This list includes only those authors it is certain or at least likely as-Sanûsî quoted from directly, not those quoted second hand. "Theological authors" excludes grammatical authorities and authors of verses.

`Abbād: a. `Al. M. b. `Abbād. Perhaps that of GAL SII, p. 345 (d. 792/1390)unnamed work quoted (cf. III, I, e)

al-`Āmidī: Sayfaddīn a. l- `A. b. `A. b. M. ath-Tha`labī l-āmidī (d. 631/1233). GAL I, p. 393, SI, p. 678
Akbār al-afkār

b. `Arabī: Muḥyīddīn a. `Al. M. b. `A. b. M. b. `Arabī (d. 638/1240). GAL I, p. 441, SI, p. 790; Osman Yahia, Histoire et classification de l'oeuvre d'Ibn `Arabī (Damascus: Inst. français, 1964)
Sirāj al-murīdīn (not listed by Osman Yahya)
al-Kitāb al-mutawassaṭ fī l-i`tiqād (not identified)

b. `Arafa: a. `Al. M. b. M. b. `Arafa al-Warghamī (d. 750/1350). EI2 (H.R. Idrīs); GAL II, p. 247, SII, p. 347
al-Mukhtaṣar ash-shāmil fī t-tawḥīd

al-Bāqillānī: al-Qāḍī a. B. M. b. aṭ-Ṭayyib b. M. b. Ja`far b. al-Q. al-Bāqillānī (d. 403/1013). EI2 (R.J. McCarthy); GAL I, p. 197, SI, p. 349
Kitāb an-naqḍ (not listed in GAL; cf. III, I, a)

b. Baṭāl: a. l-Ḥ `A b. Baāl al-Andalusī l-Mālikī (d. 449/1057). GAL SI, p. 261
I`lām al-muḥaddith fī sharḥ Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī

al-Bayḍāwī: Nāṣiraddīn a. Sa`d `Al. b. `U. b. M. b. `A. al-Bayḍāwī (d. 716/ 1316). GAL I, p. 416, SI, p. 738
Ṭawāli` al-anwār min maṭāli` al-anẓār
Anwār at-tanzīl wa-asrār at-ta'wīl (tafsīr)

b. Dahhāq: a. Isḥāq I. b. Yū. b. M. b. Dahhāq al-Awsī (d. 616/ 1219). GAL SI, p. 672
Sharḥ al-Irshād (of Imām-al-Ḥaramayn)

al-Ghazālī: Ḥujjat-al-Islām a. Ḥāmid M. b. M. al-Ghazālī ṭ-Ṭūsī (d. 505/ 1111). EI 2 (W. Montgomery Watt); GAL I, p. 421, SI, p. 748
Iḥyā' `ulūm ad-dīn

b. al-Ḥājib: Jamāladdīn a. `Amr `Uth. b. `U. b. a. B. b. al-Ḥājib (d. 646/ 1249). GAL SI, p. 538
Mukhtaṣar al-furū`

b. al-Ḥājj: a. `Al. M. b. M. b. M. b. al-Ḥājj al-Fāsī l-`Abdarī l-Qayrawānī (d. 737/ 1336). GAL SII, p. 95
reports ḥadīths (Cf. Ch. III, A, note 3, and J, 32a, f. 339b.)

b. Ḥazm: a. M. `A. b. A. b. Sa`īd b. Ḥazm (d. 456/ 1064). GAL I, p. 400, SI, p. 692
al-Faṣl fī l-milal wa-n-niḥal (Cf. Ch. III, E, d.)

Imām-al-Ḥaramayn: a. l-Ma`ālī `Abdalmalik b. a. M. `Al. b. Yū. al-Juwaynī, known as Imām-al-Ḥaramayn (d. 478/ 1085). GAL SI, p. 671
al-Irshād fī uṣūl al-i`tiqād

al-Isfarā'inī: al-Ustādh Ruknaddīn a. Isḥāq I. b. M. b. Mahrān al-Isfarā'inī (d. 418/ 1027). GAL SI, p. 667; as-Subkī, Ṭabaqāt III, p. 111
al-Jāmi` bayn al-jalī wall-khafī or al-Jāmi` fī uṣūl ad-dīn

al-`Irāqī: A. b. `Abdarraḥīm al-`Irāqī (d. 826/ 1423). GAL SII, ppl. 71 and 105
Sharḥ uṣūl as-Subkī

