A special edition of a special book
Joseph Kenny
Course outline
- Material required:
- My translation
- My introductory notes
- Select patristic texts for assignment
- Refer particularly to Mitchell Dahood, The Anchor Bible: Psalms (I, 1965; II 3rd ed. 1974; III 1970)
- Assignment: An oral presentation of the type, format, logic and theological implications of an assigned Psalm. A written commentary using a patristic/medieval commentary, extracting what is valid and combining it with an up-to-date text exegesis, and presenting it in a readable format.
- Literature review:
- The Vulgate
- Patristic & medieval
- A return to Hebrew
- Pre-Pius XII Catholic work
- Post-Pius XII translations
- Format:
- The place of poetic logic among the branches of logic
- Peculiarities of Hebrew or Semitic poetry:
Parallelism of repetition, contrast, completion
Chiasm- Linear versus chiastic logic
- Traditional groupings of Psalms
- Theology:
- Types according to theme
- Systematic view of theology of Psalms:
- Cosmological suppositions and vocabulary
- Yahweh's power and providence
- The chosen king and people
Victory and dealing with the enemy — the problem of vengeance and cursing
Laments at sin, defeat, sickness — their connection or separation
Prayer for rain etc.- The New Testament and Church use of Psalms: Christ, head and body, at prayer
- Class study of individual Psalms
Latin (Vulgate) and Hebrew (modern) number correspondence
followed by
most translationsVulgate My own
acc. to real
unity or division1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 11 10 10 12 11 11 13 12 12 14 13 13 15 14 14 16 15 15 17 16 16 18 17 17 19 18 18 20 19 19 20 21 20 21 22 21 22 23 22 23 24 23 24 25 24 25 26 25 26 27 26 27 28 27 28 29 28 29 30 29 30 31 30 31 32 31 32 33 32 33 34 33 34 35 34 35 36 35 36 37 36 37 38 37 38 38 38 39 40 39 40 41 40 41 42 41 42 43 42 44 43 43 45 44 44 46 45 45 47 46 46 48 47 47 49 48 48 50 49 49
followed by
most translationsVulgate My own
acc. to real
unity or division51 50 50 52 51 51 53 52 52 54 53 53 55 54 54 56 55 55 57 56 56 58 57 57 59 58 58 60 59 59 61 60 60 62 61 61 63 62 62 64 63 63 65 64 64 66 65 65 67 66 66 68 67 67 69 68 68 70 69 69 71 70 70 72 71 71 73 72 72 74 73 73 75 74 74 76 75 75 77 76 76 78 77 77 79 78 78 80 79 79 81 80 80 82 81 81 83 82 82 84 83 83 85 84 84 86 85 85 87 86 86 88 87 87 89 88 88 90 89 89 91 90 90 92 91 91 93 92 92 94 93 93 95 94 94 96 95 95 97 96 96 98 97 97 99 98 98 100 99 99
followed by
most translationsVulgate My own
acc. to real
unity or division101 100 100 102 101 101 103 102 102 104 103 103 105 104 104 106 105 105 107 106 106 108 107 107 109 108 108 110 109 109 111 110 110 112 111 111 113 112 112 114 113 113 115 114 116 114 115 115 117 116 116 118 117 117 119 118 118 120 119 119 121 120 120 122 121 121 123 122 122 124 123 123 125 124 124 126 125 125 127 126 126 128 127 127 129 128 128 130 139 129 131 130 130 132 131 131 133 132 132 134 133 133 135 134 134 136 135 135 137 136 136 138 137 137 139 138 138 140 139 139 141 140 140 142 141 141 143 142 142 144 143 143 145 144 144 146 145 145 147 146 146 147 147 148 148 148 149 149 149 150 150 150 Literature review (partial)
Patristic and later references
- Greek commentators not translated (details in Quasten): Athanasius (fragments, PG 27:55-590), Didymus the Blind (fragments, PG 39:1155-1622), Cyril of Alexandria (doubtful fragments, PG 69:717-1273), Evagrius of Pontus (Selecta in Psalmos), Asterius the Sophist (Arian: Homilies & 27 fragments of Commentary, ed. M. Richard, also G. Bardy), Eustathius of Antioch (fragments, PG 18:675-704), Eusebius of Caesaria (fragments, critical ed. M. Spanneut), Theodore of Mopsuestia (much, ed. R. Devreesse), John Chrysostom (Homilies on the Psalms, PG 55), Hesychius of Jerusalem (Glosses, published under name of Athanasius, Great Commentary, part in PG 55, 2nd Commentary, ed. V. Jagi), Theodoret of Cyrus (Interpretations of the Psalms, PG 80:857-1998, & 84:19-32), Origen (on Ps 36-38, Latin tr. by Rufinus of Aquileia, CCL 20), Gregory of Nyssa (In inscriptiones Psalmorum, In sextum Psalmum, Opera, ed. W. Jaeger, v.5)
- Hippolytus, Ps 2, 23, 24, 110, 78:
- Ambrose, Ennarationes in XII Psalmos Davidicos (1, 35-40, 45, 47, 48, 61. Latin: CSEL 64). Expositio Psalmi CXVIII (Latin: CSEL 62)
- St. Augustine, Ennarationes in Psalmos: Early Christian Writers. Nicene & Post Nicene Fathers. Fathers of the Church. (Latin: CCL 38-40)
- Jerome, Homilies on the Psalms: Fathers of the Church, 2 vols. (Latin: CCL 78). Notes on the Psalms (Latin: CCL 72)
- Arnobius the Younger, Commentarii in Psalmos (Latin: PL 53:32;7-570)
- Cassiodorus, Expositio Psalmorum (Latin: CCL 97-98)
- Hilary of Poitiers: Ps 1, 53, 30: (Latin: CSEL 20, has Psalms
- 1, 2, 9, 13, 14, 51-69, 91, 118-150)
- St. Albert the Great (Pseudo): Commentary on Psalms 1-5, 8, 23, 45, 51, 58, 72, 76, 110, 118, 120-133, 136-150 (Hebrew numeration) translated:
- Thomas Aquinas: Postilla in Psalmos 1-54: John Paul II: Wednesday audiences, off and on, beginning 28 March 2001
The Psalter in general: 28 March to 4 April 01, then the order of Lauds:Notes on format
Traditional micro-analysis of Hebrew poetry
For a long time Biblical scholars have used the pattern of parallelism in Hebrew poetry as an indispensable guide for understanding the text and for interpreting obscure words. As put by Callan and McHugh, this consists of "one line set over against another, the second line either repeating, or reversing, or expanding the thought of the preceding line... There are three principal kinds of Hebrew parallelism: synonymous, antithetic, and synthetic." (1)
Traditional macro-analysis of Hebrew poetry
Such analysis is on a rather simple level. Yet there is an old tradition of analysing the structure of longer passages. Saints Jerome and Augustine, in their commentaries on the Psalms, do not divide the Psalter or individual Psalms into sections or logical divisions. But Cassiodorus (d. 570) does,(2) dividing the whole Psalter into 12 parts, and each Psalm, as he comments on it, into its logical parts.
Thomas Aquinas goes much further, dividing the Psalter first into three sections of 50 Psalms each, according to their stress on penance, justice, and eternal glory. He further subdivides each of these groups and, when he comes to individual Psalms, divides them according to their logical parts. For instance, the first three verses of Psalm 6, given above, with verse 4, are a request for forgiveness; verses 6 and 7 describe the penitent's weeping; verses 8 to 10 describe God's answer to the prayer. All modern commentaries likewise analyse the Psalms according to movement of thought or logic. The various editions, however, do not venture to introduce subtitles into the Psalms, since that would chop up their flow, especially when used as prayer.
New trends in macro-analysis
After a phase of rationalism in Biblical interpretation, emphasizing dissection and minute analysis of texts and words, there is now a tendency to recognize the broader, synthetic intentions of the author, and to see some logical process in the whole, even though this may sometimes have loose transition points.
A new factor in this analysis of whole documents is rhetorical structure. This is not the same as outlining the progression of thought, as classical Christian commentators have so ably done, but includes in addition attention to the arrangement of words, phrases and larger units according to long-recognized patterns of Hebrew poetry as well as newly highlighted patterns. Thus in Biblical studies, A. Vanhoye has shown how the entire Letter to the Hebrews is constructed in a chiastic pattern. (3) And R. Meynet has extended this method to apply throughout the Bible. (4)
The three types of parallelism, synonymy, antithesis, and synthesis, Meynet examines at many different levels, starting from simple terms (or words), then members, then segments (roughly = verses, of two or three members), then pieces (or strophes, of two or three segments), then parts, passages, sequences, sections, until the level of the whole text.
Michel Cuypers has tried to apply this method or rhetorical analysis to the Qur'ân. In the first of several articles in the Dominican publication, Mélanges de l'Institut Dominicain du Caire, (5) he applied it to several short sûras and, notably, to the whole of Sûrat Yûsuf (12).
This method amounts to an extension of the traditional analysis of parallelism, antithesis and complementarity in Hebrew poetry, along with the well known feature of chiasm (inclusion or concentrism), so frequently observed by Michel Dahood. (6) It is an extension from its traditional application to single verses or short strophes to longer passages or entire books of the Bible or sûras of the Qur'ân.
Some characteristics of Psalm format
The Psalms differ greatly in style, because of different authorship and date, but some common patterns can be observed. The Psalms usually develop an idea with a linear logic, typically with one or several introductory lines announcing the theme, then a development of points or historical narrative, culminating in a conclusion. This linear direction is commonly moulded into a chiastic structure where the outermost sections mirror each other, and so on inward, leading either to a single or two parallel central sections emphasising the main thought of the Psalm.
Traditional groupings of Psalms
Books (each ending with a doxology):
1: Ps 1-41
2: Ps 42-72
3: Ps 73-89
4: Ps 90-106
5: Ps 107-150 Hallels:
"Egyptian Hallel" 113-118 (before Passover meal 113-114; 115-118 afterwards)
"Great Hallel" 120-136 (coinciding with "Ascents/Gradual"
3rd Hallel 146-150 Ascents/ Gradual: 120-134.
Acrostic: 9-10, 25, 34, 37, 111, 112, 119, 145
Seven Penitential: 6, 32, 38, 51, 102, 130, 143
Types according to theme or style
Liturgy is an aspect of all psalms, of some more particularly. Liturgical references are scanty, but for dedication of 2nd temple (2 Chron 5:12-14) there are Ps 105, 96, 106 & 1 Chron 16. ("Psalms" are found elsewhere in the OT & NT in the form of canticles.)
- Hymn to God's greatness/kingship 8, 19a, 29, 33, 47, 48, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 104, 117, 134 (in Temple), 135, 145, 146, 148, 150 (liturgical doxology)
- Hymn of God's triumph in history 68, 75, 114
- Hymn of God's help to the lowly 113
- Hymn to Yahweh on eve of battle 149
- General blessing 121
- General thanksgiving 103, 107
- Thanksgiving for recovery of health 32, 40, 66, 116
- Thanksgiving for deliverance from trouble 34
- Thanksgiving for deliverance from enemies 94
- Songs of Zion 46, 48, 76, 84, 87, 122, 132 (royal), 137
- Royal coronation 2
- Royal thanksgiving 18
- Royal celebration of bringing ark to Jerusalem 132
- Royal blessing 72, 144b
- Royal prayer for heavenly life 63
- Royal prayer for victory 20, 89, 108, 118, 144a
- Royal prayer for deliverance from enemies 89
- Royal thanksgiving for victory 21, 92, 110, 124, 138
- Royal wisdom on dependence on Yahweh 127, 128
- Royal wedding 45
- Royal psalm of trust 91
- Royal dedication to the Law 119
- Royal lament 28, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 86, 101 (& innocence), 130 (& contrition)
- National lament 44, 60, 74, 77, 79, 80, 83, (102), 106, 125, 129, 137
- National thanksgiving 126
- Individual general lament 5, 7, 25, 38, 39, 40, 42-43, 120 (answered), 123
- Lament at illness 6, 88, 102
- Lament because of enemies 3, 9-10, 12, 22, 35, 58, 55, 64, 69, 70, 71, 109, 140, 141, 143
- Lament at death 13, 69, 142
- Lament of contrition 51
- Wisdom lament 14, 53
- Wisdom judgment of the gods 16 (profession of faith), 82, 115
- Wisdom praise of Law 19b
- Wisdom on prosperity of wicked 37, 52, 73
- Wisdom contrasting good and wicked 1, 15 (for Temple), 50 (judgment) 112
- Wisdom on wealth and pleasure 49
- Wisdom on brevity of life 90
- Wisdom on God's historical providence 78, 81, 105, 106, 107, 111, 136
- Wisdom of fraternal love 133
- Wisdom & innocence 36
- Innocence 5, 139
- Trust 11, 23, 27, 46, 62, 131(royal?)
