Schedule Changes for Tuesday (1/24), Saturday (1/28) and Tuesday (1/31)
Night Prayer on Tuesday 1/24 will be at approximately 8:30pm, following Fr. Bryan Kromholtz, OP’s 7pm free and open to the public lecture “The Spirit of the Letter: St. Thomas’s Reading of the Book of Job’s Eschatology,” sponsored by the Thomistic Institute.
A reminder that Night Prayer on Thursday and several offices on Friday have been changed due to the March for Life.
On Saturday 1/28, the Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas, we will follow a Sunday schedule (Morning Prayer with Office of Readings at 8:30, Mass at 11:15, Rosary at 5:20 followed by Evening Prayer) though Night Prayer will be in private. The Mass will be celebrated and preached by our guest Abbot Austin Murphy, OSB.
On Tuesday 1/31, owing to the 12:10pm special St. Thomas Aquinas Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Morning Prayer will be celebrated alone at 7am, and Rosary and Midday Prayer will be in private.