These 14 Stations are a devotion to the Passion of Jesus, as it is described in the New Testament and foreshadowed in the Psalms. The four Gospel accounts are summarized and put together according to the order of events worked out by Catholic Scripture scholars.

The aim of this devotion is to help us love and be grateful to Jesus for what he suffered for us. The best way to appreciate what he suffered is to meditate on what Scripture tells us.

The long form:

Each station can be preceded by the introductory verses: "We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you," "Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world."

After the reading, the Psalm verses can be sung to a tune such as MI....RE DO/ FA....MI RE MI. (Where there are three lines, the first is on straight MI.) The hymn is sung to the melody of Stabat Mater.

The short form:

The short Scripture summary and prayer can substitute of those of the long form. The introductory verses, Psalm and hymn can be used or omitted according to the time available.


Father, thank you for sending us your Son
to lead us to our eternal home with you
by way of the cross and resurrection.
While I turn my mind to the suffering he endured,
unite my heart to his humble courageous offering
which is eternally present before you
for our salvation and happiness.


(Mt. 26:1-16, Mk 14:1-9, Jn 12:1-11)

At the very time the Jewish leaders were plotting Jesus' death, Mary of Bethany came into the house of Simon the leper, where Jesus and his disciples were eating, and poured a jar of expensive perfume over Jesus' head. Judas Iskariot and other disciples were angry and asked, "Why all this waste? The perfume should have been sold and the money given to the poor." But Jesus defended Mary's action, "She has done a fine and beautiful thing for me. You will always have poor people with you, but I will not be with you always. She poured the perfume to prepare my body for burial ahead of time. Wherever the Gospel is preached, all over the world, what she has done will be told in memory of her."

Defend me, God , * and plead my cause!
Deliver me from an ungodly nation, * from deceitful and dishonest men.
For you are my Fort ress-God, * why have you rejected me?
Why must I go in gloom * because of harassment by the Foe? (Ps. 43)

Jesus, for three years you preached to the poor. Now rich and powerful enemies are planning to kill you, and some of your own disciples accuse you of allowing Mary of Bethany to waste money. They did not know that while Mary poured out her perfume, you were filling her with your love, so that she would have something much greater than money or perfume to share with the poor. She could give them your love. Fill me with your love; make me never mind criticism for showing you love and sharing it with others.

Mary, our great Saviour's Mother,
felt a sword of sorrow pierce her
as her Son prepared to die.


Mary of Bethany came to Jesus the week before he died and poured expensive perfume over his head. Some disciples criticised her, but Jesus defended her for showing him this act of love.

Jesus, your love is more valuable than money or perfume. Fill me with your love and make me brave and fearless in showing it to you and sharing it with others.


(Mt 26:17-29, Mk 14:12-25, Lk 22:14-23)

Eating with his disciples for the last time before they would feast together in the eternal kingdom of his Father, Jesus announced that "one of you will betray me. The Son of Man will die as the Scriptures say he will, but how horrible for that man who will betray the Son of Man! It would have been better for that man if he had never been born!" With the fearsome forces of evil coming closer, Jesus gave his disciples a lasting memorial of his death for them: "Here is my body, given for you... Here is my blood, poured out for the forgiveness of men's sins, sealing God's covenant with you."

It was not an enemy * who dealt me the insults that I bear.
It was not my opponent who defamed me, * that I should hide myself from him.
But you, a man of my rank, * my companion and confidant:

Jesus, what great love you have for us! You gave us the sacrament of your love even while Judas Iskariot was planning to betray you and most of your other friends were weak and cowardly. Do not let me offend you, but let your body and blood which I receive change me, so that it is no longer I who live, but you who live in me, loving and giving yourself to men through me.

She surrendered him to mankind
when he sat as his last supper,
giving us himself as food.


While Jesus was eating the Passover meal with his disciples, he gave them his body and blood as their food and drink. But one of his disciples, Judas Iskariot, was preparing to betray him.

Jesus, you offer the sacrament of your love even to those who betray you or are cowardly or indifferent. Do not let me offend you, but stay within me and show your goodness to men through me.


(Mt 26:30-35, Mk 14:26-31, Lk 22:31-38, Jn 13:36-38, 14:31)

After the Paschal supper they sang a hymn, and Jesus said, "Rise, let us go form here." While they were on their way, Jesus told the eleven, "this very night all of you will run away and leave me, for the Scripture says, 'God will kill the shepherd and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.'" Peter answered, "Lord, I am ready to go to prison with you and to die with you!: But Jesus replied, "The cock will not crow today until you have said three times that you do not know me." Then he told them all: Formerly I sent you out with nothing and you had all you needed, because I was with you. Now you can take money and a sword, but you will only scatter.

Stay not far from me, * for the adversaries are near, * for there is none to help.
Strong bulls surround me; * wild bulls from Bashan encircle me.
They open their mouths against me, * like a ravening and raging lion.

