Wisdom words of Thomas AquinasIndependent column, 1999-2000. Thomas is known for his systematic thorough analysis of a question. His punch-packed aphorisms or logia buried in his presentation often go unnoticed. Here a few are brought out in free translation.
Philosophy of Nature A critical summary of Thomas' Commentary on the Physics. As Aristotle's Physics culminates with an argument for the existence of a First Mover, the present work evaluates this argument and discusses all of Thomas' texts that argue for the existence of God.
Humanities and the sciences For the University of Ibadan, Faculty of Arts Conference "The Humanities and social transformation in Africa," 3-4 December 2008.
Pre-natal consciousness For World Day of Philosophy, Nnamdi Azikwe University, Awka 14-15 November 2011.
The idea of an African university Edited by Joseph Kenny, O.P., with first chapter, "Lessons of World History of the University for Nigeria today." Washington, D.C.: Council for Values and Philosophy. ISBN 978-1-56518-230-1(paper). 2008 —the result of a seminar at the University of Ibadan 2002.
Kenny: Philosophy, bridging arts and sciences For a seminar on
The Idea of a Nigerian University: A Follow-up, at The Dempsey Centre, Dominican Institute, Ibadan, 21 November 2011, under auspices of the Council for Research in Values and Philosophy (CRVP), Washington, D.C./ Beirut.