- Prayer for rain 4, 67, 85
- Prayer for heavenly happiness and rain 65
- Prayer for healing & eternal life 41
- Liturgical procession 24
The vocabulary of the Psalms
This translation brings out an extraordinary number of names or titles of God. There are as many titles of God in this book as there are Psalms. Try to list them. A few are kept in their original Hebrew form. Yahweh, "I am who am", is the name given to Moses (Ex 3:13-15). This name is often shortened to Yah, especially in "Hallelu-Yah" = "Praise Yahweh". The title Yaweh of Armies is a translation of "Yahweh Sabaoth". Another name is El (pronounced "Ail"), a short name for God which more often apears in the plural of majesty, "Elohim" and is related to the Arabic "Allah". Another name is Shaddai, meaning "The One who holds strong".
The Psalmist frequently calls on gods, spirits and divinities to praise God. This is to show that God is the master of whatever other spirits or so-called gods may exist. We may understand them also as angels who, like man, are made in the image of God and participate in his nature (cf. 2 Peter 1:4).
There is no name directly referring to the devil or Satan. The word "serpent" in Psalm 68 is equivalent to the mythological monster Leviathan or Rahab, and in the context is applied to Egypt. Another mythological monster is Tannin (Ps 74). There are many references to human enemies or slanderers, but a special enemy is death personified. This has many names (capitalized for clarity): Death, the Killer, Foe, Enemy, Adversary, Mocker, Wicked One, Devourer.
Sheol is the place of the dead. Another Hebrew word for it is Abaddon (Ps 88; cf. Rev 9:11), meaning a place of perdition. This was the temporary abode of the just until the coming of Christ who descended there and brought them up with him to heaven. It was not viewed as a place of happiness, and for the unjust it was a permanent hell. It is located in the underworld, a word which sometimes means Sheol and sometimes is just a geographical reference, a part of the universe which is all subject to God. Other names for Sheol are: the Pit, Mud, Mire, Slime, Swamp, Deep Waters, Cemetery, Grave, Secret Place, Wasteland, House Below, Land of Descent, Land of Perdition, Land of Forgetfulness, City of Phantoms, Exile, Banishment, Confinement, the Fortress, Dragnet, Darkness, Calamity, Terrors, Desolation, Tent of the Wicked One, Abode of the Foe. Yet it is a power that reaches us even here, trying to drag us down.
Heaven is sometimes referred to as a Lofty Mountain (Ps 61), Blooming Field (Ps 97), the Plain or the Land (Ps 67), a Meadow or Paradise (Ps 5), Field of Life (Ps 56, 116), or Garden (Ps 36). Note that afterlife with God is strongly affirmed (against R.M.'s "only this life" and Sheol); see Dahood, III, pp.xli-lii.
In Psalm 110, Melchizedek is translated as "rightful king".
Various other themes for study: Sin and suffering (6:2, 37, 38:4, 73), "soul", henotheism/ monotheism, innocence, primordial creation struggle (74, 89), the role of the sacred king (89); royal Psalms were retained after the exile, in view of the coming Messiah.
New Testament and Church use
The Psalter contains all of theology in poetic form. There is a literal meaning understood by David or other O.T. authors, and a typological meaning intended by God in inspiring them. The latter comes to light through the eyes of the N.T., where it is seen that the whole Psalter is about Christ, head and body, at prayer. Christian monasticism promoted liturgical use with this in mind.
The question of vengeance and cursing
In contrast R.M.: "Curses are mere attempts "to hear" words of anger and violence, echoing our own wrongdoing," study the following passages of St. Thomas Aquinas:
Commentary on Sentences, III, dist. 30, a. 1, ad 4
To the fourth objection, it should be said that charity turns to some goods per se, that is, the goods of grace, and some per accidens, as these are ordered to the first. But temporal goods, which charity turns to per accidens and secondarily, can conflict with one another in different people; for the prosperity of one may bring adversity to another.
So—because charity has an order, and everyone must love himself more than another, and neighbours more than outsiders, and friends more than enemies, and the common good of many more than the private good of one—someone can desire, without going against charity, temporal evil for another and be glad if it happens, (~) not in so far as it is an evil for the person, but (+) in so far as it is an impediment to the evil that might happen (1) to another person whom he is held to love more, or (2) to the community or (3) to the Church.
Similarly, he may rejoice over temporal evil that happens to someone in as much as a penal evil is likely to impede him from committing a moral evil.
But the goods of grace do not conflict, because spiritual goods can be possessed fully by many. Therefore, no one can in charity wish [moral] evil on another or rejoice if it happens, except to the extent that someone's evil of sin or damnation brings into relief God's justice, which we are held to love more than man. But this is not rejoicing per se in evil, but in a good that is joined to evil.
Summa Theologiae, II-II, q. 25, a. 6, Reply to Objection 3:
Such like imprecations which we come across in Holy Writ, may be understood in three ways: first, by way of (+) prediction, not by way of (~) wish, so that the sense is: "May the wicked be," that is, "The wicked shall be, turned into hell."
Secondly, by way of wish, yet so that the desire of the wisher is not referred to (~) the man's punishment, but to (+) the justice of the punisher, according to Ps. 57:11: "The just shall rejoice when he shall see the revenge," since, according to Wis. 1:13, not even God "hath pleasure in the destruction of the wicked [Vulg.: living']" when He punishes them, but He rejoices in His justice, according to Ps. 10:8: "The Lord is just and hath loved justice."
Thirdly, so that this desire is referred to (+) the removal of the sin, and not (~) to the punishment itself, to the effect, namely, that the sin be destroyed, but that the man may live.
Commentary on Ps 34 (Heb 35), n. 1
Concerning the first, he does three things. First, he asks for the condemnation of his enemies, second, he sets forth the destruction of their condemnation, namely their guilt, at For they have freely, and third, he assigns the fruit of this condemnation, at, But my soul...
Someone first attacks another, and then, prevailing, inflicts harm on him. Therefore, this order is reversed. For when someone attacks another, he does not immediately merit condemnation, but the one attacked is roused to ask for help. However, when he harms, then the one harmed asks for condemnation.
And for this reason he here distinguishes both, because harm is prior in the intention of the one who inflicts it; and thus he first asks for the condemnation of those harming. Therefore, he says, Judge, O Lord, those who are harming me.
Now, there is a three-fold judgment, namely, (1) of condemnation — James 2: Judgment is without mercy to one who has not shown mercy; (2) of cleansing — 1 Peter 4: For the time is, that judgement should begin at the house of the Lord; and (3) of discrimination — Psalm 42: Judge me God, and discern my cause.
The first is treated of here. A like petition is had at Jeremiah 11: But you, O Lord Sabaoth, who judges rightly, and tries the reins and the hearts, let me see your revenge on them. Contra Matt. 5. Orate pro persequentibus, et calumniantibus vos. But on the contrary, there is Matthew 5: Pray for those who persecute and malign you.
I respond by saying that in every imprecation of this kind, the meaning is two-fold. (1) One which is said by way of prediction, as when he says, Judge; as if he were saying, you will judge. Or so that all things are understood as brought forth not from the zeal of one's own vengeance, but of God's justice, to which the just conform themselves. (2) The second meaning is where, having been attacked, he desires to resist his adversary. And so, he says, Overcome those who are attacking me, namely let them not prevail over me — Jeremiah 20: The Lord is with me as a strong warrior; Isaiah 63: I who speak justice, I am the one who fights in defense of salvation.
Catena Aurea on Matthew, ch. 5, n. 21
Gloss., non occ.: The Lord has taught above that we must not resist one who offers any injury, but must be ready even to suffer more; He now further requires us to shew to them that do us wrong both love and its effects. And as the things that have gone before pertain to the completion of the righteousness of the Law, in like manner this last precept is to be referred to the completion of the law of love, which, according to the Apostle, is the fulfilling of the Law.
Aug., de Doctr. Christ., i, 30: That by the command, "Thou shalt love thy neighbour," all mankind were intended, the Lord shewed in the parable of the man who was left half dead, which teaches us that our neighbour is every one who may happen at any time to stand in need of our offices of mercy; and this who does not see must be denied to [p. 205] none, when the Lord says, "Do good to them that hate you."
Aug., Serm. in Mont., i, 21: That there were degrees in the righteousness of the Pharisees which was under the old Law is seen herein, that many hated even those by whom they were loved. He therefore who loves his neighbour, has ascended one degree, though as yet he hate his enemy; which is expressed in that, "and shalt hate thy enemy;" which is not to be understood as a command to the justified, but a concession to the weak.
Aug., cont. Faust., xix, 24: I ask the Manichaeans why they would have this peculiar to the Mosaic Law, that was said by them of old time, "thou shalt hate thy enemy?" Has not Paul said of certain men that they were hateful to God? We must enquire then how we may understand that, after the example of God, to whom the Apostle here affirms some men to be hateful, our enemies are to be hated; and again after the same pattern of Him "Who maketh his sun to rise on the evil and the good," our enemies are to be loved.
Here then is the rule by which we may at once hate our enemy for the evil's sake that is in him, that is, his iniquity, and love him for the good's sake that is in him, that is, his rational part. This then, thus uttered by them of old, being heard, but not understood, hurried men on to the hatred of men, when they should have hated nothing but vice.
Such the Lord corrects as He proceeds, saying, "I say unto you, Love your enemies." He who had just declared that He came "not to subvert the Law, but to fulfil it," by bidding us love our enemies, brought us to the understanding of how we may at once hate the same man for his sins whom we love for his human nature.
Gloss. ord.: But it should be known, that in the whole body of the Law it is no where written, Thou shalt hate thy enemy. But it is to be referred to the tradition of the Scribes, who thought good to add this to the Law, because the Lord bade the children of Israel pursue their enemies, and destroy Amalek from under heaven.
Pseudo-Chrys.: As that, Thou shalt not lust, was not spoken to the flesh, but to the spirit, so in this the flesh indeed is not able to love its enemy, but the spirit is able; for the love and hate of the flesh is in the sense, but of the spirit is in the understanding. If then we feel hate to one who [p. 206] has wronged us, and yet will not to act upon that feeling, know that our flesh hates our enemy, but our soul loves him.
Greg., Mor., xxii, 11: Love to an enemy is then observed when we are not sorrowful at his success, or rejoice in his fall. We hate him whom we wish not to be bettered, and pursue with ill-wishes the prosperity of the man in whose fall we rejoice. Yet it may often happen that without any sacrifice of charity, the fall of an enemy may gladden us, and again his exaltation make us sorrowful without any suspicion of envy; when, namely, by his fall any deserving man is raised up, or by his success any undeservedly depressed.
But herein a strict measure of discernment must be observed, lest in following out our own hates, we hide it from ourselves under the specious pretence of others' benefit. We should balance how much we owe to the fall of the sinner, how much to the justice of the Judge. For when the Almighty has struck any hardened sinner, we must at once magnify His justice as Judge, and feel with the other's suffering who perishes.
Gloss. ord.: They who stand against the Church oppose her in three ways; with hate, with words, and with bodily tortures. The Church on the other hand loves them, as it is here, "Love your enemies;" does good to them, as it is, "Do good to them that hate you;" and prays for them, as it is, "Pray for them that persecute you and accuse you falsely."
Jerome: Many measuring the commandments of God by their own weakness, not by the strength of the saints, hold these commands for impossible, and say that it is virtue enough not to hate our enemies; but to love them is a command beyond human nature to obey. But it must be understood that Christ enjoins not impossibilities but perfection. Such was the temper of David towards Saul and Absalom; the Martyr Stephen also prayed for his enemies while they stoned him, and Paul wished himself anathema for the sake of his persecutors. [Rom 9:3] Jesus both taught and did the same, saying, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." [Luke 23:34]
Aug., Enchir., 73: These indeed are examples of the perfect sons of God; yet to this should every believer aim, and seek by prayer to God, and struggles with himself to raise his human spirit to this [p. 207] tempter. Yet this so great blessing is not given to all those multitudes which we believe are heard when they pray, "Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors."
Aug., Serm. in Mont., i, 21: Here arises a question, that this commandment of the Lord, by which He bids us pray for our enemies, seems opposed by many other parts of Scripture. In the Prophets are found many imprecations upon enemies; such as that in the 108th Psalm, "Let his children be orphans." [Ps 109:9]
But it should be known, that the Prophets are wont to foretell things to come in the form of a prayer or wish. This has more weight as a difficulty that John say, "There is a sin unto death, I say not that he shall pray for it;" [1 John 5:16] plainly shewing, that there are some brethren for whom he does not bid us pray; for what went before was, "If any know his brother sin a sin, &c."
