Paris, 1889
- Jacolliot, L., Voyages en Guinée, au Niger, au Bénin et dans le Borgou. Paris, 1879.
- Labat, J.B., Voyage du Chevalier des Marchais en Guinée et a Cayenne. Amsterdam, 1731, 4 vols.
- Leite de Faria, Francisco, "Os Barbadinhos Italianos em S. Tomé e Príncipe de 1711 à 1791", Portugal em Africa, 11 (1954), 69-85.