Islamic law and practice
Works by
Joseph Kenny, O.P.
- Islamic Ethics: What the Qur'ân says A systematic summary of Qur'ânic teaching, with verse references. This can be compared with The ethics of war and peace emerging from the the Sîra of Ibn-Ishâq, the earliest biographer of Muhammad, and Paul's ethics, in which I summarize J. Fitzmeyer, New Jerome Biblical Commentary.
- The Risâla An annotated translation of the treatise on Mâlikî Law of `Abdallâh Ibn-abî-Zayd al-Qayrawânî. This work of fiqh is an elaboration of Islamic ethics based on Hadîth as well as the Qur'ân.
- Basic Practices of Islam and Christianity A presentation of the "five pillars" and marriage, summarizing the contents of the Risâla, along with corresponding Christian practices.
- Islamic society A presentation of classic medieval views that have considerable influence today.
- Islamic Sufism: Experience and organization A survey of its history, with a study of the stages of dhikr and spiritual growth as presented by several Sufi theorists.
- Pornography: Islamic and Christian perspectives Delivered at seminar organized by the Department of Psychology, University of Ibadan, and published in Youth & pornography, ed. D.C.E. Ugwuegbu & B.U. Eke, a publication of the National Orientation Movement, Federal Ministry of Information & Culture, Lagos, 1989, pp. 47-60.
- Cults and occultism A talk delivered to the Muslim Students Society, University of Ibadan, 19 July 1997.
- Power in Islam A comparative examination of how different religions relate to power, showing how political and spiritual power are often at odds in Islamic society.
- Le pouvoir et l'attraction de l'Islam The French original of the above article, for a talk given in Kinshasa.
- Le recherche de Dieu parmi les Musulmans A talk on Sufism given in Kinshasa.
- Islamic law concerning women A note prepared on a request.
- Christianity, Islam and the social order The philosophical suppositions leading to divergent views of society in the two religions. Delivered in Lagos at National Interfaith Conference, 24 June 2000
- The push for Sharî`a A talk on the Muslim programme, "Trends and Perspectives", M.I.T.V. Lagos, aired 20 August 2000
- Islam: authentic or fanatical A paper given at the Colloquium on Violence and Religion, 8 June 2002, at Purdue University.
- The anatomy of violence for the conference "Islam, terrorism and African development, University of Ibadan, 8 Feb. 2006
- Government & Sharî`a in Nigeria Response to paper of Ruud Peters: “The enforcement of God’s law: Sharia in the present world of Islam,” at Conference on Comparative Perspectives on Sharia in Nigeria, The University of Jos, Faculty of Law and Department of Religious Studies, 15-17 January 2004.
- Aṭ-Ṭurṭūshī on the treatment of the tolerated classes (ahl adh-dhimma) A translation of chapter 51 of Sirāj al-mulūk (Torchlight for kings), by aṭ-Aṭ-Ṭurṭūshī (d. 1126)
Cairo: al-Mahmūdiyya Press, 1935, pp. 252-258