Yet the Lord bids us pray for our persecutors. This question can only be resolved, if we admit that there are some sins in brethren more grievous than the sin of persecution in our enemies. For thus Stephen prays for those that stoned him, because they had not yet believed on Christ; but the Apostle Paul does not pray for Alexander though he was a brother [2 Tim 4:14], but had sinned by attacking the brotherhood through jealousy.
But for whom you pray not, you do not therein pray against him. What must we say then of those against whom we know that the saints have prayed, and that not that they should be corrected, (for that would be rather to have prayed for them), but for their eternal damnation; not as that prayer of the Prophet against the Lord's betrayer, for that is (+) a prophecy of the future, not (~) an imprecation of punishment; but as when we read in the Apocalypse the Martyrs' prayer that they may be avenged. [Rev 6:10]
But we ought not to let this affect us. For who may dare to affirm that they prayed against those persons themselves, and not against the kingdom of sin? For that would be both a just and a merciful avenging of the Martyrs, to overthrow that kingdom of sin, under the continuance of which they endured all those evils. And it is overthrown by (1) correction of some, and (2) damnation of such as abide in sin. Does not Paul seem to you to have avenged Stephen on his own body, as he speaks, "I chastise my body, and bring [p. 208] it into subjection." [1 Cor 9:27]
Pseudo-Aug., Hil. Quaest. V. and N. Test. q. 68: And the souls of them that are slain cry out to be avenged; as the blood of Abel cried out of the ground not with a voice, but in spirit [margin note: ratione]. As the work is said to laud the workman, when he delights himself in the view thereof; for the saints are not so impatient as to urge on what they know will come to pass at the appointed time.
Chrys.: Note through what steps we have now ascended hither, and how He has set us on the very pinnacle of virtue. The first step is, not to begin to do wrong to any; the second, that in avenging a wrong done to us we be content with retaliating equal; the third, to return nothing of what we have suffered; the fourth, to offer one's self to the endurance of evil; the fifth, to be ready to suffer even more evil than the oppressor desires to inflict; the sixth, not to hate him of whom we suffer such things; the seventh, to love him; the eighth, to do him good; the ninth, to pray for him. And because the command is great, the reward proposed is also great, namely, to be made like unto God, "Ye shall be the sons of your Father which is in heaven."
Jerome: For whoso keeps the commandments of God is thereby made the son of God; he then of whom he here speaks is not by nature His son, but by his own will.
Aug., Serm. in Mont., i, 23: After that rule we must here understand of which John speaks, "He gave them power to be made the sons of God." One is His Son by nature; we are made sons by the power which we have received; that is, so far as we fulfil those things that we are commanded. So He says not, Do these things because ye are sons; but, do these things that ye may become sons.
In calling us to this then, He calls us to His likeness, for He saith, "He maketh His sun to rise on the righteous and the unrighteous." By the sun we may understand not this visible, but that of which it is said, "To you that fear the name of the Lord, the Sun of righteousness shall arise;" [Mal 4:2] and by the rain, the water of the doctrine of truth; for Christ was seen, and was preached to good as well as bad.
Hilary: Or, the sun and rain have reference to the baptism with water and Spirit.
Aug.: Or we may take it of this visible sun, and of the rain by which the fruits are nourished, as the wicked mourn in the book of Wisdom, [p. 209] "The Sun has not risen for us." [Wis 5:6] And of the rain it is said, "I will command the clouds that they rain not on it." [Isa 5:6] But whether it be this or that, it is of the great goodness of God, which is set forth for our imitation. He says not, the sun,' but, "His sun," that is, the sun which Himself has made, that hence we may be admonished with how great liberality we ought to supply those things that we have not created, but have received as a boon from Him.
Aug., Epist., 93, 2: But as we laud Him for His gifts, let us also consider how He chastises those whom He loves. For not every one who spares is a friend, nor every one who chastises an enemy; it is better to love with severity, than to use lenity wherewith to deceive [margin note: see Prov. 27:6].
Pseudo-Chrys.: He was careful to say, "On the righteous and the unrighteous;' for God gives all good gifts not for men's sake, but for the saints' sake, as likewise chastisements for the sake of sinners. In bestowing His good gifts, He does not separate the sinners from the righteous, that they should not despair; so in His inflictions, not the righteous from sinners that they should be made proud; and that the more, since the wicked are not profited by the good things they receive, but turn them to their hurt by their evil lives; nor are the good hurt by the evil things, but rather profit to increase of righteousness.
Aug., City of God, book 1, ch. 8: For the good man is not puffed up by worldly goods, nor broken by worldly calamity. But the bad man is punished in temporal losses, because he is corrupted by temporal gains. Or for another reason He would have good and evil common to both sorts of men, that good things might not be sought with vehement desire, when they were enjoyed even by the wicked; nor the evil things shamefully avoided, when even the righteous are afflicted by them.
Gloss, non occ.: To love one that loves us is of nature, but to love our enemy of charity. "If ye love them who love you, what reward have ye?" to wit, in heaven. None truly, for of such it is said, "Ye have received your reward." But these things we ought to do, and not leave the other undone.
Rabanus: If then sinners be led by nature to shew kindness to those that love them, with how much greater shew of affection ought you not to embrace even those that do not love you?
For it follows, "Do not even the publicans so?" [p. 210] "The publicans" are those who collect the public imposts; or perhaps those who pursue the public business or the gain of this world.
Gloss. non occ.: But if you only pray for them that are your kinsfolk, what more has your benevolence than that of the unbelieving? Salutation is a kind of prayer.
Rabanus: Ethnici, that is, the Gentiles, for the Greek word is translated gens' in Latin; those, that is, who abide such as they were born, to wit, under sin.
Remig.: Because the utmost perfection of love cannot go beyond the love of enemies, therefore as soon as the Lord has bid us love our enemies, He proceeds, "Be ye then perfect, as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." He indeed is perfect, as being omnipotent; man, as being aided by the Omnipotent. For the word as' is used in Scripture, sometimes for identity, and equality, as in that, "As I was with Moses, so will I be with thee;" [Josh 1:5] sometimes to express likeness only as here.
Pseudo-Chrys.: For as our sons after the flesh resemble their fathers in some part of their bodily shape, so do spiritual sons resemble their father God, in holiness.
Catena Aurea on Luke (61.7)
Bede: But the question legitimately arises why there are found many curses of enemies in the Prophets. We must see that through curses the prophets sung what was to take place in the future, not (~) by wishing it to happen, but (+) by foreseeing it in the spirit.
Letters and numbers mark subdivisions. To bring out the relationship of a repeated number or letter to its antecedent, I use:
Apostrophe (') to indicate repetition of idea or words,
Minus sign (-) to indicate contrast,
Plus sign (+) to indicate complementarity.
I use the letters "I" for "introduction", "Z" for "conclusion", and "M" for "middle" or central section.
1. Wisdom (date?)
A1 Blessed the man who does not move with the evil.
Am Or sit with them.
A2 But meditates on Yahweh's law.
M1 He will be like a tree by water
M2 Always giving fruit
A-1 The wicked will not flourish, but will be driven like chaf.
A-m They will not stand with the just.
A-2Yahweh protects the just, while the wicked will perish.
2. Royal coronation
I Why do the nations prepare for war?
A1 They plotting together
Am Against Yahweh's Annointed.
A2 Let us revolt.
B1 God laughs & and scatters them.
Bm I have been annointed his king.
B2 He named me his son, with power to rule over the nations.
A`1 Kings, be warned.
A'm Serve Yahweh.
A'2 Or he will punish you.
Z Blessed are those who trust in him.
3. Individual lament for deliverance (David?)
I Yahweh, many enemies are against me.
A1 Many say God will not help me; but you protect me.
M1 I called to Yahweh; he answered.
Mm I sleep calmly
M2 Ido not fear my enemies.
B Rise, save me and smash my enemies.
Z Salvation and blessing on your people!
4. Prayer for rain (date?)
I Answer me in my need.
A1 Men, why dishonour me
Am And go after other gods?
A2 Know that Yahweh will listen to me.
M Fear him and offer right sacrifices.
B1 Many say, "Give us rain;
Bm God has turned from us."
B2 Give us joy; let our wheat and wine be plenty.
Z I sleep peacefully, because you protect me.
5. Individual lament & Innocence (date?)
I Listen, Yahweh.
A Hear my cry.
B The evil cannot stay in your presence.
C You hate oppressors.
M1 I enter your house
Mm And worship in reverence.
M2 Guide me in your way.
C' The evil are empty and unreliable.
B' Cast them out.
A+ Those who trust in you will rejoice.
Z You bless and protect the just.
6. Lament at illness (penitential. Date?)
I Do not reprove me in your anger.
A Have mercy on me and heal me.
B1 I am in trouble; save me.
M For who will praise you in She'ol?
B'1 I cry all night.
A' Yahweh has heard me.
Z Let my enemies be ashamed.
7. Individual general lament (date?)
I1 Yahweh, rescue me from persecuter.
I2 Lest he kill me.
A If I did evil to my neighbour, let him kill me.
B Rise against him.
C Gather the nations and judge me.
M Stop the evil and protect the right; you see the heart.
C' You save the right, just Judge.
B' Take your sword and act.
A- He did evil; he fell into it.
Z2' Let his evil catch him.
Z1+ I praise you.
8. Hymn to God's majesty, shared with man (date?)
R Yahweh, how great is your name.
A I will praise you with the lips of children.
B When I see the great universe,
M What is man that you care for him?
B+ You make him almost like the gods, over all your works.
A+ And over overthing on earth.
R Yahweh, how great is your name.
9-10. Lament for deliverance from the wicked, acrostic (date?)
I I rejoice in you.
A1 You drove my enemies away by your judgment.
M They have disappeared.
A2 You judge/rule the world.
B1 Yahweh is my protection
C1 Praise him for helping the weak.
D1 Pity me and lift me from death.
D2 That I may praise you.
C2 The evil are paid in kind.
B2 The evil will be eternally condemned.
B'1 Rise and punish the evil
10 C'1 Why delay in the face of evil?
D'1 Evil think God is irrelevant.
D'2 They do not understand him.
C'2 They constantly harrass the poor.
B'1' They do so saying God doesn't see.
A'1 Rise and deal with them.
M The poor depend on you to act.
A'2 Over the evil be triumphant.
I You have heard the prayer of the poor.
11. Trust (date?)
I I trust in Yahweh; why tell me to flee?
A The evil plan to shoot at the good.
B What is the Just doing?
M He is in heaven, looking on men.
B- The evil will be punished.
A- He will sent fire and scorching wind on them.
Z God is just; the just will see his face.
12. Lament for deliverance from enemies (date?)
I Save me; good people have disappeared.
A Everyone speaks falsely and perniciously.
B May Yahweh destroy lying and boastful lips.
B' I will rise up to save the weak and oppressed.
A- God's words are true.
Z You will keep your people forever, while the wicked continue to prowl.
13. Lament at death (date?)
I How long must I endure?
M1 Listen to me now.
Mm Enlighten my eyes; avert the sleep of death.
M2 Lest my enemies boast.
Z I trust in you, and will have reason to rejoice.
14. Wisdom lament. "southern"; cf. 53 "northern" (date?)
I The fool says "No God", has gone wrong.
A Yahweh examines from heaven.
B All have gone astray.
B-When will oppressors learn?
A+ They will shake; the poor rejoice.
Z Yahweh will deliver, and Israel rejoice.
15. Liturgical Wisdom (date?)
I Who will dwell in your tent?
A Who does what is right.
B Does no evil to his neighbour.
M Rejects the evil and honours the good.
B' Swore to do no wrong and kept his word.
A' Was not dishonest.
Z Who does this will never stumble.
16. Profession of faith (by Canaanite convert)
A(I) Protect me; I seek refuge in you.
B1 As for idols
Bm May they suffer
B2 I will have nothing to with their worship.
M Yahweh is my portion.
B-1 I bless Yahweh who counsels me.
B-m I keep him before me.
B-2 So I rejoice and am at peace.
A'(Z) You will not leave me in Sheol, but give me eternal life in your presence.
17. Individual lament & Innocence (date?)
I Yahweh, hear me.
A1 Silence accusers; be my judge.
A2 Test me and find me innocent.
A2' I have kept to your ways.
A1' I call to you; answer me.
M1 Deal with the rebels.
Mm Protect me as the pupil of your eye.
M1' From my enemies.
B1 They are arrogant and hostile.
B2 They want to kill me, stalking me like lions.
B2- Rise, rescue me, cut them down.
B1- Let your chosen ones prosper.
Z Let me see your face at the resurrection.
18. Royal thanksgiving (cf. 2 Sam 22)
I1 I praise you, my Protector; you will save me from my enemy.
