The blessings ± of Christmas 2002 ± be with you!

Far away and long ago, a Savior was born,
the Alpha and Omega arch of history.
Under his star, shining with eternal care,
not so far away and not so long ago, you and I came on the scene.

How are you doing? - Let me know.
How am I doing? - Let me say a little.

Next month I will clock 67 (an old age!),
47 of it spent as a Dominican, 40 as a priest, 39 in Nigeria.
Health? - Good. Leg only a slight handicap, no malaria in over 2 years.
Spirits? - Still upbeat, propped by God's grace and so many good people around.
But it is never easy. May we persevere!

Doing what? - After 22 years in the University, the past year has been "retirement":

With so many young priests around, I have little pastoral work any more,
although Saturday night at the University I heard about 60 confessions,
and had the Sunday evening Mass there.
I teach a few courses at the flourishing Dominican Institute,
write, publish and keep up my web site,
work on inter-religious dialogue projects for Nigerian bishops, West African bishops and Vatican,
meet regularly with a Muslim-Christian Project for Peace, here in Ibadan.
Since 10 months ago I have been vocation director.
My motto in that: "Leave the 99 and go after the one."
Even so, the coming intake is 15 (up from the present low of 2 novices).
Other jobs and projects are on the drawing board.

What do you say about what has been going on the past year in the world? - Tell me.
What do I say? - Briefly:

1. The Church crisis:

2. Iraq:

My love and prayers,
Joseph Kenny OP