`Iyāḍ: al-Qāḍī a. l-Faḍl `Iyāḍ b. Mūsā b. `Iyāḍ al-Yaḥṣabī l-Andalūsī (d. 544/ 1149). GAL I, p. 369, SI, p. 630
ash-Shifā' fī ta`rīf ḥuqūq al-Muṣṭafā
Ikmāl al-Mu`lim, sharḥ Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim

`Izzaddīn b. `Abdassalām: `Iaddīn a. M. `Abdal`azīz b. `Abdassalām as-Salamī (d. 660/ 1262). GAL I, p. 430, SIK, p. 766
al-Qawā`id (GAL lists several)

b. a. Jamra: a. M. `Al. b. Sa`d b. a. l-`Abbās A. b. a. Jamra (or sometimes "Ḥamza") al-Azdī l-Andalusī (d. 699/ 1300). GAL SI, ppl. 635, 263 and 264; AB, p. 140
Mukhtaṣasr al-Bukhārī

al-Maqqarī: a. `Al. M. b. M. b. A. b. a. B. b. YY. b. `Ar. al-Qarashī t-Tilimsānī, known as al-Maqqarī (d. 758/ 1357). GAL SII, p. 993; AB, p. 249
Kitāb al-buyū` min qawā`id al-uṣūliyya

b. Marzūq: M. b. Marzūq al-ḥafīd (d. 842/ 1439). Cf. Ch. I, D, a, n. 15.
Sharḥ al-Burda

Muḥīṭ al-Ḥanafiyya: I could not identify this work. (Cf. Ch. III, J, i.)

al-Muqtaraḥ: Taqiyyaddīn a. l-`Izz al-Muẓaffar b. `Al. b. `A. b. al-Ḥu. ash-Shāfi`ī l-Miṣrī l-Muqtaraḥ (d. 612/ 1215-6). GAL SII, p. 946, n. 173, I, p. 390, and SI, p. 672 (erroneously making "al-Muqtaraḥ" a book); as-Subkī, Ṭabaqāt V, p. 156.
al-Asrār al-`aqliyya (Cf. at-Tilimsānī)

an-Niyāha: I do not know which of the many books with this title it is. (Cf. Ch. III, J. i.)

al-Qarāfī: Shihābaddīn a. l-`Abbās A. b. Idrīs al-Qaāfī ṣ-Ṣinhājī l-Bahnasī, inown as Ṣāḥib-ash-shar` (d. 687/ 1285). GAL I, p. 385, SI, p. 665
Lawāmi` al-furūq fī l-uūl

al-Qayrawānī: a. M. `Al. b. a. Zayd `Ar. al-Qayrawānī n-Nafzāwī (d. 386/ 996). GAL I, p. 177, SI, p. 301

al-Qushayrī: a. l-Q. `Abdalkarīm b. Hawāzin b. `Abdalmalik b. Ṭalḥa b. M. al-Qushayrī (d. 376/ 986). GAL I, p. 432, SI, p. 770

Saḥnūn: `Abdassalām b. Sa`īd b. Ḥabīb at-Tanūkhī (d. 280/ 854). GAL SI, p. 299

al-Qurṭubī: a. l-`Abbās A. b. `U. al-Anṣārī l-Qurṭubī (d. 656/ 1258). GAL I, p. 384, SI, p. 664
Sharḥ Muslim

b. Sīnā: a. `Al. al-Ḥu. b. `Al. b. Sīnā (d. 428/ 1037). GAL I, p. 453, SI, p. 812; G.C. Anawati, Mu'allafāt Ibn-Sīnā, Mihrajān Ibn-Sīnā (Cairo: Dār al-Ma`ārif, 1950)
ar-Risāla aṭ-ṭibbiyya (likely = al-Qanūn fī ṭ-ṭibb Anawati, n. 140, p. 192)

ar-Rāzī: al-Imām Fakhraddīn a. `Al. M. b. `U. b. al-Ḥu. b. al-Khaṭīb ar-Rāzī t-Taymī l-Bakrī (d. 606/ 1209). GAL I, p. 506, SI, p. 920
al-Mabāḥith al-arba`īn fī uṣūl ad-dīn

al-Ma`ālim fī uṣūl ad-dīn (Cf. b. at-Tilimsānī)