Jesus, the Apostles ran away and left you, but you prayed that Peter would turn back to you and strengthen the rest. You see how I want to follow you, but I often fail and get discouraged. Purify my faith and hope, that I may rely on your care and protection and not on my own strength. Then you can call me to walk on the stormy water where nothing looks safe, or you can ask me to go through the fire of blame nd hostility: I will come safely and surely straight to you.

She looked out as he departed,
en/ter/ing his night of suffering,
where she could not give him help.


On the way to Gethsemane Jesus predicted that his disciples would scatter and Peter would deny him.

Jesus, you prayed that Peter would turn back and strengthen the faith of the rest. Let me rely on your care and protection and not on my own strength; then I will follow you and not run away.


(Mt 26:36-46, Mk 14:32-42, Lk 22:39-46)

They came to the garden of Gethsemane, and Jesus took Peter, James and John to the place he often went to pray. Distress and anguish came over him and he said to them: "The sorrow in my heart is so great that it almost crushes me. Stay here and watch." He went a little farther on, threw himself to the ground and prayed, "My Father, if it is possible, take this cup away from me! But not what I want, but what you want." And in the anguish of his prayer his sweat was like drops of blood, falling to the ground. Then he returned to the three disciples and found them asleep, and said, "How is it that you were not able to watch with me for one hour?" Two more times he prayed and returned to find the disciples sleeping, and then said, "Look! The hour has come for the Son of Man to be handed over to the power of sinful men."

My heart flutters in my breast, * and Death's terrors assail me.
Fear and terror assault me; * and shudders overcome me. (Ps 55)
I am wearied by my crying; * my throat is hoarse.
My eyes grow bleary * as I wait, my God. (Ps 69)

Jesus, the bitter cup which made you so sorrowful held the cruelest physical sufferings; it also held the still crueler suffering of seeing people reject a life of union with you and your Father. This is the life which all men were created to enjoy, and your limitless love drove you to empty yourself to give them this life. I too have not been sensitive to the greatness of your love for me, because I have watched and prayed so little. Send your Spirit into me to fire my willing spirit and strengthen my weak flesh, that I may be completely united with you, both in suffering and in joy.

While she watched and prayed in earnest,
how her heart was filled with sorrow,
feeling all her Son's deep pain!


In the garden Jesus prayed asking his Father to take away the cup of suffering that was waiting for him. "Yet," he said, "not what I want, but what you want." In the meantime the disciples fell asleep, and Jesus could not get them to pray for one hour with him.

Jesus, send your Spirit into me to fire my willing spirit and strengthen my weak flesh, that I may be able to pray with you and share your sufferings and joys.


(Mt 26:47-56; Mk 14:43-52; Lk 22:4;7-53; Jn 18:1-11)

Judas then appeared, guiding a large crowd carrying swords and clubs, sent by the Jewish elders to arrest Jesus. Judas led them right to Jesus, going up to greet him with a kiss. Jesus told him, "Is it with a kiss, Judas, that you betray the Son of Man? Do it quickly, then." They laid hold of Jesus and held him tight. Seeing this, Peter drew his sword and struck at the High Priest's slave, cutting off his ear. But Jesus said to him, "Put your sword back in its place, for all who take the sword will die by the sword," and he touched the man's ear and healed him. Then he said to the crowd, "Did you have to come with swords and clubs to capture me, as though I were an outlaw? Every day I sat down and taught in the Temple, and you did not arrest me. But this has happened to make come true what the prophets wrote in the Scriptures." Then all the disciples left him and ran away.

You have taken my companions away from me, * made me an abomination to them.
Imprisoned, I can not escape; * my eyes grow dim through affliction. (Ps 88)
Even my colleague * in whom I trusted,
who ate my bread, * spun slanderous tales about me. (Ps 41)

Jesus, you could have asked your Father for armies of angels to defend you, but you allowed yourself to be betrayed, deserted, and led away bound. This was because you were bound tighter still by your Father's love. This love led you to heal not just a man's ear, but the deafness of the world to the Father, since you are his Word that gives life. When my friends disappoint me, let me know that you and the Father through the Holy Spirit are always within me. In the darkness of inescapable trials let me surrender peacefully to your powerful love acting within me and through me.

From the fleeing friends of Jesus
Mary heard how he was captured,
bound, and led away alone.


A crowd came to arrest Jesus. Judas was leading them, and betrayed Jesus with a kiss. Jesus stopped Peter from fighting in his defence, and gave himself up willingly to his captors. Then all the disciples ran away.

Jesus, your Father's love did not leave you alone. Let me know that you and the Father through the Holy Spirit are always within me, and in every trial let me surrender to your love guiding and using me.