Im I was in danger of death
I2 I called and was heard.
A1 The earth shakes and smokes at God's anger.
A2b He came down in storm cloud.
A3 In darkness and flashes of lightning.
Am Sending lightning bolts.
A3' Shaking the earth to its foundations.
A2+ He came, snatched me from my enemies.
A1+ And gave me security.
B1 He rewarded me for my justice.
B2 I kept his ways.
Bm His commands are before me.
B2' I was perfect with him.
B1' He rewarded me for my justice.
C You treat the just and unjust as they deserve.
M1 You are strong, saving the weak and bringing down the proud.
M2 You shine for me.
M1+ You make me strong to run and jump.
C' Your ways are perfect; you care for those who trust in you.
B'1 Yahweh is only God and Mountain.
B'2 Strengthens me, makes my way perfect
B'2' Lets my feet carry me to the heights.
B'1+ Lets my arm fight and win.
A'1 You strengthen me to run.
A'2 I pursue my enemies and capture them.
A'2' You strengthen me to defeat my enemies.
B'1- They cry and God does not answer; I crush them.
Z1 You make me triumphant over other nations.
Zm Blessed be Yahweh, my Mountain, who gives me victory.
Z3 I praise you for supporting the king forever.
19. (a) Hymn, then (b) Didactic praise of Law (date?)
I The heavens declare the glory of God.
A1 Day and night their sound goes everywhere.
A2 The sun runs from east to west.
B The law of Yahweh is perfect and enlightening.
C It is right, gives joy and light.
M1 It is pure and lasting.
M1' It is sweeter than honey.
C' Keeping it I will be rewarded; keep me from sin.
B+ Keep me from idols, and I will be perfect.
Z May my words and thoughts be in accord with your desire.
20. Royal prayer for victory
I Yahweh answer and protect you.
A Help you, remember your offerings and bless you.
M1 We will rejoice over your success.
Mm Now I know that Yahweh has saved his Annointed.
M2 He has saved him.
A' They trusted in arms and fell, but Yahweh let us stand.
Z God saved the king.
21. Royal Thanksgiving for victory
I Yahweh, the king rejoices in your power.
A You gave him his heart's desire and blessed him.
B He asked for life; you gave him that and renown.
M You gave him blessings and joy; he will not be shaken.
M- You will put down his enemies.
B- Yahweh will destroy them in his anger.
A- They plotted against you, but you shot them down.
Z Rejoice, Yahweh, in your triumph. We shall praise you.
22. Individual lament (date?)
A1 Why have you abandoned me?
A2 I cry day
Am and night and you do not answer.
A2 But you, the Glory of Israel,
A1- our fathers trusted in you and you helped them.
B1 I am a worm,
B2 despised.
Bm They say 'Let God deliver him.'
Bm- But you brought me from the womb
B2- and protected me.
B1- Do not stay away.
C Bulls surround me.
D1 I am ravished with pain.
M1 My strength is gone.
Mm Dogs surround me.
Mm' The picked clean my bones.
M1' They glare and divide my clothes.
D1 Do not stay away; come to my aid.
C- Deliver me from the lion and the horns of bulls, and I will praise you.
B-1 Let those who fear him praise him.
B-2 For he did not reject the prayer of the poor man
B-m But heard him.
B-m+ I praise you 100 times over in the assembly and pay vows.
B-2' Let those who fear him eat and be filled.
B-1 Those who seek him will praise him.
A-1 Let all ends of the earth come and praise Yahweh.
A-2 He rules over all.
A-m Those who sleep in the nether world will worship him.
A-2+ He will raise the dead.
A-1+ My descendants will serve him, and tell his generosity to future generations.
23. Trust (date?)
I Yahweh is my shepherd, I shall not want.
A He gives me pasture & water to revive me.
M1 If I walk in valley of darkness I will not fear.
Mm Your staff guides me.
M2 You prepare a meal for me in the sight of my enemies.
A' Mercy and kindness follow me, living in Yahweh's house always.
24. Liturgical procession (with ark, early)
A The Lord owns the world; he made it.
B Who can go up to his holy place? The innocent.
M He will receive a blessing
M+ Seek the Master of ages, the Presence of Jacob.
B+ Gates, open to the King of glory.
A+ Gates, open to the King of glory.
25. Individual general lament, acrostic (date?)
I I raise my soul to you
A I trust in you.
B Teach me your ways.
C Remember your mercy, forgive my sins.
D Yahweh will correct sinners and save the weak.
M Because of your goodness forgive my many sins.
D Yahweh protects those who trust in him.
C' Rescue me from my trouble.
B' Forgive my sins and save me from my enemies.
A+ Preserve me.
Z God, redeem Israel!
26. Innocence (date?)
I Judge me; I have kept firmly to your path.
A Test me.
B1 I have walked in your truth.
B2 I have not gone with idolaters.
B3 I hate the assembly of the wicked.
M I wash my hands with innocence and come to your altar.
B'3- I love your dwelling place.
B'2' Don't condemn me with the wicked.
B'1- They are full of wickedness.
A+ I walk in innocence; redeem me.
Z Standing in the right way, I praise you.
27. Trust (date?) Chiasm of form; ideas of two parts independent.
I Yahweh is with me; whom shall I fear?
A Enemies approach, fall down.
B Let the armies come; I do not fear.
C Only if I could dwell in Yahweh's house.
M1 He would shelter me.
M2 Now I am triumphant and will make thank offering.
C+ Hear me and let me see you.
B+ Do not abandon me, even if father and mother do.
A+ Guide me; keep me from my enemies.
Z I trust in the Strong One to see eternal life. Be courageous.
28. Royal lament at death; thanksgiving for recovery
A I call to you; do not be silent.
B Hear my plea.
C Do not reject me with sinners.
M Repay them according to their deeds.
C' They have no understanding of you; destroy them.
B+ Praise Yahweh who heard me.
A+ He lifted me up. I praise him, the Saviour of the king.
Z Save your people and bless them forever.
29. Hymn of gods to God (date?)
I Divinities, worship Yahweh.
A1 The voice of Yahweh over the sea.
A2 The voice of Yahweh in strength and splendour.
B1 The voice of Yahweh breaks cedars of Lebanon.
B2 The voice of Yahweh cracks with fire.
B1' The voice of Yahweh makes Lebanon jump.
B2' The voice of Yahweh shakes the desert.
A+1 The voice of Yahweh makes gazelles shiver.
A+2 Glory in his Temple.
Z From the flood and forever Yahweh is king; will bless his people.
30. Thanksgiving for recovery of health (date?)
I I will praise you because you protected me from my enemy.
A I called to you and you saved my life.
B Praise him; he changes bad times to good.
M1 I thought I would never move.
Mm You made me firmer than the mountains.
M2 But when you turned away I was in trouble.
B' I call to you; why not answer?
A' Have mercy; change misfortune to good.
Z So that I may praise you forever.
31. Personal lament (date?)
I I trust in you; help me.
A1 Save me, my refuge.
A2 Lead me, protect me.
Am I commend myself to you.
A2- I hate idol worshippers.
A1' You delivered me.
M1 Consider my trouble.
M2 I am wasted away.
M3 I am in disgrace.
Mm Terror all around as my enemies plot to take my life.
M3 I trust in you; rescue me from my enemies.
M2- Shine on me, deliver me from shame.
M1- Shame the wicked
A'1 You are good to those who trust in you.
A'2 You shelter them from evil.
A'm Blessed be Yahweh who worked mercy.
A'2' When I though I was lost you heard me.
A'1' Love Yahweh who keeps his faithful and punishes the proud.
Z Be courageous, you who trust in Yahweh.
32. Thanksgiving for recovery of health (penitential, date?)
I Happy those without sin.
A Yet I suffer all day and night.
B I confess my sins; may you forgive them.
M Let the devoted pray in times of trouble.
B+ They will suffer no disaster; you protect me.
A+ I will show you the way; do not be like a stupid animal.
Z The evil will suffer; those who trust in Yahweh will rejoice.
33. Hymn to Yahweh (date?) 11 lines before and after M.
I The righteous, rejoice.
A Praise him.
B Yahweh is faithful.
C Yahweh made all; so respect him.
D The Maker of all is master of history.
M Blessed the people who are his.
D' From heaven he scrutinises the hearts of all.
C' Arms, strong legs, horses are useless.
B' Yahweh looks after those who fear him.
A' He is our help; rejoice in him.
Z Let our hopes be fulfilled.
34. Thanksgiving for deliverance from trouble, acrostic (Davidic?)
I I will bless Yahweh; let the humble be happy.
A1 Praise Yahweh, for he rescued me.
Am The poor turned to him and were rescued.
A2 The angel of Yahweh protects them; they are blessed.
M1 Fear him and you will lack no blessing.
Mm Let me teach you.
M2 Avoid doing evil.
A'1 Yahweh listens to the just, but will wipe out the wicked.
A'm Yahweh helps the broken-hearted.
A'2 Yahweh protects the just in their many trials.
Z The wicked will perish, but Yahweh saves his own.
35. Individual lament at enemies (date?)
I Defend my cause.
A1 Come and fight for me.
A2 Let my enemies be turned back.
Am An angel chase them away.
A2' They tried to kill me; let them fall in the pit.
A1+ I will rejoice because you rescued me.
M1 Evil witness stand against me.
Mm I go mourning.
Mm- They savagely accuse me.
M1- Rescue me; I will praise you.
A'1 Let them not rejoice over my defeat.
A'2 They mock "Ha'ah".
A'm Do not be silent; save me.
A'm' Let them not say "Ha'ah".
A'2- Let them be ashamed.
A'1- Your people will praise you.
Z I will always praise you.
36. Wisdom & Innocence (date?)
A1 The wicked thinks up evil.
A1' He only plans evil.
B1 Yahweh, your mercy is immense.
Bm You save men and animals; how precious is your mercy.
B2 You fill us with good.
A-1 With you is the fountain of life and light, for those who know you.
A-2-Destroy the plans of the evil.
37. Wisdom on prosperity of wicked, acrostic (date?)
A1 Don't be disturbed by evildoers.
A2 Trust in Yahweh; he will give your all you need.
A3 Trust in Yahweh; he will act.
A3' Trust in him and don't worry about the wicked.
A2' Don't get worked up; he will deal with the wicked.
A1' Soon the wicked will be gone, but the just will prosper.
B1 The wicked plot, but the Lord laughs.
B2 The wicked plan to kill the poor, but will be stopped.
Bm Better the poverty of the just than the wealth of the wicked.
B2- Yahweh looks after the possessions of the just.
B1' The wicked will vanish like smoke.
B'1 The wicked borrow and don't repay, unlike the just.
B'2 Yahweh guards the steps of the just.
B'm I never saw the children of the just begging.
B'2' Do good and Yahweh will look after you.
B'1+ Evildoers will be destroyed, but the just will prosper.
A'1 The mouth of the just speaks wisdom.
A'2 Yahweh protects him against his enemies' plotting.
A'm Wait for Yahweh and you will get the land.
A'm- The wicked thrive, then vanish.
A'2' Follow justice and prosper, unlike the wicked.
A'1+ Yahweh will look after the just.
38. Individual general lament (22 verses. Date?)
I Please spare me.
A I am sick because of my sin.
B I am crushed and groaning.
M I sigh to you as I fade away.
M' My friends avoid me, enemies pursue me.
B' I keep quiet, waiting for you to intervene.
A' My sin is before me and my enemies plan to return evil for good.
Z Do not abandon me.
39. Individual lament at illness (date?)
A1 I resolved not to sin by arguing before evil man.
Am My heart is hot as I meditate.
A2 How long will I last? My days are like nothing.
M1 Every man is but vapor. In vain does man plan and pile up wealth.
Mm Deliver me from sin and reproach.
M2+ I say nothing. Act, although you justly punish; man is but vapor.
C1 Hear my prayer.
Cm I am only your transient guest.
C1' Give me relief before I depart.
40. Thanksgiving for healing, then general lament (= Ps 70. Date?)
A1 I waited and he heard me.
A2 He pulled me out of the pit.
Am He placed me on a rock, my feet secure.
A2' He gave me a new song.
A1' Many will see and be awed.
B Happy the man who trusts in Yahweh and not in evil.
C You have done wonders for me.
D You did not ask for sacrifice, but let me listen.
M I said 'Here I am to do your will'.
D' I spoke of your justice in public.
C' I don't hide your wonders for me.
B+ Your mercy is always with me.
A'1 Evils surround me.
A'2 Come to help me.
A'm Let my enemies be shamed.
A'2' Let those who seek you rejoice.
A'1' I am weak and poor. You are my help.
41. Prayer for healing & eternal life (Davidic)
I Blessed the careful speaker; Yahweh will protect him in his trouble.
