Schedule for Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, December 8-9
In celebration of its patronal feast—the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception—the House of Studies will keep the horarium below on Sunday, December 8th, and Monday, December 9th.
Sunday, December 7th – Second Sunday of Advent
8:30 AM Office of Readings & Lauds
11:15 AM Sunday Mass
5:20 PM Rosary
5:35 PM II Vespers of the Second Sunday of Advent
9:00 PM Compline
Monday, December 9th – Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
7:30 AM Lauds, followed by Solemn Mass
12:00 PM Office of Readings & Midday Prayer
5:30 PM Solemn II Vespers of the Immaculate Conception
9:00 PM Compline