Mt 26:57-67, 27:1, Mk 14:53-65, 15:1, Lk 22:54, 63-71, Jn 18:12-14, 19-24)

They arrested Jesus and took him to the house of the High Priest. The elders and the Council tried to find some evidence against Jesus, to put him to death. Many witnesses told lies about him, but their stories did not agree. To all their accusations Jesus kept quiet and would not say a word. Finally the High Priest asked him, "Are you the Messiah, the Son of God?" "I am," answered Jesus, " and you will all see the Son of Man sitting at the right side of the Almighty, and coming on the clouds of heaven!" At this the High Priest said, "We don't need any more witnesses! You have heard his wicked words. What is your decision?" They answered, "He is guilty, and must die." The guards then spat in his face and beat him. They blindfolded him and said many other insulting things to him. Early in the morning the chief priests and elders met again and made their plans to put Jesus to death.

Malicious witnesses testify against me; * those I don't know interrogate me.
They repay me evil for good, * ravaging my soul.
When I stumbled they gathered with glee; * boxers gathered around me.
Those I did not know tore me to pieces, * and would not stop slandering me. (Ps 35)

Jesus, how calmly and fearlessly you spoke the truth, trusting in God to declare you innocent and defend your cause against lying and evil men. You willingly suffered their cruelty in order to send God's truth and light to all men, rescuing them from trouble and sadness. But now many of us reply to your goodness with evil, injuring our neighbours by our thoughts, words and deeds. Through your courageous love both in silence and in speaking, give me the strength to show love even to those who are neglectful or spiteful towards me.

Loving Mother, let me join you,
one with Jesus in his sufferings
for the good of all the world.


Jesus testified to the Jewish High Priest that he was the Messiah, the Son of God, and was condemned for blasphemy. Then the guards beat him and made fun of him.

Jesus, you spoke calmly and fearlessly, trusting in God to make the truth triumph and set men free. Help me to speak the truth and to love even those who insult me.


(Mt 26:58, 69-75, Mk 14:54, 66-72, Lk 22:54-62, Jn 18:15-18, 25-27)

When Jesus was brought to the High Priest's house, Peter followed form a distance and entered the courtyard of the house. There he sat down keeping himself warm by the fire, when one of the High Priest'' servant girls came to him and said, "You, too, were with Jesus of Nazareth."" But he answered, "I don't know what you are talking about," and went out to the passageway. Another servant girl saw him and began to repeat to bystanders, "He is one of them!" But Peter denied it again. About an hour later one of the bystanders insisted, "There isn't any doubt that this man was with him, because he also is a Galilean!" But Peter answered, "May God punish me if I am not telling the truth! I do not know the man you are talking about!" Just then a cock crowed, and the Lord turned around and looked straight at Peter, and Peter remembered what Jesus had told him, "Before the cock crows today, you will say three times that you do no know me." Peter went out and wept bitterly.

Because of you I have suffered abuse, * and disgrace has covered my face.
I have become a stranger to my brothers, * an alien to my mother's sons. (Ps 69)
My friends and companions * stand far away from my plague; * my neighbors stand at a distance. (Ps 38)

Jesus, many people disappoint you through fear of friends, relatives, officials or strangers. Peter, by your grace, shed tears of repentance, not like Judas who despaired or others who shed tears eternally in hell. Whenever I do wrong or fail you in any way, let me know that you are looking at me with pity, calling me to repent and return to an even closer friendship with you than before.

Mother of repentant sinners,
help me weep in compensation
for my sins against your son.


Peter entered the compound of the High Priest and said three times that he was no friend of Jesus. When Jesus caught sight of Peter, Peter remembered Jesus' prediction and went out and wept bitterly.

Jesus, whenever I fail you in any way let me know that you are looking at me with pity, and let me turn back to you with greater love than before.


(Mt 27:2, 11-25, Mk 15:1-15, Lk 23:1-23, Jn 18:28- 19:16)

When day came, the chief priests and elders brought Jesus in chains to Pilate, the Roman governor. They accused him of many things, to which Jesus answered nothing. When they said, "He claims that he himself is Christ, a king," Pilate asked him, "Are you the king of the Jews?" Jesus answered, "So you say." Pilate would have let him go, but wanted to placate the Jews. Hearing that Jesus was a Galilean, he sent him to Herod, the king of Galilee, who was in Jerusalem at that time. Herod and his soldiers made fun of Jesus and treated him with contempt, then sent him back to Pilate. Pilate told all the people, "I have not found him guilty of any of the bad things you accuse him of; neither did Herod." Since at every Passover Feast Pilate would set free a prisoner, the chief priests and elders persuaded the crowds to ask for Barabbas and to have Jesus put to death. Again and again Pilate protested, "What crime has he committed?" and each time they shouted back, "Nail him to the cross!"

Those who seek my life lay snares ; * they who desire my misfortune pursue me.
Ruin and treachery * they ponder all day long.
But I am like a deaf man who cannot hear, * like a dumb man who opens not his mouth. (Ps 38)
I see violence and strife in the city * making their rounds day and night. (Ps 55)

Jesus, you were put on public display for judgment: "Whom do you choose?" I choose you, who contain all the hidden treasures of God's wisdom and knowledge. I want to be inseparably united to you as a brother or a sister or a mother, and to sit at your side in your kingdom. Better still, I want to be in you, with you in me, and to drink the cup that you drink, facing the bitter things of every day with love, a love acceptable to your Father for the salvation of many.