A Yahweh protect him from his enemies, and help him when he is sick.
B Yahweh, have mercy, I have sinned.
C My enemies ask when I will die.
M They visit only pretending friendship.
Mm They all plot against me.
M' They plan to poison me.
C' Even those I trusted are with them.
B' Yahweh have mercy; raise me up.
A'1' Let my enemy not win, as you sustain me.
Z Praise Yahweh.
42-43. General lament (date?)
A1 As a deer yearns When shall I drink the presence of God?
Am I cried day and night while they said you are not there.
A2 So I pour out my soul, looking to celebrate in the Temple.
R Why be sad? Trust in him.
B1 I am sad, like in Sheol.
B2 Where your thunder echoes and I am overwhelmed.
Bm But Yahweh sent his grace and vision.
B2' I pray: Why do you forget me and I go sad?
B1' While enemies harrass me.
R Why be sad? Trust in him.
A'1 Take up my cause against my enemy.
A'2 You are my help; why should I go sad.
A'm Send your light and truth and lead me to your Sanctuary.
A'2+ I will worship you joyfully.
A'1+ (R) Why be sad? Trust in him.
44. National lament (date?)
I We have heard the story how you cleared the land for our ancestors.
A1 Not by their sword but by your power.
Am By you, our King, we triumph.
A2' Not by their sword but by your power.
B You are our boast.
C1 Yet you abandoned us in battle.
Cm Scattered us as prey to the nations.
C2' A disgrace to all around.
M Our defeat is ever before us.
C'1 All this, though we didn't forget you.
C'm You make us suffer.
C'2' Though we didn't forget you.
B' We are slaughtered for your sake all day long.
A'1 Wake up, for we are oppressed.
A'2' We are prostrate; redeem us now.
45. Royal wedding
I I am the skilled writer speaking to the king.
A You are beautiful and blessed.
B Take your arms and fight for justice.
C You will win.
M God enthroned and annointed you.
C+ You have ivory palaces with royal women.
B+ Listen, daughter, and marry the king.
A+ She and her companions are beautifully dressed as they enter.
Z You will have sons and everlasting praise.
46. Song of Zion & Trust (date?)
I God is our protector.
A1 We do not fear when the land and sea are in turmoil.
Am God is the stability of his dwelling.
A' He makes nations shake, and the earth melt away.
R Yahweh, our refuge, is with us.
B1 See how Yahweh made earth fertile
Bm And wars stop.
B2+ See that I am God, master of nations and earth.
R Yahweh, our refuge, is with us.
47. Hymn of God's kingship (date?)
I All peoples, acclaim God.
A Mighty Yahweh subjected peoples to us and chose us.
M God went up with jubilation; sing to him.
B He is king of all nations; let them gather around.
Z The mighty God of Abraham.
48. Song of Zion & God's kingship (date?)
I Great is Yahweh, to be praised in his Sanctuary.
A The beautiful Sanctuary.
B Kings gather to admire.
C They fear.
M As we heard, so we have seen, Yahweh's great city.
C+ There we see your mercy, and your fame to the ends of the earth.
B+ We are happy for your judgements.
A' Examine Zion's beauty.
Z So you may tell future generations.
49. Wisdom on wealth and pleasure (date?)
I 1 Listen
I 2 I will speak wisdom.
A1 Why should I fear enemies who trust in wealth?
A2 For they cannot escape death.
Am Although they could have had eternal life.
A2' Wise and foolish all die and leave their wealth behind.
A1 They stay in Sheol while people name thing after them on earth.
R They shall stay there like beasts that are no more.
B1 The destiny of the wealthy is to be food of Sheol.
Bm God will save me from Sheol.
B2 So don't be envious of the rich; though they are praised now, they will end up in Sheol.
R They shall stay there like beasts that are no more.
50. Divine judgment of the good and the wicked (date?)
I1 God declares:
Im Theophany.
I1+ I will judge those who made covenant with me.
Ai I speak to Israel:
A1 Not a requisition of animals for sacrifice.
A2 For they all belong to me.
A2' I don't need them.
A1 I want sacrifice of praise and fidelity.
Bi I speak to the wicked:
B1 Why invoke my covenant when you do evil?
Bm Examples of evil
B1+ Should I not react?
Z1 Evil, be warned.
Zm Feast for sacrificer of praise,
Z2- And drink of salvation.
51. Lament of contrition (penitential, not before 6th c. or rebuilding of walls in 444)—Besides the point stressed in the central "M", other points are highlighted in the "m"s of A and A'.
I Have mercy; cleanse me from sin.
A1 I acknowledge my sin.
Am You judge justly.
A2' I was born in sin, but teach me wisdom.
B1 Cleanse me from sin
B2 Let me rejoice, the bones you crushed.
M1 Wipe out my sin.
Mm Create a pure heart and resolute spirit in me.
M2 Do not reject me or take your Holy Spirit away from me.
B'2' Let me rejoice, with firm spirit.
B'1+ Let me convert sinners.
A'2' Save me from tears; let me rejoice.
A'm+ Open my mouth to praise you.
A'1' True sacrifice is a contrite spirit.
Z Rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.
52. Wisdom on judgment of wicked (date?)
I Evil man, why do you boast?
A1 Your tongue cuts like a razor, lover of evil and lies.
M1 God will cut you off.
Mm The just will see and laugh.
M2' Shame on man who left God to trust in himself.
A2- I flourish like a palm tree, trusting in God.
Z I will praise you for your deeds.
53. Wisdom lament, "northern" (=14 "southern". Date?)
I The fool says "No God", has gone wrong.
A Yahweh examines from heaven.
B All have gone astray.
B-When will oppressors learn?
A+ They gathered to attack, but were killed.
Z- Yahweh will deliver, and Israel rejoice.
54. Royal prayer for deliverance from foreign enemies
I God save and defend me.
A Hear my prayer.
B Because foreigners seek my life.
M God is my help.
B- Destroy my enemies.
A+ I will offer sacrifice to you and praise you.
Z For you saved me.
55. Individual lament at hostility of friends (date?)
I Listen to my plea.
A I shudder at my enemies.
B Terror invades me.
C I ask how can I fly away and escape.
D Destroy their forked tongue, for day and night violence fills the city.
M1 If it were an enemy doing this, I could bear it.
Mm But it is you, my friend.
M2 May they be destroyed.
D' I cry morning and evening and he hears me.
He comes to save me.
B' They have no fear of God, break trust and cover up.
Trust in Yahweh; he will care for you and not let you be moved.
Z You will destroy my enemies.
56. Royal lament at slanderers
I Have mercy on me. People harrass me.
A They fight me all day
Am I trust in you.
R- I boast of God, slanderer. What can man do to me?
B They plot against me.
C Deliver us from their malice. Record my sufferings.
B-If my enemies are thrown back, I will know that God is for me.
R I boast of God, slanderer. What can man do to me?
A'm God, I will pay my vows and praise you.
A- For you rescued me, that I may walk in the field of life.
57. Royal lament at slanderers
A Have mercy; I seek refuge with you. I hide with you and call for help
B He will send help.
C I am among lions.
M(R) Show your glory over all.
C' They prepare a trap for me, and fell in themselves.
B' I am ready to praise you.
A+ I will praise you for your goodness is supreme.
Z(R) Show your glory over all.
58. Lament at calumniators
I You judges are unjust.
A They are evil like serpents.
M Take their teeth out; let them flow away like water.
A+ Let them get sick and die.
Z The just will rejoice in their victory.
59. Royal lament at enemies at home and abroad
A1 Save me from my enemies.
Am They plot against me, though I am innocent.
A2 Rise against them.
R They prowl the city like dogs at night.
M1 You laugh at them.
M2 You are my protector
Mm Kill them, lest my people falter.
M2+ Let them be caught by their evil words.
M1' Let them know that you are supreme.
R They prowl the city like dogs at night.
A'2 I will praise you because you protected me.
A'1 God is my fortress.
60. National (royal) lament at enemies
A1 God, you rejected us.
A2 The earth is shaken.
A3 You gave us a wine that knocked us.
B Give us a banner to rally and win.
M1 "I will strengthen my fighters and make them triumphant."
B' Who will make me defeat Edom?
A'3 Have you abandoned us?
A-2 Help us.
A-1 With God will be victorious.
61. Royal lament at death
I God, hear my prayer.
A From the brink of Sheol I cry. Lead me to your mountain
M Let me stay there forever.
A' Hear my prayer; add days to the king's life.
Z I will praise you, fulfilling my vows daily.
62. Trust (date?)
A God is my castle; I am safe.
B Why do you gossip about me, you tottering people?
C They scheme against me.
M1 God is my castle,
M2 My triumph, I will not stumble.
M2' God is my triumph, fortress and refuge.
M1' Trust in him.
C' Men are false and empty.
When God speaks, pay attention. He announces two things:
A' He has power to punish the evil and mercy for the good.
63. Royal prayer for heavenly life
I I long for you.
A1 My soul and body thirst for you.
A2 More than dry land.
Am May I see you in your Sanctuary.
A2+ Your mercy is better than I can praise.
A1+ May I bless you in heaven.
M1 There I will be satisfied.
M2' And will praise you.
A'1 When I think of you on my bed:
A'2 Be my help.
A'm May I cling to you and you hold me.
A'2- May those who seek to kill be be brought down.
A'1- Killed by the sword.
Z The king will praise God, and liars be silenced.
64. Individual lament at enemies (date?)
I Hear my complaint.
A Save me from my enemies.
B They are attacking me.
M1 They plot to kill
M2 and think they will not be caught.
M2-But the Investigator knows.
M1- God of the Arrow will strike them.
B- He will bring them down and all will see.
A+ Let the just be glad in Yahweh.
65. Prayer for heavenly happiness and for rain (date?)
I Praise to you in the heavenly castle.
A1 We fulfil vows to you, and ask for forgiveness of our many sins.
A2 Blessed those you chose to live in your Sanctuary.
M1 You stabilize the earth
M2 and calm the sea and nations.
A'1 Let the stars bring rain.
B1 Visit the earth with rain.
B2' Soak the earth, let it sprout.
A'2 Give an abundant harvest and let the flocks do well.
Z Let them rejoice and sing.
66. Thanksgiving for recovery of health (date?)
I Praise God, all the earth.
A1 All the earth, shake before God in worship.
Am Admire God's strong deeds in the Exodus; he puts down rebel nations.
A1' Bless God for this deliverance.
M You tested us [in the desert], and brought us relief.
A'1 I come to the Temple to make the thanksgiving offering I vowed in distress.
Am Listen as I praise God for delivering me.
A'2' Deliverance proves my innocence.
Z Blessed be God who heard me.
67. Prayer for rain (date?)
A God show us mercy and bless us; show your power and victory on earth.
R Then the peoples will praise you.
M The peoples will be glad as you guide them.
R Then the peoples will praise you.
A' May earth give its fruit; may God bless us.
68. Hymn of God's triumph in history (date?)
A1 God arise, scatter enemies.
Am Let the just be happy, and gods exult before him.
A2' He cares for widows and prisoners, but punishes the rebellious.
B1 All tremble before God leading his people in the desert.
C1 Before the God of Sinai, of Israel.
D1 Rain announcement (in Canaan).
M Heavenly rain powers put into action.
D1+ It pours down.
C2+ Mount Bashan envious of Zion.
B2+ Which God powerfully established, taking captives and burying the rebellious.
B'1 Blessed be God who rescued his people (at Exodus)
C'1 And punished the evil.
D'1 See the procession.
M Bless God.
D'2' The procession continues.
C'2- Strengthen your temple; let kings bring gifts.
B'2' Rebuke Egypt.
A'1 Let Egypt, Cush etc. bring gifts and praise God.
A'm Who rides on the heavens; praise his might.
A'2 God strengthens his people; praise him.
69. Individual lament at enemies and Death (6th c. exilic)
A1 Call for help.
Am I am sinking in mud.
A2 Worn out crying and weeping.
B1 Many enemies.
B2 You know my trouble; don't let me disappoint those who trust in you.
B2+ I suffer much because of zeal for your house.
B1' I fast and wear sackcloth and am mocked.
M1 Hear me and rescue me.
M2 Save me from the mud, my enemies, from deep water.
M3 Show me mercy.
Mm Don't turn away while I am in trouble.
M3' In my distress come near, redeem me.
M2' You know my misery.
M1 No one sympathises with me.
B-1 May my enemies suffer.
B-2 Show them your anger
B-2' Judge them guilty.
B-1- My troubles are solved by you.
A'1 You deserve praise for hearing the prayer of the miserable
A'm Let the heavens praise him.
A'2 Rebuild Zion after exile.
70. Individual lament at enemies (=40:14-18. Date?) Separated, format comes out different.
A God, save me.
