Letters of Marx and Engels, 1845

Marx To Zacharius Lwenthal
In Frankfurt Am Main

Source: MECW Volume 38, p. 31;
Written: 9 May 1845;
First published: in Marx and Engels, Works, First Russian Edition, Vol. XXV, Moscow, 1934.

Brussels, 9 May 1845
12 rue de L'Alliance, hors de la porte de Louvain, No. 5 c/o: M. Reinhard

Dear Sir,

I would request you to send forthwith, in my name and at my expense — you may again draw a bill on me, including therein the postage on this letter — 3 copies of the Holy Family to Paris, to Mr Herwegh, rue Barbet-Jouy, Faub. St. Germain, Mr Heine, rue du Faub. Poissonnire No. 46, and to Mr Bernays, 12, rue de Navarin. I have had letters from various quarters complaining that no copies are to be had in Paris.

Yours faithfully

Dr Marx

You may draw the bill on me forthwith, but I would request you once again to send off the copies in question immediately.