Going out with John that morning,
you heard crowds of people shouting
for the death of your dear Son.


Jesus was tried by Pilate and not found guilty of any crime. Pilate wanted to free Jesus, but the people asked for Barabbas instead.

Jesus, I ask to belong to you, since you contain all the treasures of God's wisdom and knowledge. With you in me, let me face the bitter things of every day with love, and one day sit with you in your kingdom.


(Mt 27:26-31, Mk 15:15-20, Lk 23:11, 16, 22, Jn 19:1-3)

In the meantime Pilate's soldiers took Jesus inside the courtyard of the palace, where they whipped him of his clothes and put a scarlet robe on him. They made a crown of thorny branches and put it on his head, and put a stick in his right hand; then they knelt before him and made fun of him. "Long live the king of the Jews!" they said. They spat on him and took the stick and hit him over the head. In this condition Pilate had Jesus brought and shown to the people. "Look! Here is the man," he said. The crowd shouted back, "Nail him to the cross!" Pilate answered, "I cannot find anything he has done to deserve death! I will have him whipped and set him free." But the crowd shouted louder, "Nail him to the cross!" At length Pilate passed the sentence they wanted, and handed Jesus back to the soldiers. They removed the scarlet robe, whipped him, and then put his own clothes back on him.

Those I did not know tore me to pieces, * and would not stop slandering me.
The mockers around me * ground their teeth at me. (Ps 35)
I became a joke to them. * Feasters and drunkards * compose songs to mock me. (Ps 69)

Jesus, I feel horrified to think of you all bloody with wounds and covered with shame. But draw me after you, healing me of the wound of self-love and wounding me with your love. Unite my will perfectly with yours, and make me willing to help complete what still remains of your sufferings on behalf of your body the Church.

See the Son you fed and cared for
beaten bloody, crowned and spat on,
then displayed for all to mock.


The soldiers put a scarlet robe on Jesus and a crown of thorns on his head. They sent him like this to Pilate, who showed him to the people. Pilate finally gave in to the people's demand, and ordered Jesus to be whipped and executed.

Jesus, heal my wounds of self-love and make me of one mind with you, willing to suffer anything for the sake of your body, the Church.


(Mt 27:31-32, Mk 15:20-21, Lk 23:26, Jn 19:17)

The soldiers led Jesus out to nail him to the cross, making him carry the cross himself. As they went, they met a man named Simon, from Cyrene, who was coming into the city form the country. They seized him, put the cross on him and made him carry it behind Jesus.

My crimes have come down on my head; * like a heavy burden, they are too heavy for me. (Ps 38)
Abuse has wasted my entrails; * disease has crushed my heart.
I looked for a comforter, but there was none, * and for consolers, but I found none. (Ps 69)

Jesus, when you had no strength to carry the cross further, your Father's wisdom provided a helper. The unwilling man gave you no sympathy, but helped you reach Calvary and suffer death for our redemption. Give me faith and strength to accept all things form the Father's hands. In whatever work he calls me to do let my heart and mind be fixed on you and on helping you.

Down the road you saw him going,
car/ry/ing the sins of mankind
in the cross that crushed him down.


Jesus walked towards the place of execution carrying the cross himself. After a while the soldiers forced Simon of Cyrene to help him.

Jesus, when I am weak and unable to go on alone let me be thankful for the help you provide, and make me willing to do all God wishes me to do for you.


(Lk 23:27-31. Cf. Hosea 10:8, Rev 6:15-17)

A large crowd of people followed Jesus; among them were some women who were weeping and wailing for him. Jesus turned to them and said: "Women of Jerusalem! Don't cry for me, but for yourselves and your children." And he quoted to them the prophet Hosea's description of the terrors of the last day, when evil people will try to flee, wishing they had no children to care for, and will beg the mountains to fall on them to hide them from their judge.

I am utterly bowed down and prostrate; * all day long I go about in gloom.
I am spent and utterly crushed; * I groan and moan in my heart.
Lord, all my sighing is before you, * and my groaning never leaves your presence. (Ps 38)

Jesus, the women of Jerusalem wanted to console you for your own sufferings. But you said, "That is why I came, to go through this hour of suffering." You groaned and desired one thing from your Father, to save the poor and needy from the powers of darkness, making them sons of God blessed with every spiritual gift. Jesus, make your desire mine; let me willingly suffer anything in union with you to draw many into your kingdom.

On you went and heard him speaking
of his worry for the people
who would turn their backs on God.


Some women felt sorry for Jesus and were weeping. But Jesus told them they should weep instead for the people who condemned him, since they faced a terrible judgment on the last day.