B May my enemies be put to shame.
B- Let those who seek you rejoice in you.
A' But I am weak and poor; help me now.
71. Lament of old man at enemies (date?)
I I trust in you; let me not be put to shame.
A1 Rescue me.
A2' Rescue me.
B1 You are my hope since I was born.
Bm I have been a target of archers, but you protect me.
B2 Let me praise you; do not reject me now that I am old.
C1 My enemies say "God has abandoned him."
Cm Do not stay far away; come to help me.
C2 Let my enemies be shamed.
M I will always hope and praise you for your saving acts
C'1 In the Temple I will tell what you did from my youth.
C'2' Let me live long to praise you.
B'1 You let me suffer, but your fidelity has seen me through.
B'2' Restore me, as I make my offering.
A'1 Let me sing to praise you.
A'2' Let me praise you, since you ransomed me.
Z Let those who wished me evil be shamed.
72. Royal blessing
A1 God, give justice to the king and his son.
A2 May he govern with justice and help the oppressed.
Am May the mountains bring peace and justice.
A2' May he defend the oppressed.
A1' May he revere you as long as the sun and moon.
B May he descend like rain, and peace as long as the moon lasts.
C May he rule far and wide and his enemies fear him.
D May kings from afar bring him gifts and serve him.
D+ For his interest in the poor and oppressed,
C+ May he live long, be given gold, and blessings all day.
B' Let the land flourish.
A'1 May his line last forever.
A2 Let his children and all nations be blessed through him.
A2' Blessed be Yahweh who works wonders.
A'1' Blessed be his name forever.
73. Wisdom on prosperity of wicked (date?)
I God is good to Israel.
A1 I am shocked at the prosperity of the wicked.
B1 The evil prosper.
C The wicked are proud.
Cm They speak against God in heaven.
C' The wicked are proud.
B2' The evil prosper.
A2 The innocent suffer.
M Why?
A-1 The evil will disappear.
B' I am disturbed and cannot understand.
B- But I am always with you, into glory.
A-2' I want nothing but you; those who distance themselves from God perish.
Z. I stay near God and prosper.
74. National lament at destruction of Temple (shortly after 586)
A Why be angry with us forever? Remember us and raise us up from ruin.
B1 Your enemies invaged the Sanctuary.
Bm They wrecked havoc.
B2 They said, Let us wipe them out.
C1 We have no more sign or prophet.
Cm How long will the enemy carry on and you do nothing?
C2 Destroy the kings from the east.
C-1You subdued the sea and its monsters.
C-m You made streams and dry land.
C-2 You made day and night, the zones of the earth and the seasons.
B'1 Remember what the enemy has done; don't let them hurt us.
Bm Don't ignore the lives of the afflicted.
B'2 See evil everywhere; don't let the poor be disappointed, but praise you.
A' Rise, champion your cause. Deal with your enemies.
75. Hymn of God's victory over the wicked (archaic)
I We praise you, God.
A I will call an assembly to judge justly; I steady the earth's pillars.
M I told the wicked not to boast or speak against God.
M+ For God raises one up and puts another down.
A+ God will give the wicked bitter wine.
Z I will praise you forever.
76. Song of Zion and defeat of its enemies (monarchy)
I God is great and famous in Israel.
A From his base in Zion he put down attacks.
B The mighty attackers you put to sleep.
M You are fearful; none can withstand you.
B' You rise in judgment to save the meek; the survivors will praise you.
A' Bring offerings to Yahweh.
Z He casts fear on rulers of the earth.
77. Lament at national misfortune (date?)
I I call. Hear me.
A I seek my God, but he attacks me by night.
B I think and get discouraged; I cannot sleep.
C I look to the past and play music to get better.
D Will he always be angry?
M Has he forgotten his mercy? Maybe his hand has withered.
D- I will recall your past deeds.
C' You did wonders for your people.
B+ You shook the world with storms.
A+ You passed over the priordial waters.
Z Lead your people by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
78. Wisdom on God's historical providence (922-721, breakup of united monarchy to fall of northern kingdom)
I.1 Listen, my people.
I.2 Tell the next generation.
I2m Keep the covenant.
I2' Pass on the lesson to the next generation.
I1+ Avoid the sins of your ancestors.
A1 Ephraim [who led the northern secession] went astray.
Am God acted in favour of ancestors.
A2 He brought water in the desert.
B1 They sinned asking for food.
B2 Doubting that he could provide it.
B3 God heard and was angry.
B3+ God sent manna
B2- And quail.
B1- They ate and were satisfied.
M1 They went astray again and God was angry.
M2 They continued to sin.
M3 They called on him when in trouble.
M3- Their were not honest with him.
M2- But God was still merciful.
M1' They rebelled again in the desert.
B'1 They forgot what he did for them in Egypt.
B'2 He turned their rivers into blood.
B'3 Sent flies, frogs and grasshoppers.
B'4 Hit their fruit trees and cattle.
B'5 Sent destroying angels.
B'6 Killed their firstborn.
B'6- He led his people like sheep.
B'5- He brought them to their land.
B'4+ But they provoked God there also.
B'3+ God heard and was angry.
B'2+ He let Jerusalem be captured and the people be killed.
B'1+ It was devastation for young men and women, priests and widows.
A'1 God woke up and punished enemies.
A'm He rejected Ephraim.
A'2 But chose David and Judah.
79. National lament at invasion of Jerusalem (shortly after 586)
A1 The nations have ruined Jerusalem.
Am They shed the blood of its people.
A2' We are the taunt of our neighbours.
M1 When will you revenge those who do this and do not call on your name.
Mm Do not hold against us the sins of our fathers; have mercy on us.
M2' Save us for your name's sake; let the nations see your revenge.
A'1 Hear the groans of those condemned to die.
A'm Pay back our neighbours the evil they did.
A'2+ And we will praise you forever.
80. National lament in last days of northern kingdom (ended 721)
I. Shepherd of Israel, hear. Manifest yourself.
R God, return to us that we may be saved.
A How long will you be angry with your people and let us suffer.
R God, return to us that we may be saved.
M You transplanted a vine from Egypt; it filled the earth.
Mm It covered the mountains and spread far.
M- Why did you break its fence and let animals devour it?
R God, return to us; see from heaven and visit this vine.
A'1 Strengthen the vine and the king; destroy your enemies.
A'2 Protect the king; we will not turn away; make us life and call on you.
R God, return to us that we may be saved.
81. Wisdom on God's historical providence (date?)
I1 Ring our your joy!
Im Celebrate the feast,
I2' for it is a law, Israel.
A1 I listened to a people strange to me and relieved them from their burdens in Egypt.
Am You called from distress and I delivered you.
A2 I answered, though you tested me near Maribah's waters.
M1 Listen and I will testify against you for having strange gods.
Mm I am Yahweh you God who brought you from Egypt. Open your mouth.
M2 But my people would not listen.
B1 Would they would listen. I would defeat their enemies.
B2'The enemies would cringe before them. I would feed them with wheat and honey.
82. Wisdom - judgment of the gods (date?)
Z God presides in the divine assembly.
A How long will you be unjust?
A' They grope about. They are not immortal, but will die like men.
Z Rise, God, govern the earth.
83. National lament at foreign enemies (pre-exilic)
I Listen, God. Don't be silent.
A1 Your enemies make noise and plot evil.
B They gang-up
C with more nations.
C- God punishes the gang
B- as he does others.
A-1 Blow them like tumbleweed and chaf.
A-2 Let them be put to shame.
Z Let them know that you are Yahweh..
84. Song of Zion for pilgrims (post-exilic)
I How wonderful is your house; I want to be there.
A1 The birds find their nests.
Bm Yahweh, my king and God.
A2 Happy those who live in your house.
M1 May the Raingiver make brooks flow.
Mm They move on pilgrimage to Zion.
M2+ Yahweh, hear us; look on your annointed.
A'1 A day in your house is worth more than being anywhere else.
A'2+ Yahweh the supreme will bless us with rain.
Z Happy the one who trusts in you.
85. Prayer for rain (pre-exilic)
A Have pity on your land; forgive your people's sins.
B Come back; do not be angry forever.
C Revive us; give us your prosperity.
A+ Yahweh says, I will give well-being to those who repent.
B+ Mercy and justice shall flourish.
C+ Yahweh will give rain and there will be prosperity.
86. Royal lament
A1 Hear me since I am poor; protect me.
Am Save your servant who trusts in you.
A2 Have mercy on me and gladden me; I call on you.
B1 You are merciful.Listen to my cry.
B2' Hear me. None is like you.
M All the nations you made will come and worship you.
B'2 For you are great. Teach me to fear you.
B'1' I will praise you.Your mercy is great.
A'1 Violent people have risen against us, but you are very merciful.
A'm Look on me and save me.
A'1' Help me and console me.
87. Song of Zion (like 24 & 48)
I Yahweh, who loves Zion, speaks:
A1 I shall inscribe Egypt and Babylonia among those who acknowlege me.
A2 Converts will come from Philistia, Tyre and Cush.
M All Zion's children are included; it will be protected.
A2' Yahwill will keep the registry.
A1' Those who suffered in you will sing and dance.
88. Lament at illness (date?)
I Yahweh, I cry. Hear me.
A1 I am loaded with trouble and ready to go to the Pit.
A2 I lie in the Grave.
A2' You put me in the lowest Pit.
A1' You isolated me from friends. I cannot come out.
M1 I call to you all day.
Mm Can the dead praise you?
M2' I call on you.
A'1 Why do you hide from me?
A'm Your fury wipes me out and surrounds me like a flood.
A'1' You isolate me from friends.
89. Royal prayer for deliverance from enemies (post-Davidic monarchy)
I1 I will praise your fidelity.
I2 made a covenant with David.
A1 Praise God's action and fidelity.
A2 God supreme in the heavens.
A3 Rules over the sea.
Am Rules over the heavens and planet earth.
A3' Powerful, just and merciful.
A2+ Happy the people who enjoy God's protection.
A1' You are our king.
M1 I revealed that I have chosen a strong man.
M2 I found David and will protect him.
M3 His enemies will not prevail against him.
M4 My faithfulness will secure his power.
Mm His is my son and first-born.
M4' I will preserve his power forever.
M3- I will chastise his sons lack of fidelity.
M2' Even so, my covenant stands.
M1' I will definitely perpetuate his rule.
A-1 Now you have rejected him.
A-2 And let his enemies plunder him.
A-3 You made his enemies happy, not protecting him.
A-m You made him the mockery of his troops and made him stirile.
A-3- How long will you be angry? Man does not live long.
A-2- Restore the fortunes of your Annointed.
A-1' Consider how your Annointed suffers.
Z Praise God (conclusion of section of Psalter).
90. Wisdom on brevity of life -over some national disaster
A Lord, our support, come. You are from eternity.
B1 Do not turn man back to the Slime.
Bm Our years are like grass.
B2' We are consumed by your anger.
M1 Our days are finished.
Mm They may be 70 or 80; So boasting and pleasure are vain.
M2' Who would think you would be angry with us. Let us realize how short our life is.
B'1 Return and give us joy.
B'2' Give us more joy than our sorrow and show us your power.
A' Let your favour be upon us and let our work prosper.
91. Royal psalm of trust
I King, state your trust in Yahweh.
A1 He will protect you.
Am Evil will not reach you.
A2' Others will perish, but not you.
A'2' With Yahweh's protection no evil will reach you.
A'm He send his angels.
A'1' They will guard you.
Z For his fidelity I will protect him and give him long life.
92. Royal thanksgiving for victory
A It is good to thank you, Yahweh.
B For you have made me happy with your deeds.
M1 A stupid man would not understand that the wicked, after flourishing, perish.
M2' Your enemies will perish, but you raise me above my enemies.
B' The just will flourish like a palm tree in Yahweh's house.
A Praising Yahweh, my faithful mountain.
93. Hymn of God's kingship (like 29, 10th c.)
I Yawheh is king; he established the earth.
M1 His throne is fixed from eternity.
M2 The waters roared, but Yahweh is greater than the waters.
Z Your throne is established; holiness is in your house forever.
94. Thanksgiving for deliverance from enemies (pre-exilic)
A God of vindication, rise!
B1 How long will the wicked flaunt themselves?
Bm They oppress your people,
B2' killing and saying God does not see.
C1 Stupid people, wake up. Doesn't God hear?
C2' Will he not punish? Yahweh knows that men's thoughts are useless.
C-1 Happy the man you teach. You relieve him from suffering
C-2' You do not abandon your people. Justice will be restored.
B'1 In such danger, without Yahweh we would have been lost.
B'm Your consolations surpass my sufferings.
B'2- Can the wicked receive your protection?
A' Yahweh was my protector, and punished the evil.