Muḥaṣal afkār al-mutaqaddimī wa-l-muta'akhkhirīn

Lubāb al-Ishārāt (commentary on b. Sīnā's al-Ishārāt wa-t-tanbīhāt)

b. Rushd: a. l-Walīd M. b. A. b. Rushd (d. 520/ 1126). GAL I, p. 384; SI, p. 662

at-Taftāzānī: Sa`daddīn Mas`ūd b. `U. at-Taftāzānī (d. 792/ 1390). GAL II, p. 215, SII, p. 301
Sharḥ al-Maqāṣid ad-dīniyya
Ḥāshiya `alā l-kashshāf (Cf. Ch. I, E, n. 21)
Sharḥ Talkhīṣ al-miftāḥ (Cf. al-Qazwīnī)
Sharḥ `Aqīda an-Nasafī (quoted only in J)

b. at-Tilimsānī: Sharafaddīn a. M. `Al. b. M. b. `A. al-Fihrī, known as Ibn-ast-Tilimsānī (d. 644/ 1265-6). GAL I, p. 390, SI, p. 672; as-Subkī, Ṭabaqāt V, p. 60; Ḥājī Khalīfa, Kashf aẓ-ẓunūn `an asmā' al-kutub wa-l-funūn (Istanbul, 1360/ 1941), II, col. 1726-1727
Sharḥ al-Ma`ālim (of ar-Rāzī)

at-Tilimsānī: a. Yy. `Ar. b. M. b. A. ash-Sharīf at-Tilimsānī (d. 829/ 1425-6). AB, p. 170
Sharḥ al-Asrār al-`aqliyya (of al-Muqtaraḥ; cf. AB, p. 170, and above, Ch. III, F, c.)
Sharḥ al-Irshād (of Imām-al-Ḥaramayn; it is the work quoted by W, f. 10b cf. Ch. III, A. c.)

az-Zabīdī: a. B. M. b. Ḥ. az-Zabīdī (d. 379/ 989-90). Ḥājī Khalīfa, Kashf-aẓ-ẓunūn, col. 1107
Ṭabaqāt an-najāt


A. Abbreviations used in the thesis

AB = Aḥmad Bābā; see below, C, "Bābā"
BSOAS = Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies
E1 = Escorial ms. n. 697; see below, B, "Sanūsī"
EI 1 = Enclyclopaedia of Islam, first edition
EI 2 = Encyclopaedia of Islam, second edition
GAL = Brockelmann; see below, C
IM = Ibn-Maryam; see below, C, "Maryam"
J = Sharḥ al-Jazā'iriyya ; see below, "Sanūsī"
JA = Journal asiatique
K = al-`Aqīda al-kubrā; see below, C, "Sanūsī"
M = al-Muqaddima; see below, B and C, "Sanūsī"
Ṣ = al-`Aqīda aṣ-ṣughrā; see below, C, "Sanūsī"
Ṣṣ = Ṣighrat aṣ-Ṣighra; see below, B and C, "Sanūsī"
W = al-`Aqīda al-wusṭā; see below, B and C, "Sanūsī"

B. Manuscripts

`Askar, b.
Dawḥ at an-nāshir li-maḥāsin man kān min al-Maghrib min ahl al-qarn al-`āshir (Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale, ms. 5025). Cf. Ch. I, A. a, n. 2.

Fodio, `Al. b.
Nazm al-Wusṭā (Ibadan: microfilm collection nos. 82/84 and CAD/42)

Fodio, `Uth. b.
Bayān rujū` ash-shaykh as-Sanūsī `an at-tashdīd `alā t-taqlīd fī `ilm at-tawḥ īd (Sokoto: ms. in the collection of the Marafa of Sokoto)

Mallālī, al-
al-Mawāhibal-quddūsiyya fī l-manāqib as-sanūsiyya (Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale, ms. 6897). Cf. Ch. I, A, a, n. 1.