Jesus, you wanted to suffer death on the cross in order to save men from eternal suffering and make them sons of God blessed with every spiritual gift. Make me willing to suffer anything in union with you to bring many into your kingdom.


(Mt 27:33-38, Mk 15:22-28, Lk 23:32-38, Jn 19:18-24)

Towards noon they came to a place called Golgotha. There they offered Jesus wine mixed with a kind of dope, but he refused to drink it. So they nailed him to the cross, and divided his clothes among themselves, throwing dice to see who would get which piece of clothing. Above his head they put the written notice of the accusation against him: "Jesus of Nazareth, the king of the Jews." They also nailed two bandits to crosses with Jesus, one on his right and the other on his lift.

For dogs have surrounded me; * a pack of evildoers encircle me.
They picked clean my hands and my feet, * so that I can number all my bones.
See how they glare and stare at me. * They divide my garments among them, * and over my robe they cast lots. (Ps 22)

Jesus, you wanted to face the supreme moment of your life fully conscious and awake, the moment of surrendering everything: First you let your clothes go to the soldiers, then your freedom of movement to the cleaving nails, your blood to whatever would catch it, and your honour to the shame of a criminal's rank. Draw me after you by a strong love of god, the only perfect good, that I may be completely free to give up anything and everything as he leads me into perfect union with himself.

Oh, what pain went through your spirit
when they stripped him and then pounded
nails into his hands and feet.


At Golgatha the soldiers nailed Jesus to the cross and divided his clothes among themselves. They also nailed two robbers to crosses, one on each side of Jesus.

Jesus, you surrendered everything on the cross: your clothes, your freedom and your blood, clinging only to the will of your Father. Let me surrender anything and everything for the love of God and to do his will.


(Mt 27:39-50, Mk 15:29-37, Lk 23:34-46, Jn 19:25-30)

When the soldiers finished their work, Jesus said, "Forgive them, Father! They know not what they are doing." People insulted him, saying: "He saved others, but he cannot save himself. If he is God's Son, the Messiah and King of Israel, let him come down form the cross now, and we will believe in him!" One of the criminals hanging there insulted him too, but the other rebuked him and said to Jesus, "Remember me when you come as King!" Jesus said to him, "I tell you this: today you will be in Paradise with me." Mary, John, and some other women were standing near the cross. Jesus said to his mother Mary, "Woman, here is your son," and to John, "Here is your mother." At noon the whole country was covered with darkness, which lasted for three hours. Towards three o'clock Jesus cried out, "My God, my God, why did you abandon me?" Then, knowing that everything had been completed, he said, "I am thirsty." A soldier ran up with a sponge soaked in wine, put it on the end of a stick, and held it up to Jesus' lips. Then Jesus said, "It is finished!" And crying out loud, "Father! In your hands I place my spirit!" he bowed his head and died.

But I am a worm and not a man, * the most scorned of men and despised of the people.
All who see me make fun of me; * they gape at me and wag their heads.
"He lived for Yahweh, let him deliver him; * let him rescue him if he cares for him." (Ps 22)

Jesus, you were fastened to the cross in weakness to accomplish God's greatest triumph, that of sharing his love with men. You began with those nearby: the soldiers, the thief, your Mother and John. Then in darkness your love went out to the ends of the earth and the ends of time. Staggered at the cost and the numbers who would be lost, you cried out to your Father in sorrow. Yet you reached out in love to say, "I am thirsty," with the thirst of a drained body and spirit for each and every person God made or ever would make. Your work was now finished, and you surrendered your spirit. Make me spiritually one with you, and put your thirst in me to draw many to your love.

Full of courage and great sorrow,
you stood by till all was finished
and he gave his life for us.


As Jesus hung on the cross, he heard people mocking him, but he forgave them. Then, speaking to John, he gave us Mary as our Mother. After three hours of thirst and pain he gave up his spirit and died.

Jesus, make me one in spirit with you. Let me feel your thirst for men, and so draw many to your love.


(Mt 27:51-66, Mk 15:38-47, Lk 23:437-56, Jn 19:31-42)

When Jesus died, the curtain hanging in the Temple was torn in two. The earth shook, graves opened, and many of God's people who had died were raised to life. The army officer, seeing how Jesus died and everything else that happened, exclaimed, "He really was a good man; he was the Son of God." Later, since the bodies had to be taken down before evening, when the Jews began the Sabbath rest, the soldiers broke the legs of the two criminals, but seeing that Jesus was already dead, they did not break his legs. One of the soldiers, however, plunged his spear into Jesus' side, and at once blood and water poured out. Then Joseph of Aramathea, a secret follower of Jesus and a council member ,asked Pilate for the body of Jesus. Pilate agreed; so Joseph took it down, wrapped it in a sheet, and placed it in a new grave dug out of rock. Then he rolled a large stone across the entrance, and Pilate put a guard to watch the grave.