95. Wisdom on God's kingship and futility of resistance (date not clear)
A Come, let us sing to Yahweh.
B For he is a mighty God, ruling the whole world.
M Come, let us worship and bow down.
B-Today if you hear his voice, harden not your hearts as at Meribah.
A-, After 40 years I said, 'Their hearts are astray; they shall not enter my rest.'
96. Hymn of God's kingship (older than 2 Isaiah)
A Sing to Yahweh a new song
B For he is great and made the heavens.
M Give him glory and bring him gifts.
B' Tell all that he rules over all. Let heaven and earth rejoice.
A' Let the forest rejoice, for he will govern the world with justice and truth.
97. Hymn of God's kingship (date?)
A1 Yahweh reigns, let earth and islands rejoice.
Am He came in the storm to work justice.
A2' Fire goes before him.
B1 Lightning flashes.
B2' The mountains melt before him.
M1 The heavens declare his rights; all peoples see.
M2- Let worshippers of idols be shamed.
B'1 Let Zion be glad for Yahweh's acts of providence.
B'2 For you are great over all.
A'1 Yahweh loves those who hate evil and protects them.
A'm A sown field and joy await the just.
A'2' Rejoice, you just, in the Lord, and praise him.
98. Hymn of God's kingship (date?)
A Sing to Yahweh a new song, for he worked wonders and made his victory known.
B Remember his mercy, Israel; fear him, ends of the earth; see his victory.
M Sing to him, all the earth.
B' Let the sea and ocean currents shout for joy
A' Before Yahweh who comes to rule with justice.
99. Hymn of God's kingship (date?)
A Yahweh reigns; let the people tremble
B (R Praise him) Strongest king, you brought justice to Jacob.
R (R Praise him) He listened to Moses, Aaron and Samuel and spoke to them.
A+ They observed his commands; you answered and forgave the people. (R Praise him.)
100. Hymn of God's kingship & thanksgiving (date?)
A Sing to Yahweh
B We are his people and sheep.
B' Come into his Sanctuary and praise him.
A' He is good and forever faithful.
101. Royal lament & innocence
I I will sing of your love and justice.
A I live innocently and keep idolatry our of my sight.
M I avoid the evil, the slanderer, the proud.
A- I look for trustworthy men to stay with me, and avoid liars.
Z Like cattle, I will destroy all the wicked.
102. Individual lament at illness & Zion's destruction (penitential)
A1 God, hear my prayer.
A2 I have withered away.
Am I am like a lonely bird.
A2' I suffer physically.
A1' It is because of your anger.
B1 It is time to show mercy on Zion.
B2 For the sake of your people and the nations.
B3 Yahweh will certainly do so. Let it be recorded.
B+2 That Yahweh has looked down to hear the needy.
B+1 The nations will hear his name in Jerusalem.
A+1 Withdraw your chastisement.
A+2 The world world passes.
A+3 But you remain.
103. General thanksgiving (OT Te Deum. Early)
I My soul bless Yahweh for his kindness.
A God's powerful favour to his faithful.
B His mercy in spite of our sins.
M The heights of his mercy regarding our sins.
B+ Taking into account our weakness.
A' God's powerful favour to his faithful.
Z' Bless Yahweh, heavenly powers.
104. Hymn to Creator (pre-exilic)
"My soul, bless Yahweh!"
A1 God spread the heavens,
A2 put water in the heights.
B1 Laid out the earth with oceans covering the mountains.
Bm Chased the water from the land
B2 Sent some above, some below, and bound it in its place.
C1 Made mountain streams for the animals and birds.
D1 He waters the mountains and the earth.
E1 Sends rain to make plants grow, and food for man, and trees for the birds.
M Providing mountains for goats and badgers.
E'1 Made moon and the sun. Animals to hunt at night and men to work by day.
D2' Your works are so wonderful.
C2 You rule the sea, its creatures, and navigation.
B'2+ All look to you for food in due time.
B'1+ If you hide your face they die.
A'1 God is glorious, making earth shake and mountains smoke.
A'2 I sing his praise.
Z May sinners be no more.
"My soul, bless Yahweh!"
105. Wisdom on God's historical providence (pre-exilic, quoted 1 Chron 16:18ff)
I Praise Yahweh.
A1 Remember God's wonders to ancestors.
A2 His promise to Abraham and Isaac.
Am Of land.
A2+ He protected them as they wandered weak in the desert.
A1+ And led no one harm him or his Annointed.
B1 He called a famine.
M1 Joseph was sold to Egypt
M2 He suffered until the word of Yahweh came.
M3 Pharaoh put him over the land.
M4 Israel settles in Egypt.
Mm They suffered; God sent Moses and Aaron with signs.
M4+ Darkenss, and water to blood.
M3+ Frogs, flies and gnats
M2+ Hail hit their crops.
M1+ Locusts.
B2+ He hit their firstborn.
A'1 He brought them out, and the Egyptians feared.
A'2 He spread a cloud to protect them.
A'm He fed them and gave them water in the desert, remembering pact with Abraham.
A'2 Led them with shouts of joy.
A'1 So brought his people to the land of others, provided they are faithful to God.
106. National lament for unfaithfulness, historical wisdom (exilic; part in 1 Chron 16)
I Praise Yahweh for he is good.
A1 Blessed are those who observe justice.
Am Remember us and bless us.
A2 Though we sinned with our fathers.
B1 Our fathers sinned after Egypt (contrast with I1), but he saved them.
Bb1 They defied him at the Reed Sea, but he brought them through.
Bb2' Water covered their enemies.
B2 They quickly forgot and demanded food in the desert; he gave them.
C1 They angered Moses.
C2 The earth opened and swallowed Dathan.
C3 They made a golden calf.
C4 They forgot his deeds in Egypt.
C'5 He would have destroyed them, but for Moses.
C'5 They rejected a desirable land.
C'4' He raised his hand to destroy them.
C'3' They followed Baal Peor, and a plague came.
C'2- But Phinehas interceded.
C'1' They rebelled again at Meribah, angering Moses.
B-1 They would not destroy the peoples Yahweh said.
B-b1 They served their gods, and sacrificed their children.
B-b2' They polluted the land with innocent blood.
B-2+ Yahweh handed them over to their enemies.
A'1 In spite of his blessings they sinned.
A'2 In their troubles he remembered his covenant and worked wonders.
Z1 Save us for the glory of your name.
Z2 Blessed be Yahweh (with refrain concluding section of Psalm book).
107. National thanksgiving, historical wisdom (pre-exilic)
I Call to exile returnees to praise.
Aa They wandered hungry in the desert.
Am They called to Yahweh in their distress and he answered them.
Ar Let the praise Yahweh for his mercy, and wonders to the sons of men.
Ba Others lived in darkness and irons because of rebellion.
Am They called to Yahweh in their distress and he answered them.
Br Let the praise Yahweh for his mercy, and wonders to the sons of men.
Ma Others rebelled and could not eat.
Mm They called to Yahweh in their distress and he answered them.
Mr Let the praise Yahweh for his mercy, and wonders to the sons of men.
B'a Others sailed on ships and experience a storm.
B'm They called to Yahweh in their distress and he answered them.
B'r Let the praise Yahweh for his mercy, and wonders to the sons of men.
A'1 He turned wetland into desert.
A'2 He durned desert into wetland.
A'm They planted crops
A'2' and prospered.
A'1' He put out princes to the desert and settled the poor.
Z The just and wise will understand this.
108. Royal prayer for victory (cf. 57:8-11 & 60:7-14)
I I am ready; I will sing.
A I will praise you in the heavens; your kindness is greater than the heavens.
B You are above heaven; let me be victorious to deliver your beloved.
M "I will triumph over the peoples."
B' Who will make me master of Edom? Will you abandon us.
A+ Help us. With God will be victorious.
109. Individual lament at injustice (early pre-exilic)
I Listen, God.
A1 The wicked talk lies against me.
A2 In spite of my innocence and goodness.
B1 May they be condemned.
Bm May their families suffer.
B2+ May creditors take their property.
C May his future life be cut off.
D May his parents' sins be remembered.
M Since he loved evil, let it come to them.
D+ Let cursing be his garment.
C' Punish him a hundredfold.
B-1 Deliver me, the aggrieved.
B-m I am in a state of misery.
B-2 Deliver me; let them know it.
A' They curse in spite of God's blessing; may they be put to shame.
Z Thanks for answering prayer.
110. Royal celebration of victory
I. Yahweh declares:
A Iwill give you victory.
B He helps you in battle.
M1 He swore and will not repent.
Mm You are a priest forever.
M2 A just king, according to your oath.
B' He defeated your enemies.
Z God enthroned the king and lifted his head.
111. Acrostic wisdom of Yahweh's work in nature and history (date?)
I: I will thank Yahweh.
A Great are his works.
B His mercy made enduring wonders.
M He kept his covenant by giving food and land to his own.
B' He is faithful in his actions.
A' He redeemed his people.
Z Fear of Yahweh is the beginning of wisdom.
112. Acrostic wisdom, cont. of 111, on goodand wicked
A Happy the man who fears Yahweh.
B He is generous and close to God.
M Because he is generous and just he will last.
B+ He has nothing to fear from enemies.
Z His generosity upsets the wicked.
113. Hymn of Yahweh's help to the lowly
A Praise the name of Yahweh.
M1 Yahweh is supreme.
Mm Who is like him, so high?
M2 And looking down on earth.
B Raising the poor etc.
114. Hymn of God's triumph in history (9th c.)
A Leaving Egypt, Israel was in God's care.
B The sea, the Jordan, the mountains reacted.
B' Why did they do so?
A' Because of the God of Jacob.
115. Wisdom judgment of the gods (pre-exilic)
I Give honour to your name.
A Where is their God? In heaven. Their gods are handmade.
B Their members are useless. Let those who trust in them be like them.
M Israel, trust in Yahweh.
B- Yahweh bless the king and the house of Israel.
A' Yahweh bless you; he is master of heaven and earth.
Z Let us live to praise you.
116. Thanksgiving for deliverance from death (style pre-exilic)
I For love of me Yahweh listend to my prayer.
A1 I was surrounded by danger and cried:
Am Yahweh, save me.
A2 Yahweh is kind and protected me when I was down.
M My soul, relax, for you are safe.
Mm I will walk before Yahweh in the Fields of Life.
M+ I remained faithful throughout my trouble.
A+1 What shall I return? The cup of salvation along with my vows.
A+m Precious in Yahweh's eyes is the death of his devoted ones.
A+2 Yahweh, set your servant free, and I will sacrifice to you.
Z I will pay my vows in Yahweh's house.
117. Hymn to Yahweh (maybe 7-6th c.)
118. Royal thanksgiving for survival and victory
Aa1 "Praise Yahweh for he is good; his mercy is forever."
Aa2 Let Israel say...
Aa2' Let the House of Aaron say...
Aa1' Let all who fear him say...
Am I called from trouble; Yahweh answered me.
Ab1 Yahweh is for me; no fear.
Ab2 He helps me; I will defeat my enemies.
Ab2' Good to trust him rather than man.
Ab1' Good to trust him rather than princes.
B Enemies surround me (3 lines).
C They would have me fall, but Yahweh helped me.
M We rejoice because Yahweh showed his power.
C- I did not die, but live.
B- Open the gates, I will praise Yahweh.
Aa+ I thank you for my victory.
Aa The rejected stone became the pinnacle.
Aa+ It is God's work.
Aa+1 This is the day..
Ab+ Blessed is he who comes
Ab Decorate the altar.
Ab+ My God I praise you.
Ab+ "Praise Yahweh for he is good; his mercy is forever."
119. Acrostic royal dedication to Law (Deuteronomic reform, late 7th c.)
I a Happy who follow the law of Yahweh.
b Young men will study it.
A g Protect me from the lawless.
d I am in trouble, help me.
h Direct me and remove my reproach.
w May your Law make me free and fearless of others.
z Your word comforts me and makes me indignant of the lawless.
B x I follow your Law apart from the bad and with the good.
j I suffered from going astray, but came back. Protect me.
M y Let your mercy comfort me.
Mm k I am tired waiting for your help, but keep faithful.
Mm' l Your precepts are eternal, and protect me.
M' m You made me wise to love your word.
B' n I suffer much from enemies, but your word is a lamp.
s You protect me from the wicked.
A' [ Defend me now and give me insight.
p Keep me wise ad faithful, to be free from evil.
c Though opposed, I delight in your Word.
q I call on you and meditate on your Law.
r Preserve me I the presence of the wicked.
Z v With your law I escape my enemies.
t I praise you for keeping me in your Law.
120. Answered lament (late 7th to early 6th c., as all "ascent" Psalms, 120-134)
A In my trouble I called on Yahweh, and he heard me.