Marzūq al-ḥafīd, b. (Cf. Ch. I, E, n. 2)
`Aqīdat ahl at-tawḥīd al-mukhrija min ẓulamāt at-taqlīd (Istanbul: Süleymaniya ms. 1601, ff. 112a-116a)

Sanūsī, M. b. Yūsuf as-
al-`Aqīda al-wusṭā (Escorial, ms. 697). Cf. Ch. II, A, b, for a full list of manuscripts and editions.
Nuṣrat ahl ad-dīn (London: British Museum, ms. Add. 9521, ff. 245a-258a). Cf. Ch. I, E, n. 50.
Sharḥ asmā' Allāh al-ḥusnā (Paris: Bibliothèque Natioale, ms. 6480). Cf. Ch. I, E, n. 13.
Sharḥ al-Murshida (Tunis: ms. in the collection of M. Naifar). Cf. Ch. I, E, n. 42.
Ṣighrat aṣ-Ṣighra (Escorial, ms. n. 697). Cf. Ch. I, E, nos. 8 and 9.

Tanasī, M. at-
Naẓm ad-durr wa-l-`iqyān fī dawlat Banī-Zayān (Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale, ms. 5173). Cf. Ch. I, B, note 10, and D, b, n. 3.

Zarkashī, M. az-
Ta'rīkh ba`ḍ ad-dawla al-muwaḥidiyya wa-nubūgh ad-dawla al-Ḥafṣiyya wa-dhikr man malak min-hum (Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale, ms. 1874). Cf. Ch. I, B, note 10.

C. Printed works

`Abdalbāsiṭ b. Khalīl
ar-Rawḍ al-bāsim fī ḥawādith al-`umr wa-t-tarājim, ed. and tr. by Robert Brunschvig, Deux récits de voyage inédits en Afrique du Nord au XVe siècle, `Abdalbāsiṭ et Adorne (Paris, 1936), pp. 69 and following. Cf. Ch. I, B, note 18.

Anawati, G.C.
Mu'allafāt Ibn-Sīnā, Mihrajān Ibn-Sīnā (Cairo: Dār al-Ma`ārif, 1950)

Cf. Gardet
Cf. Laugier de Beaurecueil

Bābā, A. (Cf. Ch. I, A, b, n. 2)
al-La'ālī s-sundusiyya fī l-faḍā'il as-sanūsiyya
Nayl al-ibtihāj bi-ta ṭ rīz ad-Dībāj (Cairo, 1932-3) = "AB"
Kifāyat al-mu ḥ tāj li-ma`rifa man lays fī d-Dībāj

Bargès, J.J.L.
Histoire des Beni-Zeiyan, rois de Tlemcen (Paris, 1852)
Complément de l'histoire des Beni-Zeiyan (Paris, 1887)

Bel, Alfred "`Abd-al-Wād," EI 1
"`Abdalwādides," EI 1
"Tlemcen," EI 1
"Zayānids," EI 1
Cf. Khaldūn, Yy. b.

Ben Cheneb, M. (Cf. Ch. I, A, b, n. 5)
"al-Sanūsī," EI 1
"étude sure les personnages mentionnées dans l'idjāza du cheikh `Abd el Qādir al-Fāsy," in Actes du XIVe Congrès International des Orientalistes, Alger 1905, troisième partie, suite (Paris: Leroux, 1908)

Bivar, A.D., and M. Hiskett
"The Arabic literature of Nigeria to 1804: a provisional account," BSOAS, v. 25 (1962), pp. 104-148.

Brockelmann, Carl
Geschichte der Arabischen Litteratur (Leiden: Brill, finished 1942). Cf. Ch. I, A, a, n. 4.

Brosselard, Charles
"Tombeau du Cid Mohammed es-Senouci et son frère le Cid Ali et-Tallouti," Revue Africaine, v. 3, n. 16 (April 1859), pp. 245-248. Cf. Ch. I, A, a, n. 3.
"Retour à Sidi Senouci: Inscriptions de ses deux mosquées," Revue Africaine, v. 5, n. 28 (July 1861), pp. 241-260. This contains a translation of al-`Ubbādī; cf. Ch. I, A, b, n. 1.
"Le tombeau de Sidi Zekri retrouvé," Revue Africaine, v. 5, n. 29 (Sept. 1861), pp. 334-336.
"Tombeaux des familles el-Makkari et el-Okbani," Revue Africaine, v. 5, n. 30 (Nov. 1861), pp. 401-421.