In Death-Land is my mat * just like the slaughtered * my couch is in the Grave,
where you remember them no longer, * since they are cut off from your love.
You have plunged me into the lowest Pit, * into regions dark and deep. (Ps 88)

Jesus, for many years God's power was hidden by a curtain in the Holy of Holies; then it was hidden in your own mortal body. At your death it burst forth to shatter Satan's hold on t he world. But to defeat the powers of darkness in their homeland, your spirit went down to the underworld, and your body to the grave. On the third day you rose, and put life at its fullest within everyone's reach, pouring out your Spirit inexhaustibly from your pierced side and heart. Let your Spirit fill me with life and overflow in my heart, to praise you with the Father and the Holy Spirit for your victorious love, now and forever.

In your arms you held his body,
then looked on as it was buried
in a sealed and guarded tomb.

Mother of our risen Saviour,
by your steadfast love you triumphed;
now in joy you reign with him.


When Jesus was dead, a soldier plunged his spear into his side, and out came water and blood. Then his body was taken down from the cross and put in a tomb, which was sealed with a large stone.

Jesus, when your body was buried, you went to release the dead from the powers of the underworld and came back to rise on the third day. Let your Spirit, flowing from your opened side and heart, fill me with life and make me praise you with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever.


Father, I love you for your goodness
which your Son revealed in his suffering and death.
I am sorry for the ingratitude I have shown
by many sins and lack of care,
and I surrender myself to you once again.
Keep me safe from the Evil One,
and lead me by your Spirit of truth
to bear witness to Jesus' love,
especially when I must suffer for it.

(You may add:)

Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory be...


The stations of the Resurrection are for Easter time. Easter time extends from Easter Sunday until Pentecost. As in Lent we celebrate our death with Jesus by freeing ourselves from sin, so in Easter time we celebrate our life with him by enjoying his Holy Spirit. In these Stations we consider how Jesus rose, appeared to many people, ascended to his Father, and finally sent his Spirit to the Church.

The Stations of the Resurrection can be celebrated like those of the Passion. After the reading of a Scripture summary, the Psalm verses are sung to a tone as indicated at the beginning of the Stations of the Passion. After the prayer comes a hymn verse to go with the following chorus:


(Mt 28:1-4)

JESUS IS RISEN! The first sign of his resurrection was the coming of an angel of the Lord in the night before Sunday. He rolled away the stone from the grave and sat on it. The guards were afraid and fell back like dead men.

The underworld reeled and rocked; * the foundations of the mountains shuddered;
Yahweh thundered from the heavens, * and the Most High gave forth his voice.
The fountainheads of the sea were exposed, * and the world's foundations laid bare,
at your roar, Yahweh, * at the blast from your nostrils.
He reached down from high and snatched me; * he drew me from the waters deep. (Ps 18)

Jesus, you died and were buried. Then, because you are King of life, you rose and shook the earth's hold on the dead. Shake me free from all that holds me down, and lift my entire being to live in praise of you forever.

Jesus came forth in shining light,
op'ning the way to a new life.


(Mt. 28:11-15)

Some of the guards later went to the Jewish chief priests and reported what happened. The chief priests bribed the soldiers to tell everyone that the disciples came in the night and stole the body.

O Brightness, you are majestic! * They tried to plunder the mountains of the Lion,
but the warriors slept their last sleep, * and were found no more; * soldiers perished with their power.
From heaven you will sound the sentence; * the earth will shudder and fall still.
When you arise for the judgment, God, * to save all the meek of the earth. (Ps 76)

Jesus, you are alive and present among us. Thank you for making me your witness. When I am with people who don't believe in you, give me the joy of your presence, to proclaim the truth that you are Lord.

Not to face God the guards too flight;
not to face Pilate they told lies.


(Mt 28:5-7, Mk 16:1-8, Lk 24:4-8, Jn 20:11-13)

Very early in the morning Mary Magdalene and the other women went to the grave and found the stone rolled away from the entrance. They looked inside and saw an angel, who told them, "Go and tell the disciples, Jesus is risen."

I extol you, Yahweh, for you pulled me up, * and did not let my enemies laugh at me.
Yahweh, my God, * I cried to you, and you healed me.
Yahweh, you lifted me from Sheol; * after my descent to the Pit you restored my life.
Sing to Yahweh, his worshipers; * praise his holy name. (Ps 30)

Jesus, a mighty stone was set to bury you forever, but it rolled back when you conquered death. Help me by the power of your resurrection to conquer my troubles and disappointments. I place my hope in you, the living Lord.

At dawn the women came to see
Jesus, who was dead no longer.


(Jn 20:11-18, Mt 28:9-10, Mk 16:9-10)

As the women turned to go, they saw Jesus, but did not recognize him until he called Mary Magdalene by her name. The women then took hold of his feet and worshipped him. Jesus told them, "Go and tell my brothers, I am going back up to my Father."