B Deliver me from lying lips; punish them.
M The punishment will be red hot.
B- I cannot get away from my enemies.
A- When I talk peace, they talk war.
121. Blessing
A1 I lift my eyes to the mountains for help.
A2 My help is from Yahweh.
A3 May your Keeper not let you fall into Hell's power.
M The Keeper of Israel does not sleep.
M' Yahweh is beside you to keep you.
A3' No harm will reach you day or night.
A2' Yahweh keeps you from all evil.
A1' Yahweh keeps you in all your movements, forever.
122. Song of Zion by returning pilgrim
A I was glad when they said, 'Let's go to Jerusalem.'
B Jerusalem, built by Yahweh alone, there the pilgrims go.
M It is a decree to thank him there.
B' May they pray for Jerusalem's peace.
A' For my brothers, for Yahweh's house, I pray for your peace.
123. Lament at humiliation
A1 I lift my eyes to you.
A2 As the eyes of servants on their master
A3 On their mistress,
A'3 So our eyes are on Yahweh, looking for mercy
A'2 Have mercy on us. We suffer much.
A'1 We are filled with the mockery of the proud.
124. Thanksgiving for rescue from defeat
A If Yahweh were not with us,
B We would have been overcome.
B- Blessed be Yahweh let us escape.
A' Our help is in the name of Yahweh.
125. National lament at enemy threat
A Those who trust in Yahweh, like Mount Zion, will not be moved.
M1 Yahweh is with them.
Mm He will not let sinners rule over them,
M2 provided they do no wrong.
A' Do good to the good; punish the wicked.
Z "Peace upon Israel!"
126. National thanksgiving
A1 When Yahweh changed the fortunes of Zion, we were like the sands of the sea.
A2 We were full of laughter.
A3 The nations remarked about what Yahweh did.
M Yawheh restored our fortunes, like the torrents in the Negeb.
A'3 Those who sowed in tears reap with joy.
A'2 They went out to sow weeping.
A'1 They come back with the harvest rejoicing.
127. Royal wisdom on dependance on Yahweh
A If Yaweh does not build the house or guard the city, it is useless.
M It is useless for you to get up early and stay up late, when God gives prosperity.
M' Yahweh gives children.
A Happy the man who has many of them.
128. Wisdom on dependance on Yahweh (with 127)
A Happy are those who fear Yahweh; they shall enjoy the fruit of their labours.
B You will have a happy home.
B' So will be blessed the man who fears Yahweh.
A' See the prosperity of Jerusalem along with your grandchildren.
129. National lament at enemy harassment
A I have suffered much from enemies since my youth.
M Yahweh will destroy their power.
A- Let them vanish like roof grass.
130. Royal lament of contrition (penitential)
A From the depths I cry. Listen.
M If you mark sins, who could survive? But you forgive.
M' I wait for the Lord through the night.
A' Let Israel trust in Yahweh. He will redeem them.
131. (Royal?) trust
A My heart is not proud.
M I have calmed my soul
A' like a weaned child. Let Israel always trust in Yahweh.
132. Royal celebration of bringing ark to Jerusalem (10th c.)
I Remember Yahweh, David, and all his triumphs.
A1 David swore to Yawheh.
A2 I will not sleep
A2' Or rest
A1' Until I find a place for Yahweh.
B1 We heard of it in Ephrathah.
B2 Let us go to his Sanctuary.
B2' Yahweh, come to your resting place,
B1+ with the procession praying:
M "For the sake of David, do not reject your anointed!"
A+1 Yahweh swore: David,
A+2 I will put your sons on your throne
A+1+ If they keep my covenant,
A+2+ their sons also will hold the throne forever.
B'1 Yahweh has chosen Zion as his place.
B'2 He will rest there forever.
B'2+ I will bless its pilgrims
B'1+ and priests.
Z I will make David's throne shine, and humiliate his enemies.
133. Wisdom on blessings of fraternal love
A How good it is for brothers to live together as one.
M1 It is like the oil on Aaron.
Mm Flowing onto his collar.
M2 Like the dew on Hermon.
A' There is Yahweh's everlasting blessing.
134. Liturgical hymn to Yahweh
A [Priests and Levites] bless Yahweh and his works.
M Standing in his house by night, bless Yahweh.
A' May Yahweh bless you [the people].
135. Hymn of Yahweh's supremacy
A1 Servants of Yahweh, praise him.
A2 Praise him; he chose Israel.
B1 I recognize that Yahweh is great,
B2 doing whatever he wishes.
Bm in heaven, earth and sea.
B2+ He raises clouds
B1 and brings rain and wind.
M He struck the firstborn of the Egyptians.
Mm He struck the Canaanite kings.
M' You are wonderful, defending your people.
B-1 The idols of the nations are silver and gold.
B-2 They cannot speak.
B-2' They cannnot hear.
B-1' Let their makers become like them.
A' House of Israel, bless Yahweh.
A'm House of Levi, bless Yahweh.
A'+ Blessed be Yahweh of Zion.
136. Hymn of Yahweh's historical providence
I Praise Yahweh, for he is good.
A He did great things in heaven.
B And set earth, seas and the heavenly lights.
C The sun and the moon.
D He struck Egypt.
M He led Israel across the Reed Sea.
D' Across the desert he killed great kings.
C' Sihon and Og.
D' And gave Israel their land.
A+ He remembered us in our lowliness.
Z Praise the God of heaven.
137. Lament at Jerusalem (by returnee)
A By the rivers of Babylon we wept.
B They asked us to sing on an alien soil.
M If I forget you, Jerusalem, let me be cursed.
B- Repay Edom.
A+ Repay Babylon.
138. Royal thanksgiving for victory
A I will praise you with all my heart and worship toward your Temple.
B Because of your kindness you glorified your Name and gave me victory.
M1 May all kings praise Yahweh.
Mm Let them sing how great he is.
M2 Yahweh is great and sees the lowly.
B+ In my trouble you save me from my enemy.
A' Yahweh, your kindness is eternal; do not forsake what you did.
139. Innocence (7th c., with Job)
A Yahweh, you examined me and you know.
B1 You know my rising and sitting, and my thoughts
B2 You know my departure and arrival,
Bm You know what I will say.
B2' You know my front and back.
B1' Your knowledge is overpowering.
C1 Where can I escape your spirit?
C2 In heaven or Sheol?
C2' In the east or the west?
C1' There you would catch me.
M You see me in the dark.
Mm You created me in my mother's womb.
M' I praise you and fall in wonder.
C+1 You knew me from of old,
C+2 as I was formed.
C+2' My life stages were written
C+1' before I was seen.
B'1 How wonderful your thoughts.
B'm Kill the wicked idolaters.
B'2 I hate them.
A' Examine me and know my heart. I have not worshipped idols.
140. Lament at personal enemies (style early)
A Rescue me from evil men who plan evil.
B Protect me from their hostility.
M You are my God. Hear my, Yahweh. Don't let them succeed.
B+ Let their evil come upon them.
A- Let them not stay here. Protect the poor.
Z The just will praise you.
141. Lament of Israelite on trial after fall of Samaria in 721
A1 Yahweh, I call.
A2 Hear me.
Am May my prayer rise like incense.
A2+ Guard my mouth
A1+ and heart not to participate in pagan worship.
M1 If I participate by eating with them,
Mm may the Holy One strike me,
M1' if I participate by their annointing my head.
A'1 May their judges be struck.
A'2 My bones are ate the mouth of Sheol.
A'm I pray for your help.
A'2- Save me from their traps.
A'1' Let the wicked fall in, while I escape.
142. Lament of Israelite on deathbed (pre-exilic)
I Hear my plea.
A1 I pour out my trouble to you:
Am My spirit ebbs; you know where I am going.
A2 They set traps on my path.
M1 See, no one knows me.
Mm Nowhere to go; no one to look after me.
M2 I cry to you.
A'1 Hear me; I am brought low.
A'm Save me from my strong enemies.
A'2 Free me from prison, to praise you.
Z The just will gather around me because you helped me.
143. Two distinct laments at death because of enemies (penitential, pre-exilic)
A1 Yahweh, hear my prayer.
A2 Do not bring me to court.
Am My enemy has hunted me away
A2+ I am left desolate.
A1' I remember the days of old and call to you.
B1 Hear me, or I will be lost.
B2 Let me experience your kindness. Teach me your ways.
Bm Deliver me from my enemy.
B2' Teach me your ways and lead me.
B1+ Bring me to life and wipe our my enemies.
144. Two royal psalms, (1) prayer for victory, (2) prayer for blessing on people
I Blessed be Yahweh, who trains me for battle.
A He is my protector.
B What is man that you think of him? He passes away quickly.
M Flash from heaven and destroy my enemies.
B+ Rescue me from them.
A+ I will sing you a new song, for rescuing the king.
Z Save me from my enemies.
A May our sons and daughters be blessed.
M May our barns and cattle yards be full.
C May there be no invasion or exile. Happy the people thus blessed by Yahweh.
145. Hymn of Yahweh's kingship, acrostic (date?)
I: I will praise you.
A Your greatness has no limit.
B Let your deeds be told.
C Merciful and compassionate is Yahweh.
M All your works praise you,
M' showing your great power.
C' Yahweh is faithful in all his works.
B+ All wait for your favor.
A+ Yahweh listens to those who call on him.
Z All will praise him forever.
146. Hymn of Yahweh's power and goodness (date?)
I Praise Yahweh, my soul.
A Do not trust in princes.
M Blessed is he whose help is from God,
Mm who made heaven, earth and the sea., and helps the weak and suffering.
M+ He helps prisoners, blind, bent down.
A- Heloves the just, protects strangers, orphans and widows, and frustrates the evil.
Z Yahweh will reign forever.
147. Two hymns to Yahweh (1) Rebuilder of Jerusalem, (2) Protector of Jerusalem (6th c., like 2 Isaiah)
A It is good to sing to God, Yahweh the builder of Jerusalem.
B1 He heals the broken-hearted.
B2 He counts the stars.
M1 Our Lord is great and infinitely wise.
Mm He supports the weak and humble.
M2 Praise him.
B'2 He covers the sky with clouds and gives rain.
B'1 He feeds animals.
A+ He does not esteem physical strength, but those who fear him.
I Praise Yahweh, Jerusalem.
A He has blessed you with peace.
B He quickly sends snow and frost.
B' He sends hail, then melts it.
A' He reveals his law to Israel, not so to other nations.
Z "Hallelu-Yah!"
148. Hymn to Yahweh from all creatures (date?)
A Praise Yahweh from the heavens...
B1 Praise him sun and moon...
B2 Praise him, high heavens.
Bm Let them praise him because he created them...
B2' He stabilized them from of old.
B1' Praise him from the underworld.
B'1 Praise him, storms on the earth.
B'2 Mountains and hills.
B'3 Animals and birds.
B'3' Kings of the earth...
B'2' Young and old.
B'1' Let them praise him, for he is great.
Z This song is for all his people.
149. Hymn to Yahweh on eve of battle against Canaanites (pre-exilic)
A1 Sing to the Lord
Am Let Israel rejoice in its Maker.
A2 And praise him with dance...
M For Yahweh is happy with his people.
Mm Let his saints rejoice.
M' Praising God, with swords in hand.
A-1 To repay the nations.
A-m To enchain their kings.
A-2 To carry out the divine sentence.
150. Liturgical doxology hymn (date?)
A Praise him in his holy place as he deserves.
M Praise him with...
A' Praise him, everything that breaths.
Back Psalm Text Psalm Notes
1. Charles J. Callan & John A. McHugh, The Psalms explained (New York: Wagner, 1929), p. 17.
2. Expositio Psalmorum, CCSL, 97-99 (Turnholt: Brepols, 1958).
3. La structure de l'Epitre aux Hébreux (Paris: Desclée de Brouwer, 1963 & 1976).
4. L'Analyse rhétorique, une nouvelle méthode pour comprendre la Bible (Paris: Cerf, 1989); Rhetorical analysis (a translation and revision of the French; Sheffield: Jost S., 1998).
5. In "Structures rhétoriques dans le Coran," Mélanges de l'Institut Dominicain du Caire, 22 (1995), 107-195; "Structures rhétoriques des Sourates 105 à 114," Ibid., 23 (1997), 157-196; "Structures rhétoriques des sourates 99 à 104," Annales Islamologiques, 33 (1999), 31-62.
6. Psalms, Anchor Bible, 3 vols. (Garden City: Doubleday, I: 1965, II, 3rd ed. 1974; III, 1970); in this he was followed by R. Meynet, L. Pouzet, N. Farouki & A. Sinns, Rhétorique sémitique, textes de la Bible et de la Tradition musulmane (Paris: Cerf, 1998).