Images in ChurchAfrican Ecclesiastical Review, January 1966, 40-43.
Bible Study Course: English / Hausa, prepared while working in the Diocese of Sokoto, 1966.
Stations of the Passion and Resurrection Lagos: Dominican Publications, 1977 etc. Fourteen of each, with Gospel summaries, Psalm verses and hymns. Meant to provide a solidly Biblical meditation, together with all the devotional impact of the familiar “Stations of the Cross”.
Powerful titles of Jesus in the Bible Lagos: Dominican Publications, 1994. Like the great number of Muslim devotional works on the 99 names of God, this work is a complete Christology in prayer form, meditating on 101 names of Jesus in the Bible.
Sunayen Yesu guda ɗari da ɗaya, a Hausa version, written in 1974, of the 1994 publication, Powerful titles of Jesus in the Bible.
Dominican Liturgy: original chants and texts for today: In original languages, Psalms in chiastic format, with links to my English translation. A two year cycle of Scripture readings for Office of Readings of Ordinary Time, following (promised by Vatican as a "supplement" - Inst. Gen. 145, but never delivered). Antiphons, responsories and hymns from the Dominican Poissy Antiphonary (c. 1335), most of it never published in Dominican liturgical books —a patrimony centuries of Dominicans were cheated of as a result of the Black Death, confiscations and looting of manuscripts and indifference. Sunday Benedictus and Magnificat antiphons redistributed to suit the gospel of the current year. The whole of Mass texts and chants. All of this with sound —click the chant or button to hear it.
Scriptures in original languages Full texts. Note Tobit & Sirach with original language. Note much of New Testament in chiastic layout.
The Deutero-Canonical Books of the Bible in Hausa Translated by Musa Danjuma and Joseph Kenny, O.P., published by the United Bible Societies, 1979). To read it, the font "Arial Unicode MS" or "Lucida Sans Unicode" is required. Here also are links to other Hausa material.
The Psalms and Canticles in Hausa The Psalms and Canticles in Hausa, a new (2001) translation by Musa Ɗanjuma and Joseph Kenny, O.P. (the same who translated the Deutero-Canonical books of the Bible published by the Bible Society), following the format of the Hebrew and English editions above.
Ibadar Mass The order of Mass with all the prefaces, translated by Musa Ɗanjuma and Joseph Kenny, O.P.
Kos na labarin ceto Course on the history of salvation, prepared for Malumfashi Catechetical Centre, in 1965
Hanyar giciye The way of the cross, according to Matthew
Ibadan University, Inaugural Mass sermons Sermons delivered at Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Parish, University of Ibadan, for the inaugural Masses of the accademic year, 2007, 2008, 2010.
Le Nigéria et le Ghana In Philippe Denis, Histoire des Dominicains en Afrique (Paris: Cerf, 2001), 98-117.
The Catholic Church in Tropical Africa 1445-1850 (Ibadan University Press & Dominican Publications, 1982) For this middle period of African Christian history there is hardly anything in English
except for a few specialized articles. The material is vast enough to write many detailed volumes. This general survey, with perhaps a little greater
concentration on the Nigerian material has as its aim to present a factual account, telling all that is of interest, whether to the glory or the shame of
the Church, with no apologetic tidying up of history.
Church contextualization in Nigeria, 1970-1990 A reworking for publication of a paper given at the AECAWA Inter-Religious Dialogue Commission seminar at Ikeja, Lagos, April 1993, in collaboration with Segun A. Taiwo, O.P. and Paul Bola Oye, O.P.
Satisfaction for sin M.A. thesis, Aquinas Institute of Theology, Dubuque, 1964. Could be developed and updated, but contains serious spadework for a topic that is still very current.
African culture and medical ethics for Health-Related Biotechnology in Africa: Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) of Transfer and Development, An International Workshop/Symposium sponsored by World Health Organization NICEF/UNDP/WORLD BANK/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases, in collaboration with West African Biotechnology Workshops Series (WABWS) West African Bioethics Program and the
College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, Ibadan, Nigeria: 4-6 April 2005.
Authority in Pentecostalism: Comparative theological perspectives in Tradition and compromises, Essays on the Challenge of Pentecostalism, ed. Anthony Akinwale, O.P. and Joseph Kenny, O.P. The Michael J. Dempsey Center for Religious and Social Research, Dominican Institute, Ibadan.