In the evening one goes to bed crying, * but at dawn there are shouts of joy.
I thoughtlessly said, * "I will never stumble."
Yahweh, your favor * made me firmer than the mighty mountains.
But you turned away your face, * and I was greatly shaken.
I call to you, Yahweh; * my Lord, I ask for mercy. (Ps 30)

Jesus, I am happy to know you by faith and to see you alive in so many people who have your Spirit. Don't let me turn away and lose sight of your blessings. Help me to listen to your voice always, so that I will have the confidence to witness to my brothers that you are alive.

When they saw Jesus they fell down,
held his feet tight and adored him.


(Lk 24:10-11, Jn 20:18, Mt 28:8)

The women ran and told everything to the disciples, but the disciples thought their story was nonsense, and did not believe them.

What good will come from my tears? * from my descent to the Pit?
Can the Mud ever praise you? * or proclaim your faithfulness?
Yahweh, hear me and be merciful; * Yahweh, be my helper!
Turn my weeping into dancing; * undo my sackcloth and robe me with joy:
So let my heart sing praise to you, * and weep no more.
Yahweh, my God, * I will thank you forever. (Ps 30)

Jesus, your victory over death makes me joyful. Strengthen me to continue eagerly in your joy and to tell others about you, even when they are slow to believe.

Running with joy, the women shared
with the disciples the good news.


(Jn 20:2-10, Lk 24:12, 1 Cor 15:5)

Peter and John, however, ran to the grave, and saw only the burial cloths. John went back, now believing that Jesus had risen. As Peter waited, Jesus appeared to him, and he too went back and reported to the disciples.

I said, "O Yahweh, you are my Lord; * you are my Good; there is none above you."
So my heart is glad; my liver rejoices; * my body rests secure.
For you will not place me in Sheol, * nor let your worshiper see the Pit.
You will show me the path of eternal life, * filling me with joy before you, * with pleasure at your right hand     forever. (Ps 16)

Jesus, like Peter I am often eager to see you, but slow to trust in you fully. Strengthen my faith, so that I can recognize your presence in and around me at all times.

Peter and John ran out to see,
and learned that Jesus had risen.


(Lk 24:13-35, Mk 16:12-13)

On Sunday afternoon Jesus appeared to two disciples walking to Emmaus, but they did not recognize him. He explained the Scriptures to them and showed that the Messiah should suffer, die and then rise. The disciples recognized Jesus when he shared bread with them at Emmaus, but he disappeared from their sight. They returned immediately to Jerusalem and reported to the disciples.

I remained faithful though I was pursued, * though I was harassed by Calamity.
I thought in my alarm, * "Every man is false."
How can I return to Yahweh * all his favors to me?
I will take the cup of salvation, * and invoke the name of Yahweh.
I will fulfil my vows to Yahweh * before all his people. (Ps 116)

Jesus, I am often foolish and slow to believe. Come and walk with me, and explain how I must suffer with you, so as to gain glory with you.

Jesus, the way, the truth and life,
you are our guide to the Father.


(Lk 24:36-43, Jn 20:19-23, Mk 16:14)

While the disciples were together Sunday evening, Jesus suddenly stood among them and greeted them. They were afraid and thought he was a ghost, but he told them to touch his hands and feet and see that it was really himself. He then breathed on them and gave them the power to forgive sins.

From Confinement I called on Yah; * Yah heard me from heaven's expanse.
Yahweh is for me, I am not afraid; * what can man do to me?
Better to take refuge in Yahweh * than to trust in man. (Ps 118)

Jesus, you are the light shining in the darkness of doubts and worries. In creases my faith in your living presence, until I see you in the light of eternity.

Stand in our midst and speak to us;
Give us the peace that your promised.


(Jn 20:24-29)

A week later Thomas was in the room with the disciples. He had not been there when they saw Jesus; so he said, "If I do not touch the place of his wounds with my hands I will not believe." Jesus then appeared and greeted them; he told Thomas to touch his wounds. Thomas believed, and answered, "My Lord and my God!"

I did not die but lived * to recount the works of Yah.
Yah punished me severely, * but did not hand me to Death.
Open the gates of victory; * I will go in to celebrate Yah.
This gate belongs to Yahweh; * let the victors enter.
I thank you for my victory; * you made me win. (Ps 118)

Jesus, my Lord and my God, I believe in you. Touch me with your Spirit, and mark me as your servant who suffers willingly for you.

Jesus, the Lord and God of all,
you have the words of eternal life.


(Jn 21:1-13)

Seven of the disciples, including Peter and John, went up to Galilee and went fishing one night. They caught nothing, but as the sun was rising Jesus stood on the shore and told them to throw the net in once again. When they caught so many big fish, they recognized it was Jesus who spoke to them. They came ashore and shared breakfast with him.

This is the day Yahweh acted; * let us rejoice and be glad in him!
Blest who enters in Yahweh's name! * We bless you in Yahweh's house. * El Yahweh has shone on us.
Deck the shrine with branches; * adorn the horns of the altar.
You are my God; I thank you; * my God, I extol you. (Ps 118)

Jesus, I have worked long, but do not see the results. Enliven my faith in you, that my efforts may yield fruit that will last.