Brunschvig, Robert
La Berbérie orientale sous les afides des origines à la fin du XVe siècle (Paris, 1940 and 1947)
Cf. `Abdalbāsit b. Khalīl

Cherbonneau, A.
"Documents inédits sur es-Senouci, son caractère et ses écrits," JA, 1854, pp. 175-180. Cf. Ch. Ik A, b, note 7.

Delphin, G.
"La philosophie du cheikh Senoussi d'après son `Aqīda es-su'ra," JA, 9e série, v. 10 (1897), pp. 356-370. Cf. Ch. I, E, note 190.

Gabrieli, G. (Cf. Ch. I, E, note 190.)
"Un capitolo di teodicea musulmana ovvero gli attributi divini secondo la Umm al-Barāhīn di al-Sanūsī," Trani, 1914
"La dommatica minore di al-Sanūsī," Trani, 1914

Gardet, Louis, and G. Anawati
Introduction à la théologie musulmane (Paris: Vrin, 1948)

The Gospel of Barnabas, ed. and tr. by Lonsdale and Lawra Ragg (Oxford, 1907). Cf. Ch. III, I, d, note 9.

Horten, Max
Muḥammadanische Glaubenslehre, Die Katechismus des Fuḍālī und des Sanūsī übersetzt und erläutert (Kleine Texte für Vorlesungen und Übungen, hsg. von Hans Lietzmann, Heft 139, Bonn, 1916), pp. 45-53. Cf. Ch. I, E, note 190.

Ḥājī Khalīfa
Kash a-unūn `an asmā' al-kutub wa-l-funūn (Istanbul, 1941)

Ḥifnāwī, al-
Ta`rīf al-khalaf bi-rijāl as-salaf (Algiers, 1906)

Ḥāmidī, al-
Ḥawāsh `ala Sharḥ al-Kubrā li-s-Sanūsī (Cairo, 1936)

Hunwick, J.O.
"Aḥmad Bābā and the Moroccan invasion of the Sūdān (1591)," Journal of the Historical Society of Nigeria, v. 2, n. 3 (1962), pp. 311-328
"A new source for the biography of Aḥmad Bābā al-Tinbuktī (1556-1627)," BSOAS, v. 27 (1964), pp. 568-593
"Further light on Aḥmad Bābā al-Tinbuktī," Bulletin of the Center of Arabic Documentation (Ibadan), v. 2 (1966), pp. 19-31.
[Sharī`a in Songhay: the replies of al-Maghīlī to the questions of al-Hajj Muhammad. O.U.P., 1985.]

Jomier, Jacques
"Un aspect de l'activité d'al-Azhar du XVIIe aux débuts du XIXe siècles: Les `aqā'id ou professions de foi," communication faite au colloque d'histoire tenu au Caire 27 Mars4Avril 1969 à l'occasion du Millénaire du Caire.

Julien, Charles A.
Histoire de l'Afrique du Nord (Paris: Payot, 1931)

Kattānī, al-
Fahris al-fahāris (Fez, 1927-8). Cf. Ch. I, A, b, note 7.

Kenny, Joseph
"A bibliography of Islam in the north of Nigeria and surrounding areas," Mélanges de l'Institut dominicain d'études orientales, v. 10 (1970) (Cairo, Dār al-Ma`ārif), pp. 315-326. Cf. Ch. I, D, d, note 183.

Khaldūn, `Ar. b.
al-`Abr wa-dīwān al-mubtada' wa-l-khabar fī ayyām al-`Arab wa-l-`Ajam wa-l-Barbar, part 3 (Būlāq, 1867). Cf. Ch. I, B, note 10.

Khaldūn, Yy. b.
Bughyat ar-ruwwād fī akhbār al-mulūk min Banī-`Abd-al-Wād, ed. and tr. by Alfred Bel, Histoire des Beni `Abd el-Wād, rois de Tlemcen, in three volumes (Algiers, 1904, 1911, 1913). Cf. Ch. I, B, note 10.

