Holy Week Prayers from DHS

Yesterday, the Church around the world entered Holy Week. The celebrations were not typical, however. Priests and people resembled less the gathered crowds on that first Palm Sunday, and more the scattered disciples on Good Friday. We were not together. This is still a cause of sorrow for everyone.

But Christ remains close to his people, and his grace abounds.

As a religious community, the House of Studies has the privilege of maintaining its usual Holy Week schedule. We will celebrate Tenebrae—the “Office of Shadows”—on Wednesday evening. Then on Thursday we shall enter the Paschal Triduum by offering the Mass of the Lord’s Supper. The celebration of the Lord’s Passion follows on Good Friday, and the Great Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday. Our Holy Week observances will end with a Solemn Mass of the Lord’s Resurrection on Easter Sunday Morning. At each Mass and office, your intentions will remain at the forefront of our prayers.

As you celebrate this Easter separated from family and friends, and from your pastors and parishes, know of the friars’ prayers for you—for your peace and consolation, as well as for your growth in faith, hope, and charity. The Church may not gather this year in Easter song, but she remains united nonetheless in Easter joy. The Lord is risen—he will always remain risen—and soon we shall gather again to celebrate this great mystery of our salvation.

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