Schedule for 2019 March for Life
As usual, the Dominican friars of the House of Studies will be out in force at the March for Life. Anyone is welcome to march with us. Please click here to locate where to meet us on the National Mall at 12:00 PM on Friday.
Below is the liturgical schedule of the priory surrounding the events of the March.
Thursday, January 17
9:00 PM Compline
NB — In previous years, the priory hosted an open reception beginning after the Vigil Mass at the Basilica and ending with Compline. Unfortunately, the community is no longer able to host this event. Compline remains open to the public, however.
Friday, January 18
6:00 AM Holy Hour presided over by the Dominicans in the Crypt Church of the Basilica
7:30 Lauds, followed by Mass (which will begin around 7:50)
5:30 PM Office of Readings and Vespers
7:00 Holy Hour, concluded with Compline
Saturday, January 19
7:30 AM Lauds, followed by Mass (according to the new priory schedule)