Lord, through the night we work and toil,
Waiting for you to relieve us.


(Jn 21:15-23)

Jesus then asked Peter three times, "Do you love me?" and told him three times, "Take care of my sheep." He then foretold that Peter would die a martyr, but John would not. Yet they both should follow Jesus.

He chose David his servant, * and took him from the sheepfolds.
From following ewes he brought him * to shepherd Jacob his people, * and Israel his patrimony.
He tended them with blameless heart, * and with skillful hands he guided them. (Ps 78)

Jesus, you know that I desire to love you with all my heart. Help me to be a good shepherd, so that I can care for all those you bring into my life, until you call me to yourself.

If we give up our lives for Christ,
We shall be with him in glory.


(Mt 20:16-20, 1 Cor 15:6, Acts 1:6-8, Lk 24-44-49, Mk 16:14-18)

Jesus appeared to all eleven Apostles on a hill in Galilee, then to over 500 other followers, and again to the Eleven in Jerusalem. He told them to be his witnesses all over the world, preaching, baptizing and working miracles in his name. But they should first wait in Jerusalem for the power of the Spirit to come upon them.

For Yahweh is truly king * and ruler over the nations.
Indeed to him shall bow down * all who sleep in the underworld.
Before him shall bend their knee * all who have gone down to the Mud, * for the Victor himself restores to life.
May my descendants serve him, * and tell of the Lord forever.
May they begin telling his goodness, * to people yet unborn that he has acted. (Ps 22)

Jesus, you sent us with the power of your Spirit to witness to you everywhere. Keep us united with you, so we can share your risen life with many people, until we join you in your eternal kingdom.

Spread the good news o'er all the world.
Jesus is has died and is risen.


(Acts 1:9-10; Lk 24:50-51; Mk 16:19)

After forty days Jesus led his disciples to Bethany, blessed them, and was taken up to heaven. There he sits at the right side of God, and is the Lord of all.

God has gone up with shouts of joy, * Yahweh to the sound of trumpet.
Sing praises, you gods, sing praises; * sing praises to our King, sing praises.
For he is king over all the earth; * O gods, sing a skillful song.
God is king over the nations; * he sits on his sacred throne. * Rulers of peoples, gather round. (Ps 47)

Jesus, you are worthy of all honour, glory and praise, for by your death you won a kingdom, made of all who turn to you, the only way to the Father. As I work for the spread of your kingdom, prepare me one day to meet you, the Lord of glory.

Jesus went up to heights above;
He is the Lord of all nations.


(Acts 2:1-42)

On Pentecost, the fiftieth day, the believers were gathered together, and a mighty wind filled the house. Tongues of fire touched everyone present, and the Spirit enabled each to speak in different languages. A crowd of people from many different countries gathered and marveled each one to hear the believers talking in his own language. About three thousand were baptized that day.

Send, my God, your strength; * strengthen, God, what you have built for us.
Your temple, Most High, is Jerusalem; * kings will bring gifts to you.
Sing, kings of the earth; * gods, sing praises to the Lord!
See the Rider of his heavens, * the heavens of old.
Listen, he makes with his voice, * a mighty sound!
Give praise to God, * the Most High of Israel,
whose majesty and might * are too great for heaven. * Too awesome is God for his sanctuary!
Truly he is the God of Israel, * who gives victory and power. * O people, bless God! (Ps 68)

Jesus, you did not leave us orphans, but gave us your Spirit to let us share in your risen life. Let me listen to your Spirit and make use of the powers he gives me, to love and serve you in the kingdom you are preparing to hand over to your Father.

Send forth your Spirit, Risen Lord,
Make us anew in your image.

Halleluia, halleluia! Sing praise to the risen Lord!
Halleluia, halleluia! Sing praise to his name!


Besides the Stations, other services can use New Testament readings with Psalms and prayers taken from the Stations. Because the New Testament accounts cannot be combined into one story, the following five services are presented:

New Testament account: Psalm and prayer from Station:
A. Matthew:
     1) Mt 28:1-10  1
     2) Mt 28:11-15  2
     3) Mt 28:16-20 12
B. Mark, John appendix & 1 Corinthians:
     1) Mk 16:1-8  3
     2) Jn 21:1-13 10
     3) Jn 21:15-23; 1 Cor 15:6-10 11
C. Luke (minus conclusion) & Acts:
     1) Lk 24:1-12  5
     2) Lk 24:13-35  7
     3) Lk 24:36-49  8
     4) Acts 1:9-14 14
D. John, strand 2, & Mark appendix:
     1) Jn 20:1, 11-18  4
     2) Mk 16:12-14  8
     3) Mk 16:14-20 12
E. John, strand 1, & Luke conclusion:
     1) Jn 20:1-10  6
     2) Jn 20:19-29  9
     3) Lk 24:50-53 13