Marx-Engels Correspondence 1866

Marx To Laura Marx
In Hastings

Source: MECW Volume 42, p 313;.
First published: in the original English, in Annali, Milano, 1958.

[London,] 28 August 1866

My dear Cacadou [Laura],

I have received your letter, but not unopened, since it had to pass through the fingered hands of the Emperor [Jennychen].

It was always my opinion that to give the last finishing stroke to your ‘heducation’ some sort of boarding school training was still wanted. It will do you a great deal of good.

II hidalgo della figure trista [the knight of the woeful character — Don Quixote, i.e., Paul Lafargue] left me at the corner of his house. His heart having been considerably shaken before, he seemed to bear his separation from me with a rather heroic indifference.

My best wishes to Eleanor [Marx uses three mathematical symbols for Eleanor — + or -, infinity, — or +]

I enclose 5 l., the remainder to be sent in the second week.

Yours humbly
Old One