Letters of Marx and Engels 1847

Marx To Georg Herwegh
In Paris

Brussels, 27 July 1847
Faubourg d'lxelles, rue d'Orlans 42

Source: MECW Volume 38, p. 118;
Written: 27 July 1847;
First published in: Marx and Engels, Works, First Russian Edition, 1934

Dear Herwegh,

Engels has just arrived here for a few weeks from Paris, [155] whence he has brought the following anecdote; I should be glad if you would elucidate it at the earliest opportunity.

Bernays told Ewerbeck: Herwegh came to see me and said that Marx had welcomed him in such a friendly manner that he seemed to want something of him. Bernays then gave Ewerbeck his unqualified permission to pass on this bon mot.

I would not, of course, put pen to paper on account of this piece of gossip had it not achieved a kind of notoriety among my acquaintances in Paris.

I would therefore request you to tell me categorically by return whether or not there is any truth in this.
