Marx-Engels Subject Archive


On the Trade Unions

Source of references: Marx and Engels on the Trade Unions. Edited with an introduction and notes by Kenneth Lapides, Published by Praeger 1987;
Transcribed: Andy Blunden;
Only about 50 of the excerpts are transcribed from this book. The remaining 70-odd references are to the texts transcribed from other sources.

The Trade unions and Revolution

News from France, in The Northern Star, Engels, June 15 1844;
Labour Movements, from The Condition of the Working Class in England, Engels, 1845;
On the General Srike of 1842, from The Condition of the Working Class in England;
On the Miners Srike of 1845, from The Condition of the Working Class in England;
An English Turnout, in Das Westphaälische Dampfboot, Engels 1846;
The Condemnation of the Paris Carpenters, in The Northern Star, Engels, September 1845;
On Workers Disturbances, Fighting for wages, & Association, from The German Ideology, 1845;
Strikes and Combinations of Workers, from Poverty of Philosophy, Marx, 1847;
On Workers Associations, from Wages, Marx, 1847;
The real fruits of their Labour, from The Communist Manifesto, Marx & Engels, 1848;

Anatomy of a Strike Wave

The First Farm Workers Strike, Marx, 8 Febuary 1853;
General System of Strikes, Marx, June 17 1853;
The Value of Strikes, Marx, July 1 1853;
On the Labour Contract, Marx, July 29 1853;
A Universal Combination against Capital, Marx, August 23 1853;
The Battle Continues, Marx, August 30, 1853;
On Strikes and the Value of Labour, Marx September 27 1853;
On the Employers Anti-Labour League, in New-York Tribune, Marx, October 7, 1853;
Lock-out vs Turn-out, Marx, November 1 1853;
The Wigan Riots, Marx, November 4, 1853;
Industrial Distress, Marx, December 2, 1853;
Troubles at Preston, Marx, March 31 1854;
Only the Beginning, Marx, August 1, 1854;

Trade Unions and the First International

London Building Workers Lockout, Marx, August 20 1859;
The Colliers, from Results of Immediate Process of Production, Marx, 1864;
On Founding of the International, Letter to Engels, Marx, Nov 4 1864;
On Importance of the International, Letter to Kugelmann, Marx, Nov 29 1864;
Right of Combination, Letter to Engels, Marx, Feb 18 1865;
On Weston, Letter to Engels, Marx, May 20 1865;
Progress of the International, Letter to Kugelmann, Marx, Jan 15 1866;
A Warning, Marx, May 4 1866
Trade Unions, Their Past, Present and Future, Marx, August 1866
London Trades Council, Letter to Kugelmann, Marx, Oct 13 1866;
Paris Bronze Workers Strike, Letter to Engels, Marx, Apr 2 1867;
The Fourth Annual Report of the General Council Marx, Sep 1 1868
Connections between the IWMA and English Working Men's Association Marx, Oct 17 1868
Feminine Ferment, Letter to Kugelmann, Marx, Dec 12 1868;
Belgian Massacres Marx, May 4 1869
National Prejudices, Letter to Engels, Marx, Aug 18 1869;
Continental Strikes Marx, September 1869
Miners' Guilds in the Coalfields of Saxony, Marx Feb 21 1869;
Obituary for Robert Shaw, Marx, January 8 1870;
Anti-Irish Prejudice, Letter to Sigfrid Meyer and August Vogt, Marx 9 Apr 1870;
The Lock-out of the Building Trades at Geneva, Marx, 5 July 1870;
To the Spanish Federal Council of the International, Engels, February 13 1871;
Engels to Cafiero, 16 July 1871;
Interview with New York World, Marx July 18 1871;
Trade Unions Held Aloof Marx, August 8 1871
An Aristocratic Minority Marx, September 20 1871
On Trade Unions and the International Marx, October 31 1871
Fictitious Splits in the International, Marx & Engels Mar 5 1872;
Historic Event, Capital, Volume I;

The Political Economy of Labour

Wages, Hours and Trade Union Struggle, Marx, Wages, Prices and Profit, 1865;
The Struggle between capital and labour and its results, Marx, Wages, Prices and Profit, 1865;
Trade Unions and the Unemployed, Capital, 1867;
The Working Day, Capital, 1867;
Strife between Workman and Machine, Capital, 1867;
Bloody legislation against the Expropriated, Capital, 1867;
On Wages and Prices, Capital, Volume II;
Lassalle's Iron Law of Wages, Letter to Bebel, Marx, Mar 18 1875;
The Wages System, Engels in Labour Standard, 21 May 1881;
The Trade Unions, Engels in Labour Standard, 28 May 1881;
The Wages Theory of the Anti-Corn Law League, Engels in Labour Standard, July 9 1881.

