Marxists Internet Archive: History Archive

Marxist History: History of the Revolutionary Working-class

International Worker's Organisations (1847-)
Since capitalism arose in the world, workers have been banding together; at first locally in small groups, but increasingly workers realized that the greater the strength of workers’ organisation, the better able workers are to challenge capitalism. This section provides in-depth history of these efforts of organising workers regardless of race, ethnicity, gender – or border, the effort to organise and create collaboration and co-operation between workers the world over in order to win the world for those who make it run.
First International 1864- Second International 1880- Third International 1918- Fourth International 1938-
France (1789-1973) The Soviet Union (1917-91)
Includes the “Conspiracy of Equals” of Babeuf during the French Revolution, the Paris Commune, the first workers government ever (including primary documents and a photo gallery), The Resistance (1940-45) with letters from the Manouchian group of foreign communists killed by the Nazis and The Algerian Independence War (1954-60) including the reaction of the French Left. Contains resources on the revolution, provides several books journalists/participants who describe events as they saw them unfold, documents written by members of the Soviet state and by representatives of foreign governments, a music archive with several Soviet worker's songs and anthems, an extensive image gallery featuring every day Soviet life, and more.
The Cuban Republic (1959-) U.S.A (1864-)
This archive focuses on the first five years of the Cuban revolutionary government, specifically on the Cuban Missile Crisis, through a time line of events and primary source documents by Fidel Castro, Nikita Khrushchev, and recently declassified U.S. government documents. The U.S. archive contains information on the Black Panther Party and their revolutionary struggle to overturn the U.S. system of racial and working class oppression, and the Civil Rights Movement; documents of early Marxist parties and labor history. Further, this archive contains a time line of U.S. Military History since World War II, relations with the USSR, presidential elections and links to our Malcolm X & John F. Kennedy archives.
Afghanistan (1851-89) Algeria (1945-)
This archive contains resources on U.S. military involvement in Afghanistan, the CIA's successful overthrow of the Afghani government, and the Soviet response. In 1962 Algeria became independent from foreign rule for the first time in over a millennium. At the outset of the revolution, a course towards worker’s emancipation was proclaimed. Just three years later however, the military overthrew the elected government of Ben Bella and assumed supreme control over governmental affairs.
Argentina (1970-1973) Australia (1888-)
Documents of the Left Peronist groups. Marxism and radicalism generally in Australia, from the 1880s to recent times.
Britain (1216-) Canada (1837-)
The Magna Carta, the English Revolution, the Chartists, Social Democracy and the British Communist Party. Includes the mirror of the Canadian Socialist History Project, with documents from the history of the Canadian workers and Socialist movement and the Quebec independence struggle.
Haiti (1791-1804) Iraq (1968-1973)
Documents of the first independent Black Republic. Documents of the Ba'ath Socialist Party.
Capitalism (1776-)
Contains the The White Book of Capitalism & Democracy: A history of the crimes committed by “democratic” nations. This archive also includes information about GATT, the precursor to the WTO.

Volunteers Wanted! We need volunteers to build archives and material on worker's history – not just a history of leaders, parties, bureaucracy and governments, but history from the ground up, history of the masses. The vanguard of any historic movement is important to detail – but because bourgeois history (the vast majority of written history) details the vanguards of history almost exclusively, and thus at the great expense of the role of the masses, it is critical we reverse such blindly one-sided science. The history of the masses exists in many forms: in memoirs, in letters and books written by people not involved in the politics of the event, in news reports, in books which set out to detail a history of the masses, ect. If you love learning about the history of working people, volunteer to help out – as you study and research for your own interest, transcribe the raw materials you've found, help others to follow your path of discovery. :)

To volunteer, ask questions, or send comments or suggestions, contact Brian Basgen.

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