Laugier de Beaurecueil, S., and G.C. Anawati
"Une preuve de l'existence de Dieu chez Ghazzali et S. Thomas," Mélanges de l'Institute Dominicain d'études Orientales, 3 (1956), pp. 207-258. Cf. Ch. III, B, b, note 10.

Luciani, J.-D.
Petit traité de théologie musulmane par Abou Abdallah Mohammad ben Mohammed ben Youssef Senoussi (Algiers: Fontana, 1896). Cf. Ch. I, E, note 190.
Les prolégomènes théologiques de Senoussi (Algiers, 1908). Cf. Ch. I, E, n. 11.
"A propos de la traduction de la Senoussia," Revue Africaine, v. 42, n. 231 (1898), pp. 376-388. Cf. Ch. I, E, note 190.

Marçais, George
"La Berbérie du VIIe au XVIe siècle," conférence faite à la séance d'ouverture du Deuxième Congrès National des Sciences Historiques, Alger, 14 avril 1930, in Mélanges d'histoire et d'archéologie de l'occident musulmane, v. 1, Articles et conférences de Georges Marçais (Algeirs, 1957), pp. 17-22
"`Abd-al-Wādids," EI 2 .

Maryam, b.
al-Bustān fī dhikr al-awliyā' wa-l-`ulamā' bi-Tilimsān (Algiers, 1908). Cf. Ch. I, A, b, n. 3.

McCarthy, R.J.
"Al-Bāqillānī," EI 2.

Qarāfī, A. b. Idrīs al-
al-Ajwiba al-fākhira fī r-radd `alā l-as'ila al-fājira (Cairo, H. 1322). Cf. Ch. III, I, d, note 1.

Qur'ān: A Cairo Arabic edition was used; translations are my own.

Rāzī, Fakhraddīn ar-
Tafsīr (Cairo, c. 1930). Cf. Ch. III, I, f, note 17.

Sanūsī, M. b. Yūsuf as-
al-`Aqīda al-kubrā (Cairo, 1936). Cf. Ch. I, E, nos. 2 and 3.
al-`Aqīda aṣ-ṣughrā (Cairo, 1939). Cf. Ch. I, E, nos. 6 and 7.
al-`Aqīda al-wusṭā: Sharḥ al-Wusṭā (Tunis, 1909). Cf. Ch. II, A, b, for a full list of manuscripts and editions.
Manāqib al-arba`a al-muta'akhkhirīn. Cf. Ch. I, E, n. 51, on how this is contained in Ibn-Maryam.
al-Muqaddimāt. Cf. J.-D. Luciani, Les prolgomènes...
Ṣighrat aṣ-Ṣighra (Cairo, 1904-5). Cf. Ch. I, E, nos. 8 and 9.

Saraqusṭī, I. as-
al-Hiba wa-l-`aṭā' fī sharḥ al-`Aqīda al-wusṭā (Tunis, 1926-7). Cf. Ch. II, A, b.

Sifāqsī, Maḥmūd b. Sa`īd Maqrīsh as-
Ḥāshiya `alā Sharḥ al-Wusṭā li-M. b. Yūsuf as-Sanūsī (Tunis, 1902-3). Cf. Ch. II, A, b.

Subkī, as-
Ṭabaqāt ash-Shāfi`a al-kubrā (Cairo, H. 1324)

Turki and M. ash-Shādhili Naifar
al-Fārisiyya (Tunis, 1968). Cf. Ch. I, E, n. 42.

`Ubbādī, al-
Cf. Brosselard, "Retour à Sidi Senouci..."

Watt, W. Montgomery
"al-Ghazālī," EI 2.

Weir, T.H.
The shaikhs of Morocco in the sixteenth century (Edinburgh: Morton, 1904). Cf. Ch. I, A, a, n. 2.

Wensinck, A.J.
The Muslim creed, its genesis and historical development (Cambridge, 1932)

Wolff, Ph.
El-Senusis Begriffsentwicklung des Muhammedanischen Glaubensbekentnisses (Leipzig, 1848). Cf. Ch. I, E, note 190.

Yahia, Osman
Histoire et classification de l'oeuvre d'Ibn `Arabī (Damascus: Institut Français, 1964)