Socialist Sectarians

Worker must Walk by Himself, Letter to Schweitzer, Marx, Oct 13 1868;
On Becker's Proposal, Engels to Marx, Jul 30 1869;
Marx to Paul and Laura Lafargue, April 19 1870;
On Political and Economic Movements, Marx, Letter to Bolte Nov 23 1871;
Fictitious Splits in the International, Marx & Engels Mar 5 1872;
Political Indifferentism, Marx in Almanacco Repubblicano per l'anno, January 1873;
On Bakunin's General Strike, from Bakuninists at work,Marx, 1873;
Engels to Bebel, October 15 1875;

The Labour Aristocracy

On Reform Bill of 1867, Engels February 22 1874;
Marx to Kugelmann, May 18 1874;
Marx to Sorge August 4 1874;
On the Trade Unions and the Party, Letter to Bebel, Marx, Mar 18 1875;
On the Venal Trade Union Leaders, Letter to Liebknecht, Marx, Feb 11 1878;
On the German Movement, Engels, March 3 1878;
Engels to Bernstein, June 17 1879;
Trades Unions, part 2, Engels in Labour Standard, June 4 1881;
Political Nullity of English Workers, Letter to Liebknecht, Engels, Aug 30 1883;
England in 1845 and 1885, Engels, March 1 1885;
Engels to Gertrud Guillaume-Schack, c. 5 July;
On their traditional superstition, Engels to August Bebel Oct 28 1885;

The Rise of Labour in the United States

Marx to Engels, 25 July 1877;
An Epoch-Making Event, Engels, 22 January 1878;
On the Movement in America, interview with Marx The Chicago Tribune, Jan 5 1879;
On Real Mass Movement, Letter to Sorge, Engels, Apr 29 1886;
Engels to Laura Lafargue, May 23 1886;
No Other Road, Letter to Kelley-Wischnewetzky, Engels, Dec 28 1886;
Preface to American edition of Condition of Working Class in England, 1887;
Appendix to the American Edition of Condition of Working Class in England, 1886;
On the Quarrel with Gompers, Letter to Schluter, Engels, Jan 29 1891;
On American Exceptionalism, Preface to English edition of Condition of Working Class, 1892;
On Immigrants, Letter to Schluter, Engels, Mar 30 1892;

Outcast London and the Great Dock Strike

Interview in New Yorker Volkszeitung, Engels September 20 1888;
Engels to Bernstein, August 22 1889;
If They Can Combine..., Engels, August 26 1889;
Engels to Laura Lafargue, August 27 1889;
Engels to Laura Lafargue, September 1 1889;
Engels to Laura Lafargue, October 17 1889;
On the New unionism, Engels to Sorge, December 7 1889;
On Craft Exclusiveness, Engels to Schluter, Jan 11 1890;
Engels to Laura Lafargue, May 10 1890;
May 4 in London, Engels, May 23 1890;
Engels to Laura Lafargue, January 31 1891;
Engels to Sorge, February 11 1891;
Preface to Brentano vs Marx, Engels 1891;
Engels to Bebel, May 1-2 1891;
On Ireland, Engels to Sorge August 9-11 1891;
Bourgeois Labor Party, Engels to Sorge, September 14 1891;
On Ireland, Engels to Liebknecht December 2 1891;
More on New Unionism, Preface to English edition of Condition of Working Class in England, 1892;
Engels to Laura Lafargue, May 3 1892;
Engels to Laura Lafargue, September 11 1892;
Engels to Sorge, May 17 1893;
On the Social-Democratic Federation, interview with Marx The Daily Chronicle, July 1 1893;
Engels to Plekhanov, May 21 1894;